Sin is not merely “less than God’s best for you”. Sin is our personal rejection of the holiness of God.

One bit of Osteen-esque lingo that seems to be gaining traction in our suicidally unbiblical culture is the “itching ear friendly” description of sin as something like “not the best” or “less than the best” that “God has for you”. Such phrases as “not the best that God has for you” are increasingly being used […]
What do Barack Obama and Joel Osteen have in common…with George W. Bush?

Barack Obama. Joel Osteen. Barack Obama…Joel Osteen… Now what could these two possibly have in common? Hrmmmm… Maybe the better question to many of us would be to ask what they don’t have in common. After all, for those of us with a biblical worldview and the naturally following conservative political bent, we tend to view these men in […]
Magnificent Joel’s MMA Jesus
You’d think that any serious, thoughtful, biblically literate Christian with at least two God-given brain cells to rub together would be able to identify sound theology at least where the cornerstone basics are concerned. Sadly, I find that assumption challenged every time I hear the likes of Joel Osteen open his pie hole to the thunderous applause of enormo crowds of professing believers.
Maybe another false assumption would be that these “believers” actually believe in and on the one and only Jesus of the Bible and subscribe to what was once referred to reverently as “orthodox Christianity”.
Candy Christianity: The Counterfeit Gospel of the American Church (Part 1 of 4)
Our pews are full, but our heads are empty. Our spirits starve for truth.
Perhaps these pews are full because our heads are empty, having been spoon-fed a gospel of convenience, ease and worldly accommodation. The hollow theology pouring forth from American pulpits today may have attracted quite a crowd, but for the most part these are little more than gatherings of rebels come to loot the honor of God as they relentlessly seek to conform Him to their will.