American Military Celebrates Gayness; Begs For Wrath Of God Upon America

The formula is simple: Pride kills. Repentance and submission to Christ saves – it saves people, cultures, and civilizations – while unrepentant pride kills the same people, cultures, and civilizations. Those are the inescapable basics. And yes, this applies to America. So where are “We the People” in relation to the choice between suicidal pride and […]
Just How Gay Will Trump/Pence Get?

There’s a whole lotta gay news coming out of Trumpworld these days. As in pro-gay. As in pro-“let’s obliterate the meaning of terms like family, marriage, husband, wife, and even gender itself and pretend it’ll all somehow work out in the long run as long as we have better jobs, more money, bigger houses and more stuff”. […]
US Military Preps Transgender Army For Prolonged War On God [insert “U! S! A!” chant here]

Just in case anyone might be tempted to defend their denial by latching onto the now-laughable proposition that the US Army going with an openly lesbian general was a fluke or that the US Navy naming a new warship after famed gay rapist Harvey Milk was an anomaly or that Army Cadets being pressured into crossdressing was a weird little […]
As if the Trump campaign wasn’t gay enough already. . .

“Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee.” That’s the tagline posted for a neat new “LGBTQ for TRUMP” shirt posted at the Trump campaign’s online shop (pictured below): I wonder how many Veep wannabe Mike Pence has ordered? Whatever the answer to that one, other answers are, by the grace of […]
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.

What a difference a summer makes, am I right? We now have “gay marriage” (pronounced “gay mirage“) in America, where we like to beg for the wrath of God upon us by pretending to make it “legal”. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America.) Then there’s “Transgenderism”. You can’t check out in an […]
Gender Chaos: The Insanity (and Impossibility) of “Sex Change”

One of the more, um, flamboyant manifestations of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant America, is our culture’s embrace of an “anything goes” approach to sexuality, which has metastasized into an anything goes attitude on the very concept of gender itself. We see it everywhere – in Starbucks commercials, Apple ads, […]