What’s the real “state of the union”? Do we even want to know?
It’s that “State of the Union” time again, a time when political leaders at State and Federal levels give grand speeches yammering on about how great, awesome, and incredibly well off we are. While some of the points they make are rooted in truth, most are not. But how do we know which is which? […]
As Feminism Rambles On, Women Get Progressively More Miserable
Feminism makes women miserable. This is the well-documented (and entirely predictable) trend spanning several generations now. And why? Because feminism is at war with femininity. As with most of the Orwellian propaganda terminology permeating the culture these days, feminism is no more pro-femininity than Progressivism is about actual human progress. Feminism is about attacking and […]
What exactly is a “Transgender Girl Scout”? (Or: How to destroy children and language at the same time.)
As Breitbart reports, a Utah Girl Scout troop is hoping to attract “transgender” recruits: “The idea is to attract “transgender” youth and children living with an LGBT parent.” So if there was to actually be such a thing as a transgender Girl Scout, one question that seems to leap to mind is: Would they still […]
How has “Christianity” paved the way for gender chaos insanity?
One of the easiest cultural “red (or pink) flags” for evangelical Christians to spot and critique is the plague of gender chaos that is even now sweeping over and radically redefining America before our eyes. Those advocating an “open”, “loving”, and “tolerant” approach to sexual identity and practice have had staggering success in reshaping and […]
Culture-Killer Smackdown: Strip Clubs vs. Public Schools – Which is more destructive?
What would you think if someone at your church was to suggest that a group of Deacons or Elders take on a mission to go and observe normal business activities for a few hours each and every week at a local strip club as part of a mission to “be salt and light” to the strippers and strip club patrons? […]
This gay pasta promotion has been brought to you by…American “Christianity”.
Talk about a bad macaroni art experience. Now we have “gay pasta” used to promote and proudly represent the decline of western civilization. I know, I know…this is getting old. Everything is gay this, LGBTQRSTUV that. And that’s part of their plan: The “Forces of Tolerance” and Orwellian liberty aim to wear us into submissive […]
Gender Chaos: The Insanity (and Impossibility) of “Sex Change”
One of the more, um, flamboyant manifestations of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant America, is our culture’s embrace of an “anything goes” approach to sexuality, which has metastasized into an anything goes attitude on the very concept of gender itself. We see it everywhere – in Starbucks commercials, Apple ads, […]
As if Apple wasn’t gay enough already…
“ . . let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” So said Apple CEO Tim Cook in an article run by Bloomberg today titled Tim Cook Speaks Up. Before diving into this, let me be clear about something as well: Apple products tend to be […]
How has the professing church in America taught Dolly Parton to hate the Word of God?
Don’t blame Dolly for promoting emotion over Truth when it comes to touchy, hot-button issues like the embrace and promotion of homosexuality as a perfectly good and legitimate lifestyle. She’s just following the lead of the professing church in America. Before we get into the church-fueled movement away from Scripture and towards emotion as the […]
New York City, Ebola, and the Insanity of Our Anti-Quarantine Policy
Lord willing, Dr. Craig Spencer does not have Ebola. Lord willing, this will turn out to be nothing more than the latest and loudest warning proclaiming the suicidal insanity of our refusal to prevent likely Ebola-exposed people from freely and easily entering our country in stark dismissal of the most basic protocols normally deployed by […]
Incompetence goes viral in Romans 1 America…and yes, it’s okay to notice.
How can the CDC be so incompetent? How can Obama fail to stop Air Ebola from rolling in from Africa? How can State Governors just sort of wait and watch it all happen? The answer to all of this is: Romans 1. Or, put another way, it’s our fault. More specifically, it’s the professing […]
America’s lesson to creation: Pride, freedom and liberty are stupid, destructive, and gay…when centered on anything but God.
What does pride, freedom, and liberty look like when severed from the law and nature of God their basis? We are increasingly able to provide a one-word answer to that ugly question, and that answer is: America. As reported earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States has turned away appeals Monday from five […]
Remember when a bunch of naked guys on bikes riding past a crowd of little girls was a bad thing?
Remember the good ol’ days when something like a parade of naked men on bikes riding by a bunch of little girls downtown in broad daylight, waving and smiling as they went along, would have resulted in either an arrest, a lynching, or some similarly appropriate beatdown? Such approaches to things like naked men […]
Openly Reject God’s First Commandment? YES! WE! CAN!
Imagine, if you will, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton (though not necessarily together – we don’t wanna be too fantastic here), John Kerry, Stuart Smalley, Joe Biden and Bill Maher all gathered ‘round the base of ol’ Mount Sinai as Moses brings down the following decree to man directly from the mind and hand of […]
$ocialism, Bangerz, and the Wrath Of God in “The Great State of Tennessee”
You’d have to turn pretty hard and firmly away from the glaring clarity to miss the connection – the near-perfectly synchronized harmony – between Miley Cyrus’ Bangerz Tour stop in Nashville last night and the political scene unfolding on Primary Election Night across the “Great State of Tennessee”. All the dots are there, so close that they barely need to […]
American Pride and Romans 1 Cheeseburgers.
Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper. That’s the title of an article posted Tuesday at USA Today. Not. Even. Kidding. But should we really be surprised? I mean, hasn’t corporate America been pushing “the gay pride whopper” in various ways for a very looooooooong time now? So why not in burger form, then? Seems reasonable enough…in […]