Yes “Christian” Trump supporters, your daughters notice your hypocrisy…and are stripping accordingly.

What do you call a person (other than Donald Trump himself) who’s well known for their criticism of Bill Clinton’s open infidelity and abuse of women, Hillary Clinton’s power-mad enabling of that abuse, and Barack Obama’s proud assault upon the institutions of marriage and family, all while somehow managing to dismiss and ignore Donald Trump’s […]
Missouri bill makes a “gift” of sex between politicians and lobbyists.

How crackpot crazy has our approach to law and civil government become as “We the People” strive to have anything but the Word of God to rule over us? (See also: Porn, America, and what “rights” look like to people at war with God.) Just how nutty and desperate to “work around” the clear, detailed, […]
Why is Ashley Madison “legal” in America?

Why is an openly operating adultery business like Ashley Madison “legally” allowed and protected in America? For the same reason that the mass-murder of babies is “legal” in America. (See: Selling murdered baby parts in America? Sure. Why not?) And for the same reason that “gay marriage” is “legal” in America. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath […]