TD Jakes takes American Religion to its inherently gay conclusion.

What does “We the People” religion look like in action? Where does a “We the People”-centered worldview lead in practice? Well, if you live in America, all you need to do is have a look around. The “We the People” worldview inherently, inevitably and quite proudly leads to everything from the “freedom” to murder tens […]
Boy Scouts of America get with the Big Gay Program.

At this point, news of the Boy Scouts of America formally allowing gay Scout leaders seems kind of…well…dull. Don’t get me wrong: It’s pathetic, sickeningly sad and evil, too. It’s just that in our current All-American pride-fueled rocket ride to oblivion context, the capitulation of the Boy Scouts of America to the Big Gay Wave is anything but surprising. After all, […]
What if America had as many Christians as it does gay activists?

3%. That’s what it took to move America to where it is now. 3%. That’s all that was required to transition us from a people who at least loosely based their morality on some vaguely understood and appreciated Christian foundation into one that is openly and proudly based on self-centered, self-referential, and self-serving lust. (See: Limp Wristed Gospels […]
A Tale of Two (Gay American) Cities

Yesterday I encountered another version of something that I must have experienced – and I suspect that you’ve also witnessed – a million (or more) times before. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s suicidal (re-)declaration of war on God, I heard the story of a professing Christian who, when asked what the court decision meant to him and how he was going to […]
Corporate America’s Big Gay Push (Or: “Mark of the Beast” economics, here we come!)

How much harder is it for a Christian to get a job or keep a job with a major American corporation than it was, say, 15 years ago? What if that Christian has taken clear, public stands in obedience to Christ and out of loving concern for the lost in accordance with the Gospel and […]
Will America repent or will America be destroyed?

Can we stop with the “blame Obama” spiel, please? Can we please stop blaming the Democrats, the Progressives and the homosexual activists for leading the culture to ruin when they’re just doing what we’ve taught ’em to do? Let’s face it: Some version of “Can you believe how wicked and evil President Obama is?!” has become an […]
Gay Rodeo in Arkansas? Sure, why not? (Or: The Increasing Gayness of American Pride)

For those who scoffed at the notion that acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle and “gay marriage” as legit would somehow lead to a “slippery slope” problem whereby even more bizarre and brazen forms of sexual perversion would be normalized over time, well…they were kinda right and they were kinda wrong. They were right because we really […]
Confronting the Gay Orwellian Party: Dragging the Pagan Right out of the closet and into the light.

Ever wonder why the “conservative Republican Party” seems to routinely serve as the right side wingman of a movement that is always leading the culture – wingmen included – to the left? Ever wonder why the “conservative Republican Party” always seems to end up defending the leftward lurches that it “fought against” a generation or so ago? (How many […]
Another Big Gay (and “Christian” Enabled) Mark of the Beast…

For those of us wondering what The Mark of the Beast might look like if it is to be an actual, physical mark, the answer might not be nearly as mysterious as we’ve been lead to believe. Once we shed the presuppositions imposed through generations of infatuation with laughably bad “end times” theories and even […]
Corporate America to Your Children: Hating God and Embracing Homosexuality is GRRREAT!

In Tony the Tiger Gets His Gay Stripes, we are treated to the latest in a looooooong running trend of corporate sponsored anti-Christian propaganda, this time in the form of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes mascot “Tony the Tiger” doing his thing by smiling, posing, and telling us all in that warm, trusted and market-tested voice that hating […]
As if Apple wasn’t gay enough already…

“ . . let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” So said Apple CEO Tim Cook in an article run by Bloomberg today titled Tim Cook Speaks Up. Before diving into this, let me be clear about something as well: Apple products tend to be […]
America’s lesson to creation: Pride, freedom and liberty are stupid, destructive, and gay…when centered on anything but God.

What does pride, freedom, and liberty look like when severed from the law and nature of God their basis? We are increasingly able to provide a one-word answer to that ugly question, and that answer is: America. As reported earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States has turned away appeals Monday from five […]
Weaponized “Love”: The perversion of Christian love into a weapon of Christian persecution

Ever been called a big, bad meanie for sharing Truth publicly? Ever been called disruptive, divisive, unkind or unloving for taking a clear, public stand on a culturally controversial issue that’s addressed in detail within the pages of Scripture? Have you ever been pressured to be silent after speaking up in such a manner? Have you ever been […]