Say it with me now: Abortion. Is. Murder.

Abortion. Is. Murder. This simple, powerful truth – necessary as it is to the faithful proclamation and application of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in our desperate and dying culture – is often avoided like the plague by most so-called conservative Christians in America. They want to be nicer than Jesus, they want to be more popular than His […]
A Christian Response to Russell Moore’s “Pro-Life” Movement

For those of us still blaming “The Democrats” or “The Liberals” or “The Gays” or “The Progressives” for the already advanced and rapidly accelerating state of darkness and decay in our culture, we need to understand one critical and increasingly obvious fact while there’s still time: It is “conservatives” who claim to be Christians yet reject the Word of […]
Why are “Pro-Life” leaders preserving abortion in Oklahoma?

Legislation has been introduced to abolish abortion in Oklahoma. So you might be surprised to hear that high profile “Pro-Life” leaders have come out against the bill…but you shouldn’t be. Why have they come out against it? Why would “Pro-Life” leaders oppose a bill that aims to really, truly, and actually abolish human baby murder? Because, so say the […]