What Clinton, Trump, and Anthony Weiner tell us about America.

So Bill Clinton is about as open a woman user/abuser/hater as the world has ever seen, yet the guy is adored by tens (and possibly hundreds) of millions of loyal Democrats and Progressives the world over and rakes in boatloads of cash to simply speak to people. Bill’s wife, Hillary, has enabled Bubba’s woman abusing/hating behavior […]

Cosby, Clinton, Trump and the Real War on Women

Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assault and abuse by scads of woman. At least some of the charges seem to be quite credible. Ditto for Bill Clinton. Yet while the former is being pummeled, pounded, defrocked and deconstructed for his hateful behavior, the latter is…well…being adored, championed, and showered with cash at every turn. This […]

Don’t Mind Bubba; It’s Just the Syphilis Talking

While Democrat Presidents still can’t seem to bring themselves to identify the “Allahu Akbar!” shouting, American soldier massacring Nidal Malik Hasan as an Islamic terrorist, they exhibit far less restraint when it comes to dealing with those who would dare oppose the rise of an almighty state in America. As the health care debate roared on, at least one adored Democrat leader didn’t hesitate to tag tens of millions of American patriots, including millions of veterans, as “tea-baggers”, a pejorative term normally associated with preferred activities of the Bawny Fwank/Keith Olbermann wing of the Statist movement.

Apparently, this is what “progressive” leadership sounds like.

One-Trick Donkey: The Democrat and His Precious Race Card

Bubba Clinton…Van Jones…Jimmy Carter…Al Gore…Walter Mondale…Jesse Jackson…Jeremiah Wright!

Arianna…Donahue…Charlie Rangel…Barry O…Chris Matthews…John Dingell… Janeane Garafalo!

Think Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire and just keep adding names as they pop into your head. I stopped at verse three-hundred-twenty-nine, but there’s nothing to keep you from going on with this little musical exercise, well, forever. If there’s one thing that might (remember, I said might) rival the sanctity of infanticide as a holy rite in the cult of progressive liberalism, it is the sacred art of playing the race card.