When Christians who can’t stand Harry Potter will campaign for Donald Trump, you know the end is near.

When Politico (Politico!) becomes way more theologically coherent than the majority of politically active professing conservative Christians in America, you know the end is near. The end of America, I mean, not to be confused with the Kingdom of God, which will advance and conquer everything everywhere whether America makes it or not. In a recent article appropriately […]
How do we bring politics back from the dead?

So here we go again… Tomorrow is Election Day in America. Republicans are expected to do very well, almost assuredly re-taking the Senate and extending their majority lead in the US House of Representatives. But will this mean the end – or even the beginning of the end – of Socialism in America? Nope. […]
Descozzafavacation (Or: Scraping Your Shoes Clean Before Running to Victory)
Sometimes the ugliest of new seven syllable words can express the most beautiful of sentiments.
In this case, reference is made to the wonderfully, if unintentionally, illustrative one-time “Republican” candidate for Congress, Dede Scozzafava.