George Floyd and Jerome Powell: A Tale of Two Counterfeiters

When Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell goes on 60 Minutes to explain how his private banking consortium has the ability to type currency into existence out of thin air in virtually unlimited quantity and then use that counterfeit wealth to buy up all manner of real assets on a massive and potentially all-consuming scale, we […]

The Rank Evil Of Our Counterfeit Economic System Is On Full Display

As a Coronavirus-coated pin pops the massive asset bubbles defining our fundamentally warped counterfeit economic system, the true evil at the core of that system is becoming more and more clearly exposed. Just this morning the Federal Reserve announced that it will be buying up even more assets (real things) with the black magic fiat […]

Free “Money” For Everyone!!! (Or: How Coronavirus Is About To Kill The U.S. Dollar)

As Coronavirus continues to make its way onto the stage (remember: it’s still just getting started), we’ve been hearing a lot about “high risk categories” or types of people who might have heightened reasons to personally fear the bug (older people, smokers, and America’s specialty: the obese). But one important High Risk category that people […]