Our “End Times” Madness: American Pessimillennialism vs. Biblical Optimillennialism

Back in May, we asked the question: What if we are living in early Church history? In today’s most popular versions of Christianity in America, that’s a really weird (and to some a borderline heretical) question to ask. We’ve wandered (or run) far away from our Pilgrim/Puritan founders, who undertook the greatest of adventures and placed their […]
We’re not here to watch. We’re here to fight…and win (by His grace and for His glory).

Contrary to popular American “Christian” mythology, true believers are not placed here to be polite, culturally compliant observers passively watching the world go to hell while nurturing a nice, neat little “gospel” that is kept safely sequestered and tucked away in “its proper place” (at church, in Bible studies, in “our hearts”, etc.). (See also: Beware the “Gospel in a […]