Yes, everything is purposeful. And that shouldn’t necessarily make you comfortable.

Yes, everything is purposeful. And that shouldn’t necessarily make us all comfortable. It is certainly true that everything – every thought, act, consequence and benefit to ever occur anywhere at any time in God’s creation – is perfectly ordained by Him to accomplish His purposes. There is not, as RC Sproul is known for saying, […]
With “conservative experts” like these, who needs Darth Vader?

If you thought the proliferation of Dumb and Dumber sequels was a really bad sign for America, you oughta check out Fox News‘ endless parade of “conservative” commentators (many of whom claim to be Christian, of course). These guys (and gals) effortlessly captivate the hearts, minds, and political passions of vast numbers of professing Christians in the land, leading […]
Is privacy too much to expect in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA?

Is privacy just too much to expect these days in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA? Why yes, of course it is! (See: Privacy is for masters. Transparency is for slaves. Welcome to “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.) What a stupid – and increasingly […]
The Fear-Fueled Politics of American Statism

Ever wonder what a culture dominated and defined by fear might look like? Fear of the world and what’s in it, I mean. Not a fear of the Lord. While the latter sustains and enables the increase of all true life, hope, joy, prosperity and security, the former erodes all of the same until they have completely vanished. […]
God Is Fixing This (On *His* Terms)

As if we needed yet another sign that American culture is both presently under the wrath of God and begging for more, we got the following gem this week from The New York Daily News: To which a biblically literate person might well respond: God is fixing this, and perfectly so. An American culture that believes its […]
ISIS: Priceless Tool of American Statism

It’s not hard to see what’s going on here. It’s more a matter of desire than ability for most; of not wanting to see that which is obvious but far too frightening and intimidating to acknowledge as truth. The US and its allies routinely find ways of “accidentally” funding and fueling ISIS, al Qaeda, and […]
So the American State has to destroy our freedom in order to protect it? Oh yeah, that makes sense.

If the incredible rate of loss of freedom in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA isn’t inspiring profound concern and intense prayer for the fate of your families and your children’s futures…then please, ditch the football/circus distraction, dive into Truth, and start acting like an adult this weekend. There’s still […]