Looking For Frodo (To Run For Congress)

Back when the Trump Train was steaming through the Republican primaries last summer, we asked two questions: Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? The reason for asking had a whole lot to do with the fact that politically active professing Christians in America were yet again […]
We won’t drain the swamp of thieves until we drain the swamp of power.

Many who passionately pulled the proverbial lever for The Donald to be come The President did so because they basically wanted to, figuratively if not literally, blow up the DC establishment. They wanted to drain the swamp. Or so the slogan went, anyway. But as with many things in general, and most things DC-specific, the […]
Are people who cannot dissolve a political union really free?

In the wake of Scotland’s recent spirited attempt at leaving the “United Kingdom”, many folks have been inspired to ask and contemplate some important fundamentals regarding true freedom, liberty, and the decentralization of government. Separating from the binding controls of large and ever-growing socialistic states has great appeal to many, including most who hold to […]
We are Each Equipped, Empowered…and Responsible
“The Lord says that the anointing by the Spirit renders us capable of understanding, so that we do not need to have any one teach us (1 John 2:27). The existence of teachers by divine order and arrangement is like the original institution of divorce, not because it was God’s first choice, but because of the hardness of the hearts of men (Matthew 19:8). The responsibility for reading and knowing the Word and will of God is upon every individual, who must find out for himself, conclude what he believes and be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within him, knowing that he will be answerable to the Lord for the content of his faith, and that he will not be permitted to present the excuse that he believed what some church or group of clergy interpreted for him.”