No Uncle Scam, You Cannot Have Our Daughters – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 11)
Who owns you? Do you own you? Or does the American State own you? Put another way: Are you free? Or are you the property – the slave – of the State? In this episode of The Hell Razer Report, we consider recent legislation passed through the US Senate that would have women register for the draft, […]
Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And Why That’s A Beautiful Thing) – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 10)
In last week’s installment of The Hell Razer Report podcast (sorry for sharing it here a week late!), we explored the upcoming “Brexit” vote that could enable Britain to finally leave the European Union. We examine how the concept of decentralization highlighted by this historic vote is both beautiful and ultimately inevitable as the Kingdom of God […]
No, Uncle Scam. You cannot have our daughters.
Who owns you? Do you own you? Or does the American State own you? Put another way: Are you free? Or are you the property – the slave – of the State? From the American State’s perspective, there’s little doubt as to the answer: You no more own yourself than you can actually own a […]
How fear-fueled politics compels cowardly American Christians to choose wicked leadership. – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 7
In this installment of The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast, we begin a week-long run of diving deep into subjects and issues shaping the culture around us, beginning with America’s fear-fueled approach to politics. We examine the useful myth of “the lesser evil” and take look at how we’ve allowed fear of everything and everyone but God to […]
“Can We Please Stop Rearranging Deckchairs On the Public School Titanic?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast
Do we want disciples of the State or disciples of Christ? Pick one. Choose this day whom you will serve…and to whom you will give over your children for mind-sculpting and worldview training. In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report we take a look at a popular saying regularly used by lazy American professing […]
How fast can the U.S. fall? Consider the U.S.S.R.
Why are we so prone to make an idol out of the State? Why are we so inclined to embrace the State as our ultimate provider and sustainer here in “the real world”? Why are we so automatically and unconsciously disposed to make the State our God in practice? The religion and worldview of Statism has been […]
Will Obama’s decree of open toilet education finally wake up Christian parents and inspire an exodus from public schools?
Here we are again: President Obama, serving quite effectively in his role as one of the more glaring judgments of God upon America, has decreed from the lofty heights of Washington that all American public schools are to embrace and enforce “open toilet education”. For those of you who’ve not yet heard the glorious news from on high […]
America’s Ongoing Black Mass: Satanists To Openly Worship In The Heartland (Again)
So, according to numerous reports, Satanists are openly advertising and planning (yet another) Black Mass in America, this time in the heartland state of Oklahoma. Before we get into the particulars of this installment of Black Mass Over America, let’s take a step back and get some perspective… A long time ago, in a galaxy not […]
What if Cruz supporters yanked their little children from State-run schools?
What if Ted Cruz’s most vocal, passionate, all-in supporters took any 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, or 10-year old children that they currently ship off to Temples of the State for “education” and yanked ’em out of that thoroughly satanic system? What if just half of them did so? What if just half of the […]
Ben Carson makes deal with The Donald: Endorses unrepentant biblically illiterate strip club promoter for President.
Here we go again. Another highly regarded “Christian leader” – this time one o’ the tip top faves of the super-duper-Christian-ish (and thoroughly paganized) Political Right – has “come out” as the latest in a long line of pragmatically pagan-minded politicos to endorse an unrepentant, biblically illiterate casino and strip club promoter for President. But how can […]
Why are “Pro-Life” leaders preserving abortion in Oklahoma?
Legislation has been introduced to abolish abortion in Oklahoma. So you might be surprised to hear that high profile “Pro-Life” leaders have come out against the bill…but you shouldn’t be. Why have they come out against it? Why would “Pro-Life” leaders oppose a bill that aims to really, truly, and actually abolish human baby murder? Because, so say the […]
The Sensitivity Fascists and America’s Bondage to Perpetual Adolescence
Ever wonder why there’s such an incredible, almost(?) unbelievable difference in the character and maturity levels of a typical modern American teenager or twentysomething and those of the same age from 150, 200, or 300 years back? Ever wonder what it would be like to have young men and women (meaning: mid- to late-teens) who actually […]
How’s that GOP loyalty pledge looking now, Mr. Cruz/Bush/Rubio/Carson?
