Why Trump Should Identify As A Woman To Become The First Woman President
During the 2016 presidential campaign, there was a whole lotta noise about how Hillary was going to “break the glass ceiling” by becoming the first woman President. But why would we need an actual woman for that? If Bruce Jenner can be a woman, then why can’t Donald Trump? Why can’t Trump just “identify as […]
Ze Heil! (Or: American Education’s Orwellian War on God and Gender)
I remember sitting in my living room with a group of men about a year and a half ago. We are chilling out together, doing a Bible study, and having good conversation. As the conversation rolled on a bit, it got a bit more serious – serious in a good way for the most part, […]
Of course Jeb Bush is “fine” with the idea of “transgender” soldiers in the US military. That’s just what Pagan Right politicians do.
Since there are still so many professing Christians in America who are entranced and enthralled by the Pagan Left/Pagan Right political puppet show that has dominated the scene here in ‘Merica for generations now (I was once way into this camp myself), it’s always a good idea to point out how the top tier “conservative […]
Bruce Jenner Transitions Into Republican Christian Woman
So last night America and the world was treated to the “news” that Bruce Jenner is now not only a woman, but also a Republican and a Christian. And by now there are tens and perhaps hundreds of millions of professing Christians in America and across the globe shaking their head and rolling their eyes […]
What exactly is a “Transgender Girl Scout”? (Or: How to destroy children and language at the same time.)
As Breitbart reports, a Utah Girl Scout troop is hoping to attract “transgender” recruits: “The idea is to attract “transgender” youth and children living with an LGBT parent.” So if there was to actually be such a thing as a transgender Girl Scout, one question that seems to leap to mind is: Would they still […]
Gender Chaos: The Insanity (and Impossibility) of “Sex Change”
One of the more, um, flamboyant manifestations of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant America, is our culture’s embrace of an “anything goes” approach to sexuality, which has metastasized into an anything goes attitude on the very concept of gender itself. We see it everywhere – in Starbucks commercials, Apple ads, […]