Fake Money & The Collapse Of The American Empire

Lest we allow ourselves to be swept up (again) in the avalanche of distractions being hurled our way from every angle (again) where the economic health and vitality of America are concerned, it’s important to remember and constantly remind ourselves of a few key points: The US dollar, as fiat currency (money magically created out […]
America’s Stock Bubble Preservation Insanity

One of the very partial truths that Donald Trump shared in last week’s debate was his observation that The Fed (Federal Reserve) is propping up and inflating a bubble-driven economic fiction for political purposes. Well, duh. That’s what fiat economics is all about. It’s all about bubbles for the sake of illusion and fiction for the […]
“Andrew Jackson, Harriet Tubman, and why arguing over Monopoly Money portraits is REALLY dumb.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we explore the nature of America’s fiat economic construct in light of Proverbs 11:1 while encouraging Christians not to buy into the comical distractions being offered up where Andrew Jackson and Harriet Tubman are concerned. You can access this episode of The Hellrazer Report podcast by clicking here. Thank […]
Decentralization and our Christian duty to confront the economic rape of civilization.

Decentralization. It’s a good thing. A great one, actually, especially from where we stand now. The increasing unbiblical centralization of power in the hands of an unbelieving (read: “anti-Christian”) elite is one of the defining trends of American history. All of it. While developments along these lines have picked up steam in recent generations, the seeds […]
Liars, Thieves, and the “Free Market” Fiction of “Too Big to Fail” America

Another week, another massive (and flagrantly anti-“free market capitalism”) bailout here in “the land of the free and the home of the NSA.” The Orwellian/Romans 1 insanity of our culture seems to become more plain and laughably tragic with each passing minute. We raise debt ceilings to not raise the debt, we bail out stock […]