Republicans Preserve Obamacare (Again)

If only we had Republicans running the show in DC, we’d get small government, right? If only we had Republicans in control of the Senate, the House, and the White House all at the same time, we’d see the massive growth in American State power and American citizen dependence reversed, right? This is the rhetorical […]
Republican leadership begs for Socialism. Literally.

How funny/sad would it be for a Republican leader to literally get down on his knees and beg for massive, life- and culture-shaping Socialist systems and programs in America? No need to wonder. ‘Cause it has happened. In a lovely little ditty titled Paul Ryan “Begged On One Knee” For Obamacare Repeal Vote, we learn that – you […]
You have to vote for TrumpCare to find out what’s in TrumpCare.

Oh yeah, Republicans are different. Republicans are our only real hope here in ‘Merica. Trump will save us…from what, exactly? Socialism? Uh, no. Trump and the GOP are wholly committed to Socialism, just with a few sprinkles of crony capitalism (meaning: not free market based at all) thrown in to flavor things up a bit. […]