Deals with The Devil are a bad idea. As it turns out, deals with The Donald aren’t so bright either. Yet that’s exactly what Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and all the rest of the Republican President wannabes jumped into back in the fall of 2015 when they each personally, proudly, and quite publicly pledged […]
Would Ted Cruz endorse Donald Trump for President? We may soon find out.
If an unrepentantly promiscuous, proud, covetous and deceitful biblically illiterate strip club and casino promoter won the Republican Party nomination, would Ted “Champion of Christian Virtue in the American Political Realm” Cruz endorse their candidacy for President? Would Ted Cruz encourage other politically active Christians who “share his values” to support the candidacy of said strip […]
Rubio and Cruz fight over who can ignore Scripture the most (in practice) while claiming to love it the loudest (in word).
In keeping with the now long-standing American tradition of professing Christian conservatives claiming the name of Christ and an affinity for the Bible in word while pretty much ignoring the Word of God on law and civil government in practice, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have locked horns in a political life-and-death battle over who will carry the […]
Pope vs. Trump: Battle of the Anti-Christs!
On Thursday, The Pope called The Donald “not a Christian”. Later on Thursday, The Donald called The Pope’s claim “disgraceful”. And with that, it…was…ON! Pope vs. Trump. Godzilla vs. Kong. Dracula vs. Frankenstein’s Monster. The unstoppable farce of man-made, man-centered religion vs. the immovable, megalomaniacal ego of the ultimate “self-made” casino promoting billionaire. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that […]
The Long Buh Bye (Some guys named Jeb Bush just can’t take a hint)
Some people just can’t take a hint. Or two. Or 140,258, the number of ballots cast for the top three vote getters in the Iowa Republican Caucus (Cruz, Trump and Rubio). Or 178,504, the number of ballots cast for the top three vote getters in the New Hampshire Republican Primary (Trump, Kasich and Cruz). article continues […]
Satanists + Bernie Sanders = American Religion On Display
When your culture cherishes the “right” to openly worship the devil as a virtue, the open pursuit of comparatively little things like Socialism and Marxism ought to be taken as a given. They’re inevitable. So being all “shocked” and “horrified” when they finally come into full cultural bloom, as they’ve been working at doing here in ‘Merica […]
Ted Cruz Brings the Gospel of American Statism to South Carolina Christians
Like inviting Dracula over for dinner, inviting a Statist over to preach has its consequences. One such consequence is the further promotion and cementing in place of the anti-Christ religion of American Statism as an ally or expression of biblical Christianity in the minds of American Christians who have for generations now been purposefully programmed to conflate secular conservatism […]
Temples of the State: The VERY Religious Mission of American Public Schools
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in […]
Taking an honest, biblical sledgehammer to Ted Cruz mythology. (Part 1)
With millions of evangelicals once again offering up pretty much zero resistance as they’re herded on cue and right on schedule into a fear-fueled Pagan Left/Right paradigm box so that they might choose from the American Statists placed before them in this cycle’s installment of The American Political Puppet Show, it’s probably a good idea to take an honest, biblically […]
Want bigger government? Vote Republican.
When’s the last time you heard a Republican President or a Republican Party nominee for President actively campaign on the elimination of Social Security? Or on the elimination of Medicare? Or on the elimination of Medicaid? Or on a dramatic reduction of the military industrial complex? Or on the elimination of the property tax, through which actual home […]
“A nation that conscripts its daughters for its defense is a nation that no longer deserves a defense.”
One of the many things that wasn’t debated at Saturday night’s GOP “debate” was the presumption of American State ownership of the American people when it comes to the notion of a military draft. These days, it’s just a given that the State owns everything, including even your body, should it decide that there is […]
RoboRubio explodes on debate stage after getting stuck in its own feedback loop.
Who says the American Political Puppet Show isn’t entertaining? Oh sure, the whole thing’s a comically contrived, controlled game aimed at amusing and distracting Americans from noticing, much less dealing with, the real problems of ever-expanding Statism and the unfolding wrath of God upon a proud, unrepentant “We the People” (with the former being an example […]
Maybe if American “conservatives” weren’t so State-dependent, they’d be less ridiculous…and less helpless.
