Gay Old Party: How The GOP Is Trading Christians For Homosexuals

In case you haven’t noticed (and honestly, in order to miss it you have to be trying very hard to do so), the Republican Party is incredibly gay and getting more so by the minute. While we shouldn’t need much in the way of convincing on this, I thought it might be helpful to those of […]
Some Thoughts On Satanic Conservatism

How long has paganized “conservatism”, often as wielded by the Republican Party in America, been actively escorting the culture to hell as the Left’s wingman? How long has secular “conservatism” been conceding point after point after point while marching its followers into the tyranny of American statism? At least for 150 years. Oh sure, the […]
Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit: Why “conservative Christian” Americans sell their own children for just one more hit of Socialism.

How many “conservative Christian Americans” are willing to sell their own children, grandchildren, and untold future generations deeper into slavery to the American State in order to squeeze just one more hit of temporary “benefit” from the Statism-fueled insanity of Social Security, Medicare, public schools, and the perpetual All-American war machine? The vast majority, that’s how many. […]
How did Christians destroy conservatism?

How did we end up with “conservatives” defending everything from Social Security and Medicare to State-controlled children’s “education”, which is straight out of the Communist Manifesto? How did we get a supposedly “right wing” political movement in America that is effortlessly molded and mobilized in support of one explicitly Socialist/Marxist policy after another, all while most of its […]
Are we all Socialists now?

Way back in ’09, which, in light of all the wackiness that has transpired since then, sure does seem to be an eternity ago, Newsweek published We Are All Socialists Now as its cover story. This was an interesting statement and makes for a interesting question, both then and now. As with any statement or question […]
Four Marks of Conservatism’s Counterfeit Gospel

For those of you hoping to find validation for leftist progressive causes or worldviews here after reading (and perhaps smiling at) the title of this post, lemme save you some time and say plainly from the get go: Not. Gonna. Happen. Not at all. The manner in which leftist progressives passionately wage their futile, pouty […]