How Public Schools Routinely Abuse Children By Putting Them In Tiny Padded Cells
I know, I know…isn’t a title like “How Public Schools Routinely Abuse Children” a bit dramatic? Isn’t a line like “How Public Schools Torture Children” way over the top? For those of you thinking along those lines, please consider the following: Imagine that a homeschool family was discovered to have constructed a tiny little windowless padded […]
Torture for Terrorists + Christians as Terrorists = Torture for Christians
[5/16/15: As open hostility toward biblical Christianity in America continues to ramp up, and with the enforced culture-wide embrace of sexual perversion building momentum, this seems like a useful post to revisit.] Okay, let’s see if we can connect the dots here: “Terror” is what the State and its tools tell us it is. It’s what ISIS, al-Qaeda, […]
What is “the greatest force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known”?
“. . . the United States of America will remain the greatest force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known.” So ends today’s Statement by the President on the Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The Senate report in question, known as “The Torture Report”, chronicles all sorts of activities […]