King of Kings: Political, Patriarchal & All-Conquering

He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. . ~ Revelation 19:15-16 . There’s a whole lotta crazy sweeping the culture these days, particularly on the patriarchy front, […]
The Amerikan Vision: Virtue Signaling, Inquisitions & SJW Appeal

Should Christians promote “Social Justice”? Should we become “Social Justice Warriors”? Should we take up the “Social Justice” flag as a big red banner around which to rally? (And let’s face it: That particular banner is very red.) Or are we better served (and better serving others) by standing clearly against the SJW vibe and […]
By what double standard? (A response to pro-AHA™/Lone Ranger Christian “journalism”)

Lest there be any confusion, this is a direct response to an article posted at American Vision in which I was referenced indirectly and implicitly again and again and again in a hit piece that, while making precise references obviously aimed at yours truly, diligently refused to directly link, quote, or engage with what I’ve actually […]
Why are we in this political nightmare? Ask your “evangelical Christian” pastor.

American evangelical leaders have worked very hard for a very long time to get us to where we are now. They’ve done more than anyone else to lead us into the socio-political hellhole in which we find ourselves sinking deeper with each passing Drudge Report refresh, and it’s very important that they get the credit they […]
Appreciating America vs. Worshiping America

As we roll into another Memorial Day, we must remember to keep the things we hold dear in their place, lest they become the things we hold dearest. Our families. Our friends. Our traditions. Our things. Even (and perhaps especially) our country. (See: The America Idol: How “Christians” Worship and Enable the Anti-Christ State.) If they are to inspire […]
What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!

So what are you, some kind of Calvinist or something? Are you postmillennial? Are you…*gasp*…a __________?! [Note to readers: Before continuing this post, if you’re a professing Christian, please take a moment to prayerfully consider whether you actually believe that truly converted, supernaturally reborn New Creatures in Christ can (and often will as a part of the individual […]