Keep Your Eye On The Lie: The Real Virus That Doomed Our Economy

The Coronavirus, while a serious problem that should be treated as such, is nowhere near the Big Bad Beast that many are making it out to be. Under cover of mass confusion and fear, massive power grabs by centralized powers from governments to mega-corporations are on full display. Tyrants and tyrant wannabes from Beijing, London, […]
The Rank Evil Of Our Counterfeit Economic System Is On Full Display

As a Coronavirus-coated pin pops the massive asset bubbles defining our fundamentally warped counterfeit economic system, the true evil at the core of that system is becoming more and more clearly exposed. Just this morning the Federal Reserve announced that it will be buying up even more assets (real things) with the black magic fiat […]
How Our Debt-Based System Confirms The Necessity Of Biblical Economics

When the U.S. dollar loses over 97% of its purchasing power over its first 106 years of existence, what does that tell us about the nature of the dollar? The same thing that Proverbs 11:1 tells us: It cannot stand. It is destined to die just as surely as previously hyperinflated fiat currencies like […]
The System-Shaking Power Of Cryptocurrency

Of the many things causing The Establishment to soil itself these days, cryptocurrency is high on the list. Few things terrify Establishment elites and dependents like the thought of a currency system operating outside of State control. Without the power to magically produce “money” out of thin air, their endless programs and wars would die […]
Dollar Whores: How our fiat economic system proves there’s a little Harvey Weinstein enabler in all of us.

Thanks to God’s grace through Harvey Weinstein, we’ve gotten a reminder: You can pretend that up is down and wrong is right for a while – maybe even a very long while – but eventually the gig is up. Eventually reality crushes any fantasy built on an unbiblical foundation. That’s just how things work in […]
Does the U.S. flag respect my economic freedom? (See: $20,000,000,000,000.00 National Debt)

What if a group of people conspired to sell your child into slavery? What if they conspired to sell you, me, our children, and our grandchildren into slavery? How would feel about the symbol of that organization? More importantly, what would you think of that organization and its identifying symbols? With all the “respect the flag” talk […]
One Way Or Another, Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit Is Coming To An End

The stock market soars. Home prices skyrocket. Our military grows, both in size and scope of activity. And we think that all is well…or at least better than it was yesterday. Clearly we are in denial. Serious denial. Denial of our addiction. Denial of our dependence. Denial of our bondage. And as tends to be […]
Dow 20,000 + Debt $20,000,000,000,000 = Fiat Slavery In Action

In case you (somehow) haven’t heard, the Dow Jones Industrial Average recently hit 20,000. Woohoo! How awesome is that?! How much does that prove the strength and general awesomeness of the American economy?! Well, not a lot, actually. And by “not a lot” we mean not at all. Why is that? Because as the Dow was […]
Confronting And Correcting The Prison Industrial Complex

Isn’t it interesting that Scripture never even begins to advocate the use of anything remotely resembling the current American prison system when it comes to punishing criminal behavior? Instead the perfect, sufficient Word of God offers clear standards centering on concepts like restitution – and not restitution to the State, but restitution to the one who has been done […]
Fake Money & The Collapse Of The American Empire

Lest we allow ourselves to be swept up (again) in the avalanche of distractions being hurled our way from every angle (again) where the economic health and vitality of America are concerned, it’s important to remember and constantly remind ourselves of a few key points: The US dollar, as fiat currency (money magically created out […]
The Grinches Who Stole (And Continue To Steal) Their Children’s (And Grandchildren’s) Future

As I write this, financial markets are bouncing near all-time (artificial) highs, with the Dow hovering around 20,000 (a point that also played a central role in last week’s article, “Making America Great” Through Anti-Christian Economics.) This sky high (and then some) market exuberance is in no small part due to the next wave of anticipated bailouts of “too […]
America’s Stock Bubble Preservation Insanity

One of the very partial truths that Donald Trump shared in last week’s debate was his observation that The Fed (Federal Reserve) is propping up and inflating a bubble-driven economic fiction for political purposes. Well, duh. That’s what fiat economics is all about. It’s all about bubbles for the sake of illusion and fiction for the […]
The inevitable (and liberating) crash of our fake economy.

