Utah, Porn, and America’s imagined “freedom” to do evil.

On the plus side: Utah has declared pornography to be “a public health crisis”. On the not-so-plus side: America (Utah included) has declared and continues to declare the production, sale and purchase of porn to be a “God-given right” and “freedom” which must be vigorously protected by the full force and power of the American […]

Porn, America, and what “rights” look like to people at war with God.

  Welcome to America, where there is a “right” to porn. And of course a “right” to buy porn. And a “right” to sell porn. And a “right” to produce porn. And a “right” to divorce for any reason or no reason at all. And a “right” to “marry” anyone (and soon any number of anyones at once). And a “right” to […]