Duggar Drama and the Trans-Jennerism of American Culture

‘Bout this time last month, ‘Merica was treated to the news that Bruce Jenner had “transitioned” into a Republican Christian Woman. ‘Bout this time last week, news erupted on the Duggar Family front, centering on revelations of serious sexual sin on the part of Josh Duggar when he was in his mid-teens (over a decade […]
Bruce Jenner Transitions Into Republican Christian Woman

So last night America and the world was treated to the “news” that Bruce Jenner is now not only a woman, but also a Republican and a Christian. And by now there are tens and perhaps hundreds of millions of professing Christians in America and across the globe shaking their head and rolling their eyes […]
Culture-Killer Smackdown: Strip Clubs vs. Public Schools – Which is more destructive?

What would you think if someone at your church was to suggest that a group of Deacons or Elders take on a mission to go and observe normal business activities for a few hours each and every week at a local strip club as part of a mission to “be salt and light” to the strippers and strip club patrons? […]
Remember the days when child sex advocates were flogged or jailed instead of celebrated and published?

When Your Teen Wants To Have Sex In Your Home was lovingly published at – where else? – good ol’ HuffPo a little while back, and, since reading it, I’ve been wondering why it is that the folks who write these sorts of things aren’t, you know, in jail or something. The article begins with, […]