King of Kings: Political, Patriarchal & All-Conquering

He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. . ~ Revelation 19:15-16 . There’s a whole lotta crazy sweeping the culture these days, particularly on the patriarchy front, […]
Cultural Marxism & The Marinovian Industrial Complex

You’re either with ’em or you’re against ’em. You either obey the authoritative edicts of their Great Leaders or you will suffer their wrath. You either submit to their hierarchal pyramid of sin seriousness or you will be harassed, impugned, and shouted down to the best of their ability (which, thankfully, is a level of […]
“God’s Gifts Of Technology And Decentralization” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 9)

In this edition of The Hell Razer Report podcast, we explore the purpose and nature of technology, with an emphasis on the opportunities God is providing right here and now for the radical decentralization of power, as well as the economic and creative liberation of individuals, families, and local church bodies. You can access the program by clicking here. […]
“Building Bridges and Razing Hell Through The End Times” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s installment of The Hellrazer Report podcast, we encourage believers to seek and seize opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God wherever those opportunities may lie…even (and especially) when they’re not in our preferred areas (or comfort zones) and even when they don’t seem to “fit into our schedule”. In other words: Be careful what you […]
“What if we are living in early Church history?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Today marks the launch of The Hell Razer Report, a 15 minute-ish weekly podcast that I’m happy and thankful to be hosting on Reconstructionist Radio. The inaugural episode centers on the question “What if we are living in early Church history?” and encourages Christians to understand, embrace, and enjoy the beautiful, matchlessly inspiring and […]