Descozzafavacation (Or: Scraping Your Shoes Clean Before Running to Victory)
Sometimes the ugliest of new seven syllable words can express the most beautiful of sentiments.
In this case, reference is made to the wonderfully, if unintentionally, illustrative one-time “Republican” candidate for Congress, Dede Scozzafava.
Dr. James White: Barack Obama’s Dream for a Secular, Non-Christian Nation
While basking in the nuke-like afterglow of The One’s recent speech to the “Human Rights Campaign”, a homosexuality/bisexuality/pick-your-sexuality/anything-goes advocacy group, I’ve been cobbling together information for a project on this subject and recently came across an outstanding video posted on YouTube by Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
I’ve placed this video at the Fire Breathing Christian home page as well as at the James White video page.
Hmmm…a connection? Maybe?
Man must realize that a fundamental law of necessity reigns throughout the whole realm of Nature and that his existence is subject to the law of eternal struggle and strife . . .where the strong are always the masters of the weak and where those subject to such laws must obey them or be destroyed, one general law leading to the advancement of all organic beings . . . let the strongest live and the weakest die.”
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Holocaust x 7
Hitler’s Holocaust:
Roughly 6,000,000
America’s Holocaust:
Roughly 41,000,000
The sacred ‘right’ to murder innocent children at any time, in any place, for any reason (or no reason at all), all on the taxpayer’s dime:
Obama Youth Continue Socialism Sing-Along
Another day, another gaggle of kiddos paraded about to sing their programmed praises of Statism and its messianic advocate-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
On the up side, this installment of Obamaism praise and worship was orchestrated in a private school setting.
On the down side, this installment of Obamaism praise and worship was orchestrated in a private school setting.
Vampires…Werewolves…and Communists? (The Real Horror of Liberalism)
Before we get to the vampires and werewolves, a word from three invisible men:
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain…
From The One to Number Two: Racist Nations Conspire to Give “Messiah” a New Complex
Somebody on the international advance team forgot to dispense the Kool-Aid, and for the first time in my life, I am proud of the IOC.
In what the Associated Press called, “one of the most shocking defeats ever handed down by the International Olympic Committee”, the city of Chicago was eliminated in the first round of votes cast to decide the host of the 2016 Olympics. “Even Tokyo, which had trailed throughout the race, did better — eliminated after Chicago in the second round,” the story continued.
Apparently, ACORN just didn’t have enough time to mobilize.
One-Trick Donkey: The Democrat and His Precious Race Card
Bubba Clinton…Van Jones…Jimmy Carter…Al Gore…Walter Mondale…Jesse Jackson…Jeremiah Wright!
Arianna…Donahue…Charlie Rangel…Barry O…Chris Matthews…John Dingell… Janeane Garafalo!
Think Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire and just keep adding names as they pop into your head. I stopped at verse three-hundred-twenty-nine, but there’s nothing to keep you from going on with this little musical exercise, well, forever. If there’s one thing that might (remember, I said might) rival the sanctity of infanticide as a holy rite in the cult of progressive liberalism, it is the sacred art of playing the race card.
Little Fascists on Parade: Public School Praise and Worship, Obama Style
How do you get a Christian hymn into the public “education” system?
Easy: Swap out the name of Jesus in favor of Barack Hussein Obama.
Change for America, Jackass Style – The Democrat Party’s War on Christianity
The chosen symbol of the Democrat Party offers a compelling testimony both to God’s providential hand and His perfect sense of humor.
It also syncs well with a party broadly committed to legalized infanticide, the legitimization of homosexuality and open war upon the God-ordained institutions of marriage and family. From this launching point, little things like voter-fraud, child prostitution or the state’s corruption of the arts for the purpose of pushing “progressive” propaganda seem like no-brainers. When you think like this jackass, the ends justify the means.
Any means.
Sprechen Sie Propaganda?