‘Tis the season for big talk – very big talk – from professing conservatives in America. They talk about how government is way too big and outta control. They talk about how we need to return to our founding and/or Christian principles and/or values…or something like that. They talk about how if some major changes don’t […]
Obama Celebrates American Religious Pluralism at Mosque in Baltimore
Every time Barack Obama (or Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio) advocates the satanic concept of religious pluralism, almost always while claiming to be a Christian, “We the People” are reaping what we’ve sown. For generation after generation, we’ve championed as a virtue that which God despises so much that He singles it out […]
Feel the Bern, “American conservatives”. Your Socialist chicks are coming home to roost.
There’s a lot about the Bernie Sanders campaign that falls into the category of tragedy. There’s a lot about it that falls into the category of comedy. And there’s a whole lot about it that falls neatly into both slots at the same time. Take, for example, Sanders’ willingness to openly campaign as a Socialist. […]
American State seeks to extend unbiblical draft registration to women.
You know all those wars we keep launching here, there, and everywhere, often times pitched as a part of our effort to stop things like the evils of ISIS, who has been known to butcher thousands in cold blood…while at the very same time we protect the open operation of mass baby butchering facilities “legally” allowed here […]
The Practical Consequences of America’s Dead Religion
One of the more insane (and oft repeated) “arguments” as to why we cannot possibly stand firm upon the Word of God in detail and submit to the lordship of Christ in practice when it comes to the realms of law, education, economics, business, civil government, and pretty much everything else, is that […]
How the religion of American Statism will use the religion of Islam to attack Christian home education.
If there’s one thing a false god can’t stand, it’s competition. In this, false gods predictably aim to be something like one true God they strive to displace. The one true God despises these pretenders and would-be competitors, knowing that they can only lead those who follow them into darkness and death, which is why He has […]
The Kingdom of God vs. The (Collapsing) Empire of America
As we watch a proud, unrepentant people cling to the idol of the American State and we see the judgment of the one true God come down upon that idol and its worshippers, we are well served to praise the King of kings for the peace, purpose, and mission that He has given His people right here and now […]
We don’t need another Constitution. We need another Declaration.
So now we have “legalized” “gay marriage” to go along with our “legalized” child sacrifice to go along with our “legalized” porn to go along with our “legalized” adultery-based business models to go along with all the rest of our now flagrantly, obviously, and catastrophically anti-Christ approach to law and civil government. And in the […]
The Ten Commandments of American Statism
Of the many false religions and anti-Christ worldviews masquerading as Christian in 2016 America, few are as pervasive, impactful and adored as American Statism. While the name may suggest otherwise, the impact of American Statism is globe-spanning, extending well beyond the borders of the United States. This makes its counterfeit gospel (Statism) and messiah (the American State) all the […]
Is privacy too much to expect in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA?
Is privacy just too much to expect these days in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA? Why yes, of course it is! (See: Privacy is for masters. Transparency is for slaves. Welcome to “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.) What a stupid – and increasingly […]
How does the Gospel define children’s education? (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)
I’m quite happy and thankful to report that I had an awesome, cool, and productive time with the crew at Stand Up for the Truth on Monday’s show, where the topic of the day was…*drumroll*…children’s education from a Gospel-centered perspective. Woohoo! I was on for about the first 45 minutes or so and man, did we get […]
When Ted Cruz wins the Republican nomination…
When Ted Cruz wins the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, let’s remember that despite the fact that he may well be a super nice guy and that his father is an impressive man in many substantial ways, Mr. Cruz is, at the end of the day, a classic American Statist deeply […]
The State only “keeps us safe” by “protecting us” from freedom, liberty, and privacy.
Wanna make a professing Christian in America roll their eyes and laugh out loud? Maybe even make ’em point, smirk, dismiss you as utterly disconnected from reality and accuse you of not living in “the real world”? If so, just try this: Calmly and clearly state that we as people here in “the real world” (as in: […]
Why are American “Christian conservatives” so ridiculously liberal?
