What is the purpose of unbelievers?

What is the purpose of unbelievers? Thankfully, there are several clear answers to this intriguing question, though, as one might expect, those answers directly confront and agitate the man-centered way of measuring reality that we, as people, tend to prefer. We want to believe that God’s plans center on us, we want to believe that the measure of His success […]

Yes, everything is purposeful. And that shouldn’t necessarily make you comfortable.

Yes, everything is purposeful. And that shouldn’t necessarily make us all comfortable. It is certainly true that everything – every thought, act, consequence and benefit to ever occur anywhere at any time in God’s creation – is perfectly ordained by Him to accomplish His purposes. There is not, as RC Sproul is known for saying, […]

When Little gods Die

By now you’ve almost surely heard the news of David Bowie’s death and have likely been exposed to dozens if not hundreds if not thousands of homages, tributes, and retrospective adoration sessions. I’m not going to add to that list of Bowie-centric examinations here. I want to look less at the specifics of David Bowie and more at […]

Education Wars: Raising Corporate Cogs vs. Raising Jedi

Who are we and why are we here? What makes for a good life right here and now? What makes for a productive life right here and now? What is success? How is it best defined? How is it best pursued? The answers that we provide – and have been conditioned to provide – to […]

The Beauty of Orcs

Ever been stopped in your tracks by the sheer beauty of an orc? Have you ever been compelled to pause and ponder their captivating and inspiring nature? Have you ever thought of how thankful you and the rest of the world should be for their particular flavor of loveliness? Of course, I’m not talking about physical comeliness or attractiveness here. Orcs […]

Thank God for challenges!

If there’s one thing we’re not inclined to be thankful for, it’s challenges. I’m not talking about the “challenge” of stiff competition in a board game, on the ball field, or at the shooting range. I’m talking about the big and sometimes scary ones that come our way: Cancer. Starvation. Serious persecution. The loss of a loved one. […]