What if Russia launched missile strikes on Planned Parenthood operations in America?

It’s been a revealing year or so here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. The American Perpetual War Machine is as itchy for war with Russia as it’s ever been and we’re as nonchalant as we’ve ever been about committing flagrant acts of war all over the globe while […]
What if the US military was used to end the mass murder of American children in America?

Today in America, hundreds of American baby boys and girls will be openly, systematically and “legally” murdered. They will then often be “legally” dismembered and “legally” sold piecemeal to “legally” protected (and often taxpayer funded) ghouls. Today in America, the once-private conversations of American citizens are slurped up and analyzed by an Orwellian surveillance system so thorough in […]
Just a quick reminder: The American State desperately wants war with Russia.

Ah, October…leaves change color, the air gets crisper, and, if you live in America (or the America-led West), the clarion call to war with Russia picks up pace and gets really loud. So here we are in early October of 2016 and, just as surely as Pumpkin-flavored everything makes its annual assault on menus across “the land of the […]
Begging For War (Again): Russian jet shot down by “accomplices of terrorists”.

If there’s one thing ‘Merica will not tolerate, it’s Russians attacking our “moderate terrorist” allies…like al-Qaeda in Syria. (See: Russians Launch Plot to Kill Neo-Con GOP Senators…by way of Syrian Air Strikes.) This aggression will not stand! So when a Russian fighter was recently shot down by a Turkish F-16 and the subsequently parachuting Russian […]
Oops, we “accidentally” armed al Qaeda with anti-tank missiles…again…

Over the past week – a week in which US President Barack Obama once again put a fine point on America’s long running desire to see Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad deposed – Russia has responded by pointing out an obvious and very inconvenient truth for proponents of US-as-Global-Good-Guy fiction. That inconvenient truth is that ISIS is, like al Qaeda before […]
Is Putin killing ISIS and Nicolae Carpathia at the same time?

Could Russia’s Vladimir Putin be killing – or at least seriously wounding – two forces of satanic thought and cultural decimation at once? Could “Mad Vlad” at this very moment be dealing death blows to not one but two manifestations of the true (meaning: biblical) spirit of antichrist? Could the Putin-directed Russian army and air force even now […]
Oops, we “accidentally” gave ISIS a boatload of Toyotas.

No wonder the American State is all “outraged” and such over Russia’s deadly serious not-playin’-around-at-all strikes on ISIS in Syria. America has way too much invested in this ISIS outfit to just let it get all blowed up and stuff. As we reported in October in Oops! We “accidentally armed ISIS”…again…, we’ve “accidentally” airlifted weapons to ISIS in Syria before. […]
Russians Launch Plot to Kill Neo-Con GOP Senators…by way of Syrian Air Strikes

Just when you think you have the Russians figured out, they go and do something…devious. But that’s what Russians do, isn’t it? Be devious, I mean. (See also: Need (another) war? No sweat! Just play The Hitler Card.) In this case, they’ve taken their native deviousness to daring extremes by launching surprise air strikes […]
Imagine there’s no borders…it’s easy if you try…

What if I told you that the southern U.S. border crisis, the pending U.S. invasion of Syria, the ongoing murderous rampage of ISIS/Islamic State in Iraq, and the pending eruption of similar acts right here in the U.S. were all clearly and purposefully connected? Well, if you’re like me, you might be depressed (or […]