Of the many things causing The Establishment to soil itself these days, cryptocurrency is high on the list.

Few things terrify Establishment elites and dependents like the thought of a currency system operating outside of State control. Without the power to magically produce “money” out of thin air, their endless programs and wars would die of starvation in very short order. Without the power to “legally counterfeit” wealth, the vultures and leaches atop the pyramid under which we now labor would have to actually work, earn, risk, and fail on a level playing field with everyone else, and we all know they’re never going to do that…voluntarily, anyway.

If you or I do what they do, it’s called “counterfeiting”.

But when they ascribe value to otherwise valueless paper or digital scraps, and then use the coercive power of the State to enforce our compliance with their use of this power, it’s called “legitimate legal currency production”.

This is the context into which cryptocurrencies have been born.

On the Big Picture side, cryptocurrencies represent one of the more dramatic and culture-rocking fruits of the decentralizing technologies being raised up by God at this remarkable time in His creation of history. To see technology in the hands of non-insiders used to effectively challenge the very heart of the Establishment’s System of Systems the way that cryptocurrencies have shaken long-standing banking empires is awesome to behold.

While there are many questions still to be answered where cryptocurrencies are concerned, and all cryptos are unique creations with strengths and weaknesses of their own, the fact of their emergence is a very significant and beautiful thing.

Old paradigms are fading away.

Long-standing and long-ruling idols are crumbling and about to fall.

Empires built on the great lie of fiat currency are inn their last days.

Dramatic decentralizing change is coming…and fast.

For those who’ve not yet dipped a toe into the into the cryptocurrency pool, I just registered Fire Breathing Christian with CoinBase. Anyone who signs up using this link will receive $10 in Bitcoin with their first $100 purchase of cryptocurrency.

To check it out, please click here.

Whatever your take on cryptocurrency and whether our not you decide to become personally involved with this decentralized and rapidly growing economic option, we should all thank God for the dramatic ways in which He is even now moving to decentralize power and destroy the idols that have enslaved us for so very long.

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consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways:

You can drop a few bucks in the tip jar by making a one-time donation through PayPal.

You can also donate using cryptocurrencies at the following locations:

To sign up for your own cryptocurrency wallet (and receive $10 free bitcoin with your first $100 purchase), please click here.

You can make a regular contribution by joining our monthly support team.

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You can also help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission by checking out these books:

Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity takes a painful but much needed look at how Christ-less “conservatism” has captivated Christians and co-opted them into helping march the culture ever deeper into darkness:

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The Beginning of Knowledge: Christ as Truth in Apologetics is an approachable, easy to read introduction to Christ-centered apologetics:

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Apathetic Christianity: The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity explores the tragic true horror story of all-American dead religion masquerading as Christianity:


On Education is a compilation of some of the most provocative and compelling Fire Breathing Christian articles on the subject of children’s education:

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There Is No “God-Given Right” To Worship False Gods is a compilation of some of the most provocative Fire Breathing Christian articles on the subject of America’s embrace of a satanic approach to religious liberty:

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Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution is the book that first presented the FBC mission to apply the Gospel-fueled Great Commission in every realm of God’s creation:

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An alternate white cover version of Fire Breathing Christians is available:

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There is also an alternate black cover version of Fire Breathing Christians:

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Finally, here are a few good intro/reminder links for those of you who are new to Fire Breathing Christian and curious about exactly what’s goin’ on ’round here:

What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!

What’s with that shark-fishie graphic thing?

Intro to Fire: The Power and Purpose of the Common Believer

When the Bible gets hairy. (Or: Is it right for men to have long hair?)

And especially this one: Never forget that apart from God’s grace you and I are complete morons.


5 Responses

  1. If you look at who owns Bitcoin, it is largely governments and central bankers, and those with ties to them. No one knows who Satoshi is, if it is even a person and not a secret consortium of central bankers. And transaction fees will continue to be collected indefinitely by the miners, who are mostly the central bankers. So I am concerned that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are just the next iteration in central banking control over the populace, who will continue to extract value from the economy. If all transactions are digital, and if a small handful of companies provide all of the access to the internet, then people will be enslaved to this new digital marketplace to an extent never before seen in human history. I for one, am concerned that this represents one more step toward global tyranny.
    Physical forms of currency like gold (or at least currency backed by something physical) have served humanity well for millennia, and seem more consistent with God's laws than a cryptocurrency that has the potential of excluding Christians and other social "undesirables" from the marketplace totally.

    1. Here's a copy/paste of an answer to a similar post (I will try to follow-up with a specific response later, but I'm short on time right now):

      "Cryptos are indeed very similar to central bank backed fiat currencies in many ways. They are also distinct from them in meaningful ways, including their decentralized (and decentralizing) nature. While I would argue that cryptos are significantly superior to things like US dollars in many ways (and therefore should be considered as temporary economic tools), I would strongly lean toward more tangible, intrinsically valuable forms of currency like gold and silver.

      I suppose the best way for me to briefly summarize my approach in practice is to say that, while recognizing them as evil, I am willing to use things like US dollars and cryptocurrencies in certain instances (with a belief that cryptos are superior to dollars), but that I ultimately aim to preserve wealth through things like silver and gold whenever possible.

      I greatly appreciate your question and I hope that these clarifications are helpful.



  2. I'm confused . . . isn't Bitcoin a fiat currency? It is not backed by gold or anything of intrinsic value, right? So shouldn't Christians consider it just as much of a "false balance" as the American dollar? (Asked in all sincerity, not in sarcasm.)

    1. Cryptos are indeed very similar to central bank backed fiat currencies in many ways. They are also distinct from them in meaningful ways, including their decentralized (and decentralizing) nature. While I would argue that cryptos are significantly superior to things like US dollars in many ways (and therefore should be considered as temporary economic tools), I would strongly lean toward more tangible, intrinsically valuable forms of currency like gold and silver.

      I suppose the best way for me to briefly summarize my approach in practice is to say that, while recognizing them as evil, I am willing to use things like US dollars and cryptocurrencies in certain instances (with a belief that cryptos are superior to dollars), but that I ultimately aim to preserve wealth through things like silver and gold whenever possible.

      I greatly appreciate your question and I hope that these clarifications are helpful.



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