Wouldn’t it be great if our political leaders understood Christ as Lord?

As a quick scan of our political culture makes painfully plain, “We the People” have wandered (or run) far from many of the fundamental truths necessary to the pursuit or maintenance of true peace, prosperity, and freedom. We’ve wandered so far into the darkness that nothing short of divine intervention can save us. Thankfully, God […]
Liberty, Tyranny & Romans 13

How has God defined His creation of civil government? The question itself sounds more than a little weird to the typical American ear these days. The notion of civil government as God’s creation is foreign to us. Even so, and as Scripture makes abundantly clear, civil government is indeed His creation. It’s His property. With […]
Yes, the Bible trumps the Constitution here in America (and everywhere else in God’s creation).

With “The Bible Bill” once again getting national press as it nears the finish line in the Tennessee State General Assembly, which is to consider an override of Governor Bill Haslam’s veto later today, this seems like a good time to share a few simple truths – truths that are intensely despised and actively opposed by even most professing […]
Beyond Debate: The never-ending “conservative” pitch for Statism (A biblical review of Round 1 of the GOP “debate” – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 6)

Ever notice how all the supposedly “conservative” leaders anointed and appointed by the national Republican Party seem to always end up leading us deeper and deeper into the Socialism and state-dependency that they claim to oppose? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Ever notice that no matter how many Republican Representatives, Senators, […]
Dear America: Jesus isn’t running for King and His Law isn’t “up for a vote” either. Repent accordingly.

Jesus is King. King over America. Right now. Really. And not just King in some hyper-spiritual, intangible “out there” sense in some (safely) distant heaven or in some (safely) future kingdom. Not in some way that limits Him to church buildings or to choir lofts or to the precious little hearts of His sheep. Nope, He is Lord right […]
Fox News Equates God’s Law With Islam. American “Conservative Christians” say, “Amen!”

If there’s one thing that absolutely terrifies the typical politically “conservative” churchgoing professing Christian in America, it is the Nature of God as revealed in His Word and Law. More specifically, they’re petrified at even the thought of that Law-Word being taken seriously. As in: applied. As in: for real. As in: Not just […]
Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”

County Clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky – Kim Davis – was led off to jail today after refusing to issue licenses for “gay marriages” in direct violation of the unbreakable, unshakable, universally binding Word of God. Welcome to America. Welcome to the New America, where we are now reaping the full, foul fruit of “We the […]
Presuppositional Civil Government: Who we view as owning civil government determines how we will pursue civil government.

What is government? More specifically, what is civil government? Put another way, what is The State? What are its roles, responsibilities, and limitations? Where might we as Christians go to find the answers to these important questions…hrmmm….I wonder… Maybe to…The State? Ummm…nope. Okay, maybe State-certified and State-approved educators then? Uh…no. Bad idea. Well, howsabout other […]
What would a Christian State Governor do about Planned Parenthood and Gay “Marriage”? (Hint: Kim Davis)

What if we had in just one or two of our United States of America and actual Christian State Governor, as in: Someone who demonstrates true love for the real Jesus by striving to actively obey Him in every area of life. You know, as if he actually lived out that whole “if we love […]
The State as God in practice: How we currently evangelize through government, law and education.

How did it come to this? How did we in the name of freedom come to openly allow the systematic murder and dismemberment of our own children? How did we in the name of liberty come to accept the sacrifice of children by the tens of millions on the twin altars of convenience and profit? […]
A Cool Moment At The State Capitol

Howdy All, I hope that this post finds each of you well and that the Lord is moving you even in this moment toward deeper adoration, pursuit, and application of His nature. As many of you know, these past couple of weeks have been extraordinarily busy for me at my day job as a Legislative […]
Incompetence goes viral in Romans 1 America…and yes, it’s okay to notice.

How can the CDC be so incompetent? How can Obama fail to stop Air Ebola from rolling in from Africa? How can State Governors just sort of wait and watch it all happen? The answer to all of this is: Romans 1. Or, put another way, it’s our fault. More specifically, it’s the professing […]