On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers?

So what is today to you? Is it Halloween, Reformation Day, or just another Friday? Most professing Christians would go with the first or the last. The middle option usually isn’t even on our radar. Most of us don’t even know that there is such a thing as Reformation Day…or that there is, in fact, right here […]
The Zombie Appeal of American Churchianity

(This is a continuation of Zombie Religion and McGospel Salvation: So easy a dead man can do it., which you can read by clicking here.) . Like any good network marketer or pyramid scheme advocate, the wise American Churchianity religionist knows that the last thing you want to do in the process of courting a […]
Zombie Religion and McGospel Salvation: So easy a dead man can do it.

The Sticky Sweet Poison of Easy Believism . “If you love soft preaching, you love a hard heart.” ~ Doug Wilson . “Sermonettes make Christianettes.” ~ A.W. Tozer . In November of 1970, George Harrison released the single My Sweet Lord, a folk rock tune that would rocket to the top of the international charts, all […]
The (Church Built) Zombie Apocalypse Is Upon Us

“I don’t read the Bible very much, and I really don’t want to.” She spoke calmly and clearly, sitting there as we talked over the kitchen table the way we had a hundred times before. Then, between sips from a favorite black coffee cup, she almost casually elaborated, “And I don’t feel bad about it […]
Flu-Shot Jesus: Candy Christianity’s Magical Superpal (Sample Chapter from “Apathetic Christianity – The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity”)
The following sample is the complete third chapter from the book, “Apathetic Christianity – The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity”. If you like it, please pass along this link to anyone else you know who might me interested and inspired by the message of this book. Thank you for your prayers, patience, and support!
Light and Grace in the Land of the Dead (Sample Chapter from “Apathetic Christianity – The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity”)
“I don’t read the Bible very much, and I really don’t want to.”
She spoke calmly and clearly, sitting there as we talked over the kitchen table the way we had a hundred times before. Then, between sips from a favorite black coffee cup, she almost casually elaborated, “And I don’t feel bad about it at all. I really don’t.”