
In the wake of her successful campaign for Tennessee’s “Yes on 1” (see pic above) and with our beloved Rosebud about to turn two this coming spring, we knew that it was time.

Bible memorization and catechism time.

Rosie’s shown a lot of promise on the linguistic front as we’ve ramped up to this moment. She’s counting aloud often (and mostly accurately). She loves her “Alphabet Bug”, which is this cool stuffed centipede-ish creature given to her by Uncle Dale. It’s about four feet long and has a letter of the alphabet embroidered big and bold on each colorful segment of its body. She loves doing her alphabet with Mr. ABC’s.

She is just loving the book scene, too. Being read to is her favorite thing. Mommy and Daddy (especially Mommy) have now memorized many a children’s book thanks to Rosebud.

So things have been encouraging.

Of course, along the way she’s come up with some adorable mutilations of existing words as well as a handful of entirely new creations of her own.

Her first word was “Daddy” (YES!).

Second word?


(Sorry, Holly.)

“Mommy” was third, and it’s been off to the races since then.

She’d been on a streak of getting the right sounds for the right words and attaching them to the right things. But then came the Rosie-crafted “monema” (pronounced: Mow-nee-mah). That was what she called waterand banana.

Yep, for no reason that we’ve yet been able to decode or decipher, both water and banana were known to Rosie as monema. (She has since corrected her labeling of banana with the more understandable “mana”.)

Other than that, she’s been right on target. The only other notable twists have been extended versions of “pizza” and “spaghetti”, in which she drags out the end of the word indefinitely while smiling and slowly tilting her head and eyes upward.



It’s awesome.

With that in mind, it came as no real surprise tonight when, after her following me diligently through a first run of Genesis 1:1, things got a little wacky.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. ~ Genesis 1:1

After reading through once with her following along, I started to walk her through the passage, encouraging her to repeat each word after me.









Adorable, sure, but not exactly what we were aiming for.

Still, it was a beautiful moment. We laughed, cuddled and then…went through it again from the top twice without any pasta-related interference whatsoever.

God is good.

I just wanted to share that magical moment with y’all as my last post of the week. I will be speaking at a marriage conference tomorrow and will probably not be able to post on Saturday as a result. Lord willing, we’ll be back in action here again on Monday.

In the meantime, thank you for your encouragement and support.

And be sure to savor those busgetti moments whenever God sends ’em your way.


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© 2015 Scott Alan Buss – All Rights Reserved.
Soli Deo Gloria!



One Response

  1. that's a great story, I wish I would have taken the time to enjoy more of those moments when my kids were small. God Bless you Scott and Holly

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