So why do self-described conservatives in America tend to openly (and often quite proudly) favor rank Socialistic/Marxist programs like Social Security and Public Schools? Why do they tend to automatically favor building a larger military and engaging in even more wars when we are, in a word, broke? (See yesterday’s How can a “broke” country have the […]
The Fear-Fueled Politics of American Statism
Ever wonder what a culture dominated and defined by fear might look like? Fear of the world and what’s in it, I mean. Not a fear of the Lord. While the latter sustains and enables the increase of all true life, hope, joy, prosperity and security, the former erodes all of the same until they have completely vanished. […]
Turkey, NATO, and the US-backed Funding of ISIS
When even The Washington Post is forced to cover (and try to spin) the widespread suspicion of ISIS as a US supported tool, you know things are gettin’ really wacky. And that’s exactly what happened earlier today in a piece titled “Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting […]
Marco Rubio: “God’s rules always win.” Now ignore ’em all and vote for me!
“God’s rules always win.” File that sweet line atop the Marco Rubio section of the “it would be awesome if they really believed it” section 0f quotes from GOP candidates now predictably making the rounds pretending to love and revere the law of God in order to snag the votes and cash of politically active professing Christians in America. As […]
The American re-branding (and re-arming) of Al-Qaeda.
What a difference a few years make. Seems like just yesterday that al-Qaeda was the living embodiment of evil and the reason why we must surrender our freedom and liberty to the State for the sake of “security” while pursuing wars here, there, and everywhere across the globe in the name of “fighting terror”. Today […]
Cruz Control: How Ted Cruz is positioned to win the GOP nomination…and why Christians shouldn’t pin their hopes on it.
Ted Cruz has an excellent chance of winning the Republican Party nomination. Over the past few months as I’ve been asked who I think will win the Pagan Political Right honor of facing the Pagan Political Left’s chosen representative in the contrived, controlled puppet show that is American presidential politics, I’ve picked Cruz. There are no […]
Oops, we “accidentally” armed al Qaeda with anti-tank missiles…again…
Over the past week – a week in which US President Barack Obama once again put a fine point on America’s long running desire to see Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad deposed – Russia has responded by pointing out an obvious and very inconvenient truth for proponents of US-as-Global-Good-Guy fiction. That inconvenient truth is that ISIS is, like al Qaeda before […]
Our Immigration/Socialism/Statism Problem (Part 1)
So here we are in the probably very early stages of a probably never ending “war on terror” through which the powers of the State will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) grow and the liberty of the masses will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) shrink. Paris has just been attacked by a handful of evil people, […]
Will we give up our Social Security checks to stand against “gay marriage”, abortion, and Islam?
Will we give up our Social Security checks to stand against “gay marriage” in America? Or child sacrifice in America? Or openly operating mosques in America? Will we give up our Disability and/or Unemployment and/or Public Schools and/or Food Stamps and/or Medicare and/or Medicaid? Are we ready to give those things up if that’s what’s required to take […]
Anti-Homeschool Inquisitors Seek Immunity from Law
Last week in America’s Fear and Loathing of Christian Homeschoolers, we highlighted an article by American Vision’s Dr. Joel McDurmon in which he methodically chronicled the lies driving a ridiculously contrived “case” against a homeschooling family in Texas. McDurmon has recently followed up with a very important article alerting homeschoolers as to some serious freedom-threatening maneuvers being […]
Privacy? Who needs privacy?! (Or: What are you, some kind of terrorist or something?)
Privacy. Who needs it? Well, terrorists, that’s who! Yeah, it’s those evil terrorists who make use of things like private communications in order to plot, plan, and promote their evil terroristic deeds! So obviously if we’re gonna deal with terrorists we need to get rid of the terrorist-enabling tool of privacy. That’s basically the line […]
ISIS: Priceless Tool of American Statism
It’s not hard to see what’s going on here. It’s more a matter of desire than ability for most; of not wanting to see that which is obvious but far too frightening and intimidating to acknowledge as truth. The US and its allies routinely find ways of “accidentally” funding and fueling ISIS, al Qaeda, and […]
Young Americans protest and pout to take parents’ Socialism to the next level.
So the “kids” are protesting again. They want free stuff. More and more free stuff. They want “their share” of the All-American Socialism pie. And who can blame ’em? After all, they’re just following their parents’ and grandparents’ lead. Apparently, as demonstrated by recent waves of college campus convulsions aimed at securing things like […]
What is true freedom?
