Hillary, “Pneumonia”, and the Inevitable Death of Centralized Power

Despite the oodles and oodles of fear and anxiety now routinely pitched at us from every direction as we head into the home stretch of The American Political Puppet Show (2016 Edition), there are increasingly bright signs of hope and great things to come rising all around us. Centralized government power – the likes of which both Clinton […]
As America Begs For Tyranny To “Save It”, The Kingdom Of God Advances On All Fronts

One empire is dying. While another emerges. As I sat through about an hour of live coverage of the Dallas police shootings earlier tonight (please pray!), this heavy but beautiful truth seemed to become clearer with each passing minute of professional commentary and expert analysis, not that this was the goal of said experts, of course. […]
Captain Picard/Professor X Goes Drag Queen

Well, at least Patrick Stewart wasn’t seen in public holding a Bible and taking a stand for its detailed application in the arts…or business…or law, civil government or anything else. That would be unforgivable. That could not be tolerated. That would have to be punished. But dress in full drag to promote a TV show? Oh yeah, that’s […]