US Army protects man-on-boy rape en route to first openly gay leader.

What does a culture – and its military – look like when it is severed from the lordship of Christ? What does a culture look like and what does its military become when both define and pursue “security”, “liberty”, and “freedom” apart from submission to the King of kings? What does a culture and its military devolve […]
No Child Rapist (or Child Rape Profiteer) Left Behind – Change for America, ACORN Style
And the hits just keep on comin’…
First, broke the ACORN/child prostitution story. Then they broke another.
Of course, in between stories number one and two, the cocked-and-loaded “you’re just a buncha racists!” guns were blazing, as they always seem to be these days. All who oppose Obama, Obamaism, Obamacare or Obama pals are, of course, racist.