Ever wonder why a nation loaded with supposedly “freedom loving” people following so many supposedly “freedom loving” talk radio hosts, media personalities, and politicians only seems to find itself sinking deeper and deeper into bondage to the ever-growing power of the American State year after year, decade after decade, and generation after generation? For all the oodles of […]
How do we keep American Socialism going? Get ready for negative interest rates.
One of the things frequently heard during the many commonplace critical rants of older generations against the young is that the younger crew “just doesn’t save money”. They “just don’t appreciate the power of saving” and they “just don’t have the self-control and discipline to apply the power of compounding interest over time.” We’ll come back […]
The Fear-Driven Voting of America’s “Conservative Christians”
Terrorism! Radical Muslims! The gay agenda! Barack Obama! Hillary Clinton! Justin Bieber! Fear! Fear! Fear! Panic! Panic! Panic! Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! If one thing is plain about the “conservative Christian” portion of America’s electorate, it is that fear is the primary motivator determining how its members spend their energy, resources, and votes. What Scripture refers […]
No Child Sacrifice Left Behind: New GOP Speaker of the House “doubtful about defunding Planned Parenthood”.
It looks like video documentation of Planned Parenthood ghouls doing everything from casually chit-chatting over drinks about profiting from the sale of baby body parts to plucking the brain from a living child for profitable harvest wont be enough to get us to even remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood …much less shut down Planned […]
How dare the Russians deny Global Warming! And defend the family! And attack ISIS! And oppose abortion! And oppose the “gay rights” movement!
As if the Russians openly opposing the America-adored, America-championed (globally) “gay rights” movment wasn’t bad enough… As if the Russian attempt to champion the God-ordained family model in resistance to the America-advanced perversion of the same wasn’t bad enough… (See: America Goes Gay While Russia Celebrates #RealFamily.) As if the Russians openly campaigning against abortion and moving towards […]
The Many “Conservative” Faces of American Statism
“Fixed” Social Security…”improved” State-run children’s education…”strengthened” Medicare…”necessary” State-run “safety nets”… Welcome to the New Conservatism – a “conservatism” that is flat out socialistic. State-run this, that, and the other thing aren’t just the cherished, protected tools of the Pagan Political Left. They are equally adored and useful to the Pagan Political Right. Just look at […]
“There is no ‘God-given right’ to worship false gods” book released.
The There is no “God-given right” to worship false gods book is now available in print and eBook/Kindle formats. This is a compilation book featuring articles from Fire Breathing Christian that center on the very hot topic of religious liberty. With this issue taking center stage in our culture today, our hope is to provide an approachable collection […]
America’s open economic rape of the young via Social Security.
For as long as I’ve been alive and politically aware, Social Security has been known as “the third rail” of American politics, meaning that it is charged, untouchable, and sure to bring death to anyone who tries to grab hold and do something about it. That third rail is more dangerous and more entrenched […]
Buh-bye, Jeb: Bush gives himself the “warm kiss” of death.
Somewhere between his offer to give “a warm kiss” to a certain kind of Democrat and diving headlong into the Marco Rubio shaped woodchipper parked next to him at last night’s GOP debate in Colorado, Jeb Bush finally fully flamed out. Stick a fork in him; he’s done. Jeb’s most viable path to winning the Republican Party nomination now involves […]
Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money!
Debt ceiling? Who needs a debt ceiling? Sure, as a rhetorical device to keep the programmed, State-dependent masses thinking that this whole unbiblical economic Jenga Tower of Babel is somehow manageable and will work out just swell for us in the end, yeah, that sort of “debt ceiling” has all kinds of value to a political elite […]
Drone Wars: Because only the American State should have the power to spy on and kill innocents.
According to the American State, American citizens should be forced to register their private drones with said American State. You know, ’cause citizens might hurt somebody with their drones…unlike the American State, which only regularly spies on and routinely kills innocent people because…well…that’s just what The State does, you know? But citizens just can’t handle the responsibilities that […]
Kicking the Socialism Habit: Do we love the Lord (and one another) enough to confront and correct our dependence on the State?
You’ve probably seen the signs before. They tend to make an impact: Billboards featuring young men with elderly looking, dried out faces, blackened teeth and lost, hopeless eyes. . Stories of Miss Small Town USA pageant winners transformed in just a few months’ time into soulless zombies wandering alleyways in search of…they’re not sure what. . […]
Oops, we “accidentally” gave ISIS a boatload of Toyotas.
No wonder the American State is all “outraged” and such over Russia’s deadly serious not-playin’-around-at-all strikes on ISIS in Syria. America has way too much invested in this ISIS outfit to just let it get all blowed up and stuff. As we reported in October in Oops! We “accidentally armed ISIS”…again…, we’ve “accidentally” airlifted weapons to ISIS in Syria before. […]
Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit: Why “conservative Christian” Americans sell their own children for just one more hit of Socialism.
How many “conservative Christian Americans” are willing to sell their own children, grandchildren, and untold future generations deeper into slavery to the American State in order to squeeze just one more hit of temporary “benefit” from the Statism-fueled insanity of Social Security, Medicare, public schools, and the perpetual All-American war machine? The vast majority, that’s how many. […]
The Crime of Pre-Crime: How Christians in America will be “preemptively” dealt with by the American State.
What does a culture at war with Christ look like? What does a culture at war with Christians look like? Even a casual glance around today’s American cultural landscape gives us more answers than we should ever want to find to these questions, yet there they are, staring unblinkingly right back at us. Our long slide from the deep, […]
Preachers, Teachers, Bankers and Thugs: How “Experts” Make Us Slaves to the State
“Expert” political puppets from Pagan Political Left to Pagan Political Right relentlessly pitch and preach the religion of American Statism. (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) “Expert” media muppets faithfully parrot and promote the puppet production in question, doing everything they can to suck us in to the Pagan Left/Right paradigm to which […]
Why stop spending when you can just print more “money”?
Can you feel the surge? Do you hear the hum? The surge of manufactured power and the hum of warming printing presses, I mean. (See also: Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.) As the “expert”-programmed fiction known as the global economy teeters (again) […]
Which “god” would grant the “right” to openly worship Satan? Hmmm…I wonder…
Even Saturday Night Live is ultimately God’s tool. Yes, really. Even something like a foolish, mocking swipe at Christ and His Bride, the Church, when taken by the likes of SNL, is always ultimately going to be used perfectly by God for His glory to accomplish His purposes for the benefit of His people (see: Romans 8:28). With […]
Beyond Debate: The never-ending “conservative” pitch for Statism (A biblical review of Round 1 of the GOP “debate” – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 6)
Ever notice how all the supposedly “conservative” leaders anointed and appointed by the national Republican Party seem to always end up leading us deeper and deeper into the Socialism and state-dependency that they claim to oppose? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Ever notice that no matter how many Republican Representatives, Senators, […]
How to actually defeat Islam. Guaranteed.
How can we really and truly defeat Islam, ISIS, ISIL, and every other (genuine or contrived boogeyman) used by our Pagan Political Right and Pagan Political Left Statist “leaders” and “experts” to lead us by the nose to perpetual war abroad and deeper into the living hell of Orwellian Statism at home? (See: Problem>Reaction>Solution – […]
5 Reasons Why American “Christians” Cheer the Persecution of American Christians
We live in wild and wacky times. And its probably gonna get a whole lot wilder and wackier before it gets much better. That much seems certain. The America of 2015 is so far down the pike (and drain) from the America of just 2000 or 2005 that it really can be hard for many […]
Presuppositional Civil Government: Who we view as owning civil government determines how we will pursue civil government.
What is government? More specifically, what is civil government? Put another way, what is The State? What are its roles, responsibilities, and limitations? Where might we as Christians go to find the answers to these important questions…hrmmm….I wonder… Maybe to…The State? Ummm…nope. Okay, maybe State-certified and State-approved educators then? Uh…no. Bad idea. Well, howsabout other […]
Murdered language, murdered babies, and how one leads to the other.
