American colleges go “safe zone” crazy.

Human history is loaded with examples of young men and women doing what would today be considered amazing things on a fairly routine basis. Oh sure, there were standouts who led soldiers or built businesses in their early teen years, but the norm – the standard expectation – not so long ago was for young men and […]
Weaponized Victimhood in a Crybully Culture

If there’s one thing that oughta be painfully clear by now, it’s that there are some whose precious feelings, emotions and desires are to be diligently treasured and vigorously protected as delicate, fragile little shards of goodness essential to humanity’s progress. These carriers of the Progressive Spirit that is humanity’s one true hope must be shielded, coddled, […]
The queer shall inherit the earth? Actually, no. (Stonewall vs. Stonewall: A Collision of Kingdoms)

“The queer shall inherit the earth.” That’s what a gang of tolerance Nazis desperately trying to shout down, drown out, and generally intimidate dissent (all in the name of love, of course) had scrawled on a banner they carried along to protest a college campus appearance by Pastor Doug Wilson. That banner and those Nazis are featured subjects […]
If a Duggar came out as a homosexual who’d acted out in their mid-teen years, they’d be the most celebrated creature in the media universe.

There can be little doubt that if a Duggar came out as a homosexual who’d acted out sexually in their mid-teen years, they’d be the most celebrated, adored and defended creature in the modern mainstream media universe. That much should be obvious at this point, whatever one’s perspective might be on the many tragic aspects of the […]
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – It’s Not Just for Homos Anymore
In the wake of last week’s horrifying act of anything-but-Islamic-terrorism perpetrated by the “Allahu Akbar!” shouting Nidal Malik Hasan and the subsequent State-controled media’s comically persistent attempts at promoting spin the likes of which would’ve made George Orwell’s imagination explode, we have learned something:
If you’re an Islamic fanatic currently embedded in the ranks of the U.S. military, we really don’t wanna know.
So do try to keep it to yourself, okay?