What could be more idiotic than the notion of requiring a professional to attain a license from the U.S. government in order to practice their craft in “the land of the free”?
Remember: The government in question can’t even figure out the difference between a boy and a girl. Or the difference between an actual marriage and two (or three or ten) homosexuals pretending.
Worse yet, not only is this government incapable of rightly defining even the most basic, necessary concepts at the foundation of civilization, but it actively wages war against the simple, clear truth on family and gender.
Think about that.
Let it soak in.
Now ask yourself: Do we really want these people to have the power to dictate who can and who cannot practice ________ in America?
Does this government have anything remotely resembling a legitimate claim to even identifying, much less licensing, a good teacher?
Again: Think. Please think.
And remember: This government can’t tell the difference between a boy and a girl. It doesn’t even know what a family is. It literally doesn’t seem to know up from down, right from wrong, or good from evil. If it actually does know anything true about any of these things, then we can quite confidently say that it is actively opposed to whatever that truth is.
So why are we putting up with this?
Why do we just blindly submit to this notion of government controlling everything, including whether or not we are legit teachers when it – the government – literally doesn’t know its backside from a hole in the ground? (And doesn’t want us to know the difference either.)
Sadly, the answer is that our parents and grandparents caved to this comical perversion of “professionalism” long ago and sent us off to be “educated” by the State, where State-licensed “education professionals” proceeded to escort us and our culture directly to the hell that we’re in now.
Nice job, “professionals”!
Way to go, State licensing!
At least one crystal clear lesson has been taught, however inadvertently, through all of this insanity: Giving government the power to regulate professions is a terrible idea.
It has to go.
Right now
And we should never give it that power again…even if it does one day learn the difference between a boy and a girl.
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You can also help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission by checking out these books:
Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity takes a painful but much needed look at how Christ-less “conservatism” has captivated Christians and co-opted them into helping march the culture ever deeper into darkness:
The Beginning of Knowledge: Christ as Truth in Apologetics is an approachable, easy to read introduction to Christ-centered apologetics:
Apathetic Christianity: The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity explores the tragic true horror story of all-American dead religion masquerading as Christianity:
On Education is a compilation of some of the most provocative and compelling Fire Breathing Christian articles on the subject of children’s education:
There Is No “God-Given Right” To Worship False Gods is a compilation of some of the most provocative Fire Breathing Christian articles on the subject of America’s embrace of a satanic approach to religious liberty:
Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution is the book that first presented the FBC mission to apply the Gospel-fueled Great Commission in every realm of God’s creation:
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Finally, here are a few good intro/reminder links for those of you who are new to Fire Breathing Christian and curious about exactly what’s goin’ on ’round here:
What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!
What’s with that shark-fishie graphic thing?
Intro to Fire: The Power and Purpose of the Common Believer
When the Bible gets hairy. (Or: Is it right for men to have long hair?)
And especially this one: Never forget that apart from God’s grace you and I are complete morons.