Negative interest rates. Monopoly Money dollars made up out of thin air and cranked out by the trillions in order to preserve the illusion of legitimacy in our markets, government and politics. Unending bailouts of “too big to fail” businesses and government programs. This is the utterly farcical economic construct under which we’ve allowed ourselves to be placed. And how […]
The Economic Hell That’s Been Left For Millennials (And Everyone Else)

For all the reasonable criticisms and concerns that are often lobbed towards Millennials as a group, there are at least as many dishonest, self-serving, and often flat out wicked insults added to the mix. To hear older generations (meaning, anyone older than a Millennial, from “The Greatest Generation” on down to Gen Xers) talk about Millennials, […]
Trumpanomics 101: Just print more “money”!

So how does the increasingly Orwellian American Welfare/Warfare State seemingly manage to go on and on suspending the God-ordained laws of economics? How do we seem to hear more and more talk about how we’re “broke”, “out of money”, “deep in debt” and the like year after year while government power and programs only grow, grow, […]
Maybe we should care less about whose face is on our fake money…and more about the fact that it’s fake money.

With recent news of Harriet Tubman being slated to replace Andrew Jackson on the Federal Reserve $20 Note, Americans from sea to shining sea are pouring out heartfelt, passionate praise and/or criticism, arguing for or against the change in portraits on American Monopoly Money. On the plus side, at least Americans are paying attention to […]
America Seeks To Reform Criminals By Giving Them Free Money

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether to run a story here at Fire Breathing Christian or over at our new satire site, The End Times, instead. This is one of those times. As the tragi-comedic nightmare of our fiat economic construct runs its course, we are going to see more and more inane and insane […]
The Theft-by-Inflation Shell Game (that none of the President wannabes will stop)

It’s flat out amazing (and incredibly embarrassing) to see how easily we’ve been spun, programmed and propagandized to the point that we don’t even notice that pretty much everything we’re most encouraged to pour our passion into is a distraction from the gigantic pulsing tap root that’s feeding and fueling all of the cultural rot and decline that […]
Quick! The rigged markets are crashing (again)! Time to print more “money”!

Few things are as thoroughly fictional as professional wrestling, the presidential-level political system in America, and the satanic “money out of thin” air economic system that keeps ’em both afloat. Along those lines, if you’re honestly wondering what a sure sign of a real, serious, meaningfully and positively impactful (in a biblical way) presidential candidate would look […]
Our Unraveling Economic Fiction

With the opening economic headlines of 2016 hawking stories of market selloffs, market instability, market panic, and a general sense of economic dread, we’re well served as Christians to calmly, coolly note that these things are to be expected – and even, in a sense, welcome – as the natural and inevitable consequences of an […]
When Ted Cruz wins the Republican nomination…

When Ted Cruz wins the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, let’s remember that despite the fact that he may well be a super nice guy and that his father is an impressive man in many substantial ways, Mr. Cruz is, at the end of the day, a classic American Statist deeply […]
US Debt Soars $339 Billion in a Single Day [Insert “U! S! A!” chant here]

Last month in Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money! we tried to encourage folks to keep their eyes fixed on reality as the freakishly fictional economic construct under which we presently live begins to unravel, crack up, and come tumbling down around us. We began by making plain that when a fiat […]
Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money!

Debt ceiling? Who needs a debt ceiling? Sure, as a rhetorical device to keep the programmed, State-dependent masses thinking that this whole unbiblical economic Jenga Tower of Babel is somehow manageable and will work out just swell for us in the end, yeah, that sort of “debt ceiling” has all kinds of value to a political elite […]
What if Planned Parenthood butchered pensions and savings accounts instead of babies?

It’s funny how a major drop in the stock market helps to put things in perspective. There are obviously a lot of things you can mess with, trample, and destroy here in America without much fear of serious repercussions…like the lives and bodies of little baby boys and girls, for example. You can attack, mock, perpetually redefine, and strive […]
Why “conservatives” love funding liberalism. (And how they do it.)

When it comes to State dependency, professing Christian “conservatives” are just as keen on the concept as “those crazy/stupid liberals” that they love to whine about and blame for pretty much everything. They’re just too immersed in American State propaganda and “education” to notice. Pagan “Christian” conservatives are all about propping up and “fixing” explicitly Marxist concepts […]
Our Big Fat Greek Economic Future

Last month in Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.) we reminded folks of the many lessons to be learned and warnings to be had by way of the unfolding fiat-currency-fueled economic crisis in Greece. Later in Fake it ’til ya break it: What the Greek implosion tells us about America’s future. we continued to […]
Bankers to Laughing Greek Public: You can trust us! Really!

So where does the wildly unbiblical and culture-enslaving practice of black magic fiat currency economics ultimately and invariably lead? To State dependence for the masses and civilizational control for the elites who own and operate said State, that’s where. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, all […]
Fake it ’til ya break it: What the Greek implosion tells us about America’s future.

What would you do if you found out that banks in America were not going to open today – or anytime at all this week – and that all bank-held accounts were effectively frozen, with a $60 daily limit on withdrawals? With the first of the month coming up, how would you pay your mortgage? Or, more […]
Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.)

There are two topics that we write on fairly regularly here that routinely cause site traffic and interest to dive. But we keep writing about ’em anyway because they’re important. One of those subjects is technology. The other is economics. For various reasons – many of which are rooted in lousy “end times” views that fuel […]
Zero percent interest and how today’s young were sold into slavery.

Year after year (and especially in election years), we hear the same bold, clear warnings and moaning from a political class trying to keep us on board with their program for just one…more…election… We hear it from the Left. We hear it from the Right. Both mouths of the two-headed dragon speak in harmony. “Future generations […]
Inflation Kills. Purposefully.

Inflation kills. It enslaves. And purposefully so. As Christians, we’ve been called and equipped with God’s essential, life-defining Word on all things, including economics. As such, and as a part of our Great Commission mandate to make disciples who do all that He has commanded (see: Matthew 28), we ought to take a look at the […]
Our Love of Money and Child Sacrifice

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:10 This passage, as many, tends to suffer from one (or some combination) of three treatments at the hands of people […]
Banksters, €uro-madness, and the price of your groceries.

Though far more Americans are aware of and talking about the under-inflation of Tom Brady’s footballs, an infinitely more important and impactful inflation-related issue has been building publicly for months (if not years) now, culminating in today’s announcement by the European Central Bank that they will begin a massive, multi-trillion Euro “quantitative easing” (aka “money printing”) […]
Banks Inch “Mark of the Beast” Economics Toward Reality

“If the Bank of Montreal gets its way, Christians will not be able to work with any major corporation in this country. ” So warns an article posted by Canadian Values. The piece goes on to describe the increasingly aggressive approach of the Bank of Montreal on behalf of various anti-Christian groups, all in the name “diversity” and […]
The love of [fake] money is the root of all kinds of evil.

“Of all the problems with fiat currency, the most basic is that it empowers the dark side of human nature. We’re potentially good but infinitely corruptible, and giving an unlimited monetary printing press to a government or group of banks is guaranteed to produce a dystopia of ever-greater debt and more centralized control, until […]
ISIS gets biblically sound with its currency while America clings to Monopoly Money economics.

Well, at least someone is actively pursuing a biblically sound approach to money, currency, and economics at some level. And who is this maverick rising up against the fiat-currency fueled fiat-slavery system of Monopoly Money that now, for a season, dominates the globe? Who is it that has risen to shake off the shackles of […]
“All the Markets Need Is $200 Billion a Quarter From the Central Bankers”

So how much “help” do the “free markets” need from the all powerful money-printing class in order for things like stocks and homes to have their present valuations preserved or re-inflated? Only $200 billion. Per quarter. For now. Bloomberg’s Simon Kennedy posted All the Markets Need Is $200 Billion a Quarter From the Central Bankers earlier this […]
Liars, Thieves, and the “Free Market” Fiction of “Too Big to Fail” America

Another week, another massive (and flagrantly anti-“free market capitalism”) bailout here in “the land of the free and the home of the NSA.” The Orwellian/Romans 1 insanity of our culture seems to become more plain and laughably tragic with each passing minute. We raise debt ceilings to not raise the debt, we bail out stock […]
Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.

Amidst the raging seas of Ebola, ISIS, and perpetual war, there is one group of people who can still rest relatively easy, knowing that the systems in place will always and quickly strive to do everything within their power to “have their back”, saving them from even the consequences of their own recklessness, laziness and generally bad […]
Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.

You are owned. You are someone else’s unearned possession. You are the controlled commodity of sinful, self-serving men and women. And so am I. We are in the same camp together. We are slaves to the same masters. This is inescapably true for the most obvious of reasons; so obvious and so painful that we can […]
Happy Labor Day, Wage Slave. (Be sure to run faster and chase harder after the “money” that your masters make out of thin air.)

How do you destroy the beauty of labor? How do you so radically corrupt every fundamental of economics that everything from investment and business practices to the work ethic itself is left in smoldering ruin? How do you take such wonderful concepts as hard work, wise investing, and the pursuit of material prosperity – each of which […]