The One and his disciples have been quite ambitious in their efforts to bring change to America. Nowhere has their zealotry been more evident than in their desire to co-opt and employ federally funded arts programs for the purpose of advancing the Statist cause.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition! (Part 2)
On April 29th, 2004, Canada’s governor general signed into law a measure that criminalized public expression in opposition to homosexual behavior, officially categorizing some orthodox Christian beliefs, when verbalized publically, as “hate speech”.
Welcome to the hopey, changey world of tolerance and inclusiveness, Perez Hilton style.
The Scarlet ‘R’
Every protest of the “progressive” agenda is fundamentally fueled by pervasive racism in America…or so the Liberal Inquisition would have you believe. Any expression of even the slightest suspicion regarding President Obama, Obamacare, Obama pals like Charlie Rangel or ACORN is immediately tagged as racially motivated.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition!
By now, everybody expects the Liberal Inquisition. Before one can even finish the thought preceding any pronouncement critical of anything “progressive”, they must resign themselves to the knowledge that, should they actually let their politically incorrect words fly, they will be branded.
The Scarlet R will be upon them.
Prostitution: Do it for the Children. (An ACORN Public Service Announcement)
The ACORN wars have gone guerilla on the right side (they’ve been operating that way on the left from the start). Earlier today, posted two shots of these lovely little painted ACORN PSAs as they were found in the Los Anges area.
With the recent outbreak of “ACORN Funded Prostitution Zone” signs popping up in, on and around L.A., it looks like area residents will be treated to some visual reminders of the sorts of activities promoted by ACORN not just in L.A., but from coast to coast across the nation.
Crushed Nuts: How ACORN Got Trampled by the “Racist” Stampede
It’s enough to make Al Gore wish he’d never invented the Internet.
Earlier today, broke the story that ACORN had suspended operations. This after the same just-launched website broke story after story exposing the top-to-bottom, coast-to-coast corruption of the organization.
Can a Christian Vote Democrat?
C.S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity, described the Christian life as follows:
“The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says, ‘Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don’t want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over your whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked – the whole outfit. I will give you a new one instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.’”
Washington: Can You Hear Us Now?
What a difference a day makes. A day when somewhere around two million strong decide to march on the nation’s capitol, that is.
As the masses mobilized, the Statist media went into a tizzy and liberal activist from coast to coast scurried about trying to tag the millions of liberty-loving American protesters as everything from unenlightened and reactionary to hateful and (of course) racist.
Advance the Cause of Child Prostitution? YES! WE! CAN!
In a refreshing display of the nearly lost art of American journalism, has published a stunning report on ACORN, the “community organizing” group brought to national prominence last year by way of its association with Barack Obama.
Defy the Laws of Mathematics, Economics and Logic? YES! WE! CAN!
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits either now or in the future. Period”.
Thus saith The One.
So let it be written; so let it be done.
Only in an America populated by drones primarily educated through a government controlled idiot factory could such a contention inspire serious applause.
Embrace the Marxist Rebellion Against God? YES! WE! CAN!
The Marxist taproot feeding the tree of Progressive Christianity and the contemporary American Democrat Party is, in its wanton repudiation of the Sovereign of Scripture and His Holy Word, a satanic stronghold and an affront to Christ. It is a clear and present danger to His church. Its complete destruction must be a conscious goal of every biblically submissive Christian.
Create a Godless Nation? YES! WE! CAN!
The people of Martin Luther’s Reformation became the nation of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in much the same way that the people of the American Revolution have become the nation of Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can [insert whatever you like here]!”
Obama’s Communist Czar of [Expletive Deleted] Identification Hits Unemployment Line – Unemployment Hits 9.71%
According to a report by the Associated Press, Van Jones, President Barack Hussein Obama’s appointed Green Jobs Czar, one of a plethora of advisors selected by The One to hold positions of power largely immune to congressional oversight, formally resigned late last night.
Every made thing has a beginning. Many good and thoughtful discussions rightly begin with a definition of terms. As I hope and pray that this blog will fall into the “good and thoughtful” category for many if not most of its readers, I think it only proper to begin here today by clearly defining the […]