Political Eschatology: How Optimistic Anti-Christs and Pessimistic Christians Are Shaping America
How we view the future dramatically impacts how we conduct ourselves in the present. Is the culture destined to go to hell? Is the plunge of humanity into increasing darkness unstoppable? Is the complete death of culture and civilization inevitable? Or is the Gospel-fueled Great Commission actually going to accomplish what it aims to […]
Our “End Times” Madness: American Pessimillennialism vs. Biblical Optimillennialism
Back in May, we asked the question: What if we are living in early Church history? In today’s most popular versions of Christianity in America, that’s a really weird (and to some a borderline heretical) question to ask. We’ve wandered (or run) far away from our Pilgrim/Puritan founders, who undertook the greatest of adventures and placed their […]