In America, we claim a lot of things, usually in a loud and proud fashion. That’s just how we roll (and have been encouraged to roll by the State/Corporate-owned schools and pop-culture under which we’ve been discipled). As a natural and purposeful consequence of our Pagan discipleship, we proudly claim the “right” to do any […]
Technology, Family, And Our Awesome Opportunity For Decentralization
I don’t know about you, but I like good news. Especially The Good News, which thankfully carries along with it an infinite amount of lesser (but still incredibly powerful) good news through which we can actually do great things right here and now. (See: The Awesome Gospel.) And probably like you, I could really use […]
If ISIS did to one American child what Planned Parenthood does to millions, we’d go to war and kill them for it.
What if ISIS released a video of one of its agents calmly, coolly, and clinically murdering and dismembering an American baby? What if ISIS did to one single solitary American baby boy or girl what Planned Parenthood is “legally” empowered by America to do to American babies here in “the land of the free” and the […]
10 Reasons Christians Should Not Teach In Public Schools
Some of my favorite people have been public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are Christians who are teaching or have taught in American public schools. As a product/victim of American State-run worldview programming myself, I have much to be thankful for. High on the list is God’s perfect, purposeful use […]
Why “conservatives” love funding liberalism. (And how they do it.)
When it comes to State dependency, professing Christian “conservatives” are just as keen on the concept as “those crazy/stupid liberals” that they love to whine about and blame for pretty much everything. They’re just too immersed in American State propaganda and “education” to notice. Pagan “Christian” conservatives are all about propping up and “fixing” explicitly Marxist concepts […]
The Ultimate (and completely safe) “Debate”-Watchers’ Drinking Game
D-Day has arrived. Zero hour is nearly upon us. I am of course speaking of The Big Show (of the moment): Tonight’s 10-man corporate controlled political puppet cage match being put on by Fox News in Cleveland. The stakes are high and the contrived drama is higher. Trumpamania is already running wild and The Donald will be taking center […]
Welcome to the 2016 Parade of Republican Statists
Wanna know where the long term embrace of a wildly unbiblical “lesser of two evils” approach to leadership selection leads? Wanna know how easy it is for anti-Christian corporate/banking elites to steer us straight on into hard core Statism through their production, promotion, and control of The All-American Political Puppet Show? Well there’s no need to wonder. Just […]
Statism 101: State-run “education” makes a State-dependent population.
It’s August in America – that time of year when tens of millions of professing Christians in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA happily send their precious little children off to the State for State-run, pro-State, explicitly anti-Christian “education” in direct violation of the crystal clear Word of God. It […]
Our Big Fat Greek Economic Future
Last month in Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.) we reminded folks of the many lessons to be learned and warnings to be had by way of the unfolding fiat-currency-fueled economic crisis in Greece. Later in Fake it ’til ya break it: What the Greek implosion tells us about America’s future. we continued to […]
Our Inevitable Victory Over Satanic “Education”
These days in America, it’s often professing Christians who seem to least believe that Christ the King actually owns and defines all of reality (see: Colossians 1:16). After generations of immersion in a man-centered, emotion-driven, and culturally disengaged religious worldview masquerading as Christianity, we’ve largely come to expect the victory of Christ’s enemies all around us here on His […]
Is it okay to ask the military what happened to our freedom?
I know that this is touchy. I know that we’ve been conditioned to avoid even the consideration of such thoughts and subjects. I know that even asking the question will have many tempted to immediately tar and tag me as “unpatriotic” or some sort of commie pinko who should just shut up, stop thinking such things, stop […]
Bankers to Laughing Greek Public: You can trust us! Really!
So where does the wildly unbiblical and culture-enslaving practice of black magic fiat currency economics ultimately and invariably lead? To State dependence for the masses and civilizational control for the elites who own and operate said State, that’s where. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, all […]
“Christian leaders” STILL encourage Christians to keep feeding their children to the beast of anti-Christian/State-run “education”.
There comes a point at which the warm handshakes, friendly smiles, and killer pot-lucks just can’t cover things up anymore. There comes a point at which even the most naïve and immature Christian begins to sense through the Spirit of God within them that something is way off. Something isn’t right. Something stinks. For year after year, […]
Confronting Americult
For those hoping, praying, and pulling for true restoration in America, the past weekend offered us the clearest sign yet that we are nowhere near even beginning to head in that direction as a people. The one thing to watch for in this or any other culture where death is near and restoration is desperately […]
Happy Secession Day!
