10 Real Meanings Of “We Can’t Afford To Homeschool!”

What would you give up in housing, car(s), clothes, vacations, and/or toys in order to get (or keep) your little ones out of the State-run “education” system and secure for them in its place both daily on-site parenting and a Christ-centered approach to the pursuit of knowledge? Would you be willing significantly downgrade your home […]
Priorities (and minivans…with air conditioning)

First world problems can be interesting things. Often kinda funny, too, in a humbling, softness-exposing way. For whatever providential reasons God has for orchestrating things the way He has over recent years, they’ve called for my family to experience an unusual amount of air conditioning problems in our home and car. (Again, this is only “unusual” if […]
What a missed Vikings field goal tells us about the death of America.

Who says American “Christians” can’t get all fired up and culturally engaged in dramatic fashion? Who says that tens of millions of professing Christian evangelicals in America can’t hoot, howl, and passionately engage anyone within shouting distance when the subject of consideration is something that really matters to them? Who says American “Christians” can’t be […]