What if the US military was used to end the mass murder of American children in America?

Today in America, hundreds of American baby boys and girls will be openly, systematically and “legally” murdered. They will then often be “legally” dismembered and “legally” sold piecemeal to “legally” protected (and often taxpayer funded) ghouls. Today in America, the once-private conversations of American citizens are slurped up and analyzed by an Orwellian surveillance system so thorough in […]
Breaking The Cycle Of State Worship And Dependence

Let’s face it, America hasn’t been serious about leaving “a better life” for upcoming generations for a very, very long time now. To pretend otherwise is a bizarre, cruel, and destructive fiction. But pretending is what we’re into; it’s one of the few remaining things that we really work at here in a “land of the […]
Why are “Pro-Life” leaders preserving abortion in Oklahoma?

Legislation has been introduced to abolish abortion in Oklahoma. So you might be surprised to hear that high profile “Pro-Life” leaders have come out against the bill…but you shouldn’t be. Why have they come out against it? Why would “Pro-Life” leaders oppose a bill that aims to really, truly, and actually abolish human baby murder? Because, so say the […]
Why is the beast of Socialism eating our children? Ask your pastor.

Ah, State-controlled children’s “education”. Is there anything more warmly regarded by the typical American? Right outta the Communist Manifesto, yet adored and defended by most professing conservatives in America. Built plainly upon the satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge, yet adored and defended by most professing Christians in America. Talk about a gigantic, disgusting, yet very much cherished […]
The Consequences of Feeding Our Children to the Beast

What if Scripture – what we call “the Bible” – was infinitely more than anything else ever written or read, because it was an actual and accurate revelation of God’s very nature? Of who He is? What if this literary revelation had been lovingly provided by God to His people for the sake of ensuring that they enjoy the […]
Remember the days when child sex advocates were flogged or jailed instead of celebrated and published?

When Your Teen Wants To Have Sex In Your Home was lovingly published at – where else? – good ol’ HuffPo a little while back, and, since reading it, I’ve been wondering why it is that the folks who write these sorts of things aren’t, you know, in jail or something. The article begins with, […]
POLL: What should the American military do about the systematic mass murder and dismemberment of American children on American soil?

What should the American military do about the mass murder and dismemberment of American children on American soil? Nothing? Whatever it takes? Something in between? cast your vote through the linked headline and picture above…it’s “the American way”!
Put the Baby in the Beemer
Dr. Voddie Baucham has presented a nifty little poem that captures the sentiment of our age on this subject, entitled Put the Baby in the Beemer: