Take Tim Challies To School Day
Most of us have heard some version of the saying: “There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.” While the spirit of the phrase seems virtuous enough at a passing glance, it’s important for us to understand that, in certain contexts, there are indeed stupid questions, and that some of those questions are dangerously stupid […]
BFFs Be Gone! Public Schools Now Want To Ban “Best Friends”
First public schools gave up on even attempting to coherently define such tricky concepts as “boy” and “girl”, banking on the fact that most American parents would ultimately decide to just roll along with their “professionally” orchestrated plunge into terminal idiocy…and they did. Even after the American public school system “came out” as totally pro-gay, […]
True Freedom REQUIRES The Freedom To Fail
1. The primary purpose of State “help” is to foster State dependence. 2. More and more Americans love – and demand – State “help” in practically every area of life. These two realities make it plain that, barring radical repentance and reformation, we are (and should be) a doomed people – and by “people” here […]
Weaponized Ignorance: The Great Success Of Public Schools
Public schools don’t get nearly enough credit for the truly amazing job they’re doing. In an age when wildly inaccurate things are routinely paraded around as truth, one of the most ridiculously off-base assertions regularly repeated by Americans from all across the political spectrum is the contention that public schools are somehow failing in their […]
How Public Schools Routinely Abuse Children By Putting Them In Tiny Padded Cells
I know, I know…isn’t a title like “How Public Schools Routinely Abuse Children” a bit dramatic? Isn’t a line like “How Public Schools Torture Children” way over the top? For those of you thinking along those lines, please consider the following: Imagine that a homeschool family was discovered to have constructed a tiny little windowless padded […]
FBC Video Episode 1: Are we educating ourselves to death?
Howdy All, The first clip recorded for our new video channel is up and running. You can check it out by clicking on the play button in the embedded player below: If the embedded player doesn’t work for you, you can click here to access the video. From here on out, we plan to share the audio portions […]
“Can We Please Stop Rearranging Deckchairs On the Public School Titanic?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast
Do we want disciples of the State or disciples of Christ? Pick one. Choose this day whom you will serve…and to whom you will give over your children for mind-sculpting and worldview training. In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report we take a look at a popular saying regularly used by lazy American professing […]
Yes Charlie Brown, there is a satanic worldview…and it’s the foundation of American public schools.
If there’s one thing most “American Christians” will not tolerate, it’s the removal of Christian sprinkles from their otherwise anti-Christian worldviews and practices. Among the most glaring and impactful of these thoroughly anti-Christian practices is the willingness (and often eagerness) of professing Christians to ship off their little five-, six-, and seven-year-olds to State-run “education” systems in which […]
Our Inevitable Victory Over Satanic “Education”
These days in America, it’s often professing Christians who seem to least believe that Christ the King actually owns and defines all of reality (see: Colossians 1:16). After generations of immersion in a man-centered, emotion-driven, and culturally disengaged religious worldview masquerading as Christianity, we’ve largely come to expect the victory of Christ’s enemies all around us here on His […]
POLL: Who benefits most from State-controlled children’s education?
Who benefits most from State-controlled children’s education?
The children? The State? Lazy parents? The Devil? Let your voice be heard! Click on the above graphic to vote now…it’s the American way…