Pop Culture Matters (A Lot!) – An Intro To The New FBC Video Channel

Pop culture matters. A lot. For many reasons, including the fact that pop culture plays a significant role upstream of things like politics, economics, education, and art, all of which are very important to King Jesus and, as a result, should be very important to those who claim to love and serve King Jesus. Things […]
Which “god” would grant the “right” to openly worship Satan? Hmmm…I wonder…

Even Saturday Night Live is ultimately God’s tool. Yes, really. Even something like a foolish, mocking swipe at Christ and His Bride, the Church, when taken by the likes of SNL, is always ultimately going to be used perfectly by God for His glory to accomplish His purposes for the benefit of His people (see: Romans 8:28). With […]
What if I told you that marketing and memes can be used for good?

Sometimes things here seem so corrupted through sinful abuse that it’s hard to even imagine, much less clearly comprehend, a sinless version of them. Things like politics, economics, law, justice and art can seem “so far gone” because of the pervasiveness and depth of their abuse that they begin to feel somehow sinful or bad in and of […]