Pulling Things Together vs. Tearing Things Apart

  Christ revives. Christ restores. Christ reconciles. Christ resurrects dead things and gives them true life. As Christians living in the West at the tail end of 2015, we tend to have little trouble accepting this beautiful truth as it applies to men’s souls. And that’s about it. When it comes to art, law, economics, business, […]

Christ really is conquering EVERYTHING. How cool is that?

Right here and right now in the little sliver of time on the little sliver of land on the little planet we call earth, Jesus Christ is working perfectly by His grace through His Spirit-filled people in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission so that all things might be restored by the power of His […]

What does a “culture of death” look like and how do we change it?

It’s easy to see things like “legal” child sacrifice and the “legality” of “gay marriage” and gender chaos as clear signs of a culture of death. It’s easy to point to “Caitlyn” Jenner and roll our eyes. It’s easy to point to Planned Parenthood’s openly operating baby butchering facilities with disgust. But what was it about our culture […]

Behold, He makes all things new.

Nothing beats focusing on Christ. Nothing is more awe-inspiringly cool or supernaturally invigorating than staring at Him in contemplative wonder and soaking up the matchless splendor of His Nature on display. While there is value and importance in considering the nature and methods of His enemies, it is only by keeping Him at the center of […]

On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers?

So what is today to you? Is it Halloween, Reformation Day, or just another Friday? Most professing Christians would go with the first or the last. The middle option usually isn’t even on our radar. Most of us don’t even know that there is such a thing as Reformation Day…or that there is, in fact, right here […]

Intro to Fire: The Power and Purpose of the Common Believer

  “FIRE…God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, and not of the philosophers and savants. Certitude. Feeling. Joy. Peace.” ~ Blaise Pascal . I can remember holding my wife’s hand when she died. Even now I can vividly recall the moment before and the moment after, but it was the difference […]

Imagine there’s no borders…it’s easy if you try…

  What if I told you that the southern U.S. border crisis, the pending U.S. invasion of Syria, the ongoing murderous rampage of ISIS/Islamic State in Iraq, and the pending eruption of similar acts right here in the U.S. were all clearly and purposefully connected? Well, if you’re like me, you might be depressed (or […]