Happy Secession Day, America! After last week’s wave of catastrophic “Supreme Court” decisions handed down from the Federal level (see: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America), more and more Americans are beginning to think long and hard about the radical decentralization of political power that played such a pivotal role in bringing […]
Biblical decentralization of power. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
First off, before anyone gets any wacky ideas about hijacking and mutilating the point of this article, let me make something crystal clear: The practice of chattel slavery as practiced in and advocated by the Confederacy was (and is, in the many lands that still practice it today) a vile, disgusting thing. It is one of the most […]
With ObamaCare and “Gay Marriage” upheld, when (if ever) should we simply say no to Federal control?
So the Pagan Political Right has once again saved the day for the Pagan Political Left by advancing the cause of State/Corporate control of the health care system through the “legal” preservation of ObamaCare. This decision comes on the heels of the Pagan Political Right going to ridiculous extremes to eek out passage of ObamaTrade. […]
America’s Preferred (and Protected) Symbol of Slavery and Oppression
As you may have noticed, people are talking a lot about flags lately. And slavery. And oppression. And hate and feelings and sensitivities. And how Confederate flags and icons are uniquely worthy of a purge here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. That’s the Corporate American Statists’ spin on […]
What would happen if Christians just said no to American Statism?
“Follow the money.” “Money makes the world go ’round.” These are reliable clichés for good reason; they point to truth. The ability to control individuals, cultures and civilization through control of their ability to pursue, attain and multiply wealth is as well established a fact of human history as one will find. Money is practical. It’s […]
If American dollars express American values and we are about to change the $10 bill…
As Zero Hedge reminded us today, three things are true where the soon-to-be-announced new $10 American Federal Reserve Note is concerned: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has revealed that Alexander Hamilton will soon be removed from the $10 note in favor of an as-yet-unnamed woman (or possibly “woman”). . Secretary Lew has stated that “America’s currency is a way for […]
Why home ownership will never be allowed in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.
Y’all realize that there are no individual home owners in America, right? There is only one: The State. Something as simple and easy to understand (and desire) as “home ownership” is not and never will be allowed in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. During a conversation that I had […]
Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.)
There are two topics that we write on fairly regularly here that routinely cause site traffic and interest to dive. But we keep writing about ’em anyway because they’re important. One of those subjects is technology. The other is economics. For various reasons – many of which are rooted in lousy “end times” views that fuel […]
Jeb! (not Bush) Launches Presidential Campaign with “Conservative” Case for the Welfare/Warfare Nanny State
For those still enslaved to the Pagan Right/”Anybody but [insert name of Pagan Left candidate here]” political puppet show paradigm under which we are being led ever-deeper into Statism by our favorite “conservative” “Christian” “leaders”, a Big Gun from the Pagan Right side of the puppet show stage is about to make it official. As AP reports, Jeb! […]
Franklin Graham’s Incoherent “Fight” Against the Homosexual Agenda
One of the least surprising things in all of God’s creation seems to be the thing that’s most surprising to the vast majority of “American conservative Christians” who simply cannot believe how fast the culture is melting down around them, particularly in the realm of sexuality. But really, what could be more predictable than the sexual, […]
Disney, the NSA, and Republicans’ relentless pimping of the America Idol.
Disney World is a magical place. But you knew that already. What you maybe didn’t know was just what kind of magic is really goin’ on ’round there. I’m talkin’ black magic. Some of the blackest – and bleakest – of magic, actually. Black economic magic, to be precise. I’m talkin’ ’bout the All-American Corporate […]
The Dennis Hastert Example and NSA Control of National Government
Okay, so let’s put on our thinking caps and try real hard to concentrate for just a second or two and consider the (probably very significant) relationship between two points… 1. The NSA needs to “protect our freedom and liberty” by gathering information on the citizens of the United States on a scale and at a level […]
The question we’re not supposed to ask on Memorial Day (or any other).
We’re encouraged to feel and do a lot of things on Memorial Day. We’re purposefully immersed in countless emotion-provoking images, speeches and sentiments. We’re encouraged to lovingly admire, support and adore our beloved American State. To that end, we’re called to remember the great sacrifices made by many to secure the freedoms and liberties that we now enjoy […]