Know Your Flags

Nothing says scam like the ol’ switcheroo. And nothing screams switcheroo like the way we’ve been programmed to pretend that the current flag of the United States of America is essentially, if not literally, the same flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write The Star Spangled Banner back in 1814. The two flags are […]
Churches Get Their Flags In Order (Please send this on to your pastors)

Ready for some good news? News that is so good, so inspiring, and so practically applicable that you’ll want to share it with your pastor and local church leadership? As regular readers know, one of the drumbeat issues here at Fire Breathing Christian has been the loving but firm confrontation and correction of the now commonplace idolatry of America […]
Whose flag should fly highest over America?

Flags are symbols. Symbols of power and authority. You know that, I know that, and the powers that be atop the Corporate American State know that. So it should come as no surprise that those powers have trained us since childhood to pledge allegiance on cue to the selected symbol of the American State’s “indivisible” political union and power. […]