Banksters, €uro-madness, and the price of your groceries.

Though far more Americans are aware of and talking about the under-inflation of Tom Brady’s footballs, an infinitely more important and impactful inflation-related issue has been building publicly for months (if not years) now, culminating in today’s announcement by the European Central Bank that they will begin a massive, multi-trillion Euro “quantitative easing” (aka “money printing”) […]
Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.

Amidst the raging seas of Ebola, ISIS, and perpetual war, there is one group of people who can still rest relatively easy, knowing that the systems in place will always and quickly strive to do everything within their power to “have their back”, saving them from even the consequences of their own recklessness, laziness and generally bad […]