Torture for Terrorists + Christians as Terrorists = Torture for Christians
[5/16/15: As open hostility toward biblical Christianity in America continues to ramp up, and with the enforced culture-wide embrace of sexual perversion building momentum, this seems like a useful post to revisit.] Okay, let’s see if we can connect the dots here: “Terror” is what the State and its tools tell us it is. It’s what ISIS, al-Qaeda, […]
The love of [fake] money is the root of all kinds of evil.
“Of all the problems with fiat currency, the most basic is that it empowers the dark side of human nature. We’re potentially good but infinitely corruptible, and giving an unlimited monetary printing press to a government or group of banks is guaranteed to produce a dystopia of ever-greater debt and more centralized control, until […]
Dead Babies and Dying Dollars in Romans 1 America
For many of us, this isn’t even real anymore. It just can’t be. The steep and increasingly speedy decline of the America Idol is something that most Americans understandably have a hard time fully acknowledging, much less addressing in any meaningful way. The fall that we are personally experiencing doesn’t seem real or even possible […]
Oops! Ukraine’s gold just “disappeared”.
Robbery. Theft. Piracy. Fraud. These are synonyms for the fiat currency system of mass enslavement and elite empowerment under which we now live as crafted and deployed by Central Banks the world over. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, for all of its flash, […]
Privacy is for masters. Transparency is for slaves. Welcome to “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.
Are Americans free? Or are we not? Do Americans have privacy? Or do we not? Do Americans actually own land privately? (See: “property tax”/rent-to-the-State) Or do we not? Do Americans live in anything resembling a “free market”? Or is the money printed out of thin air by a very few used to own and control […]
ISIS gets biblically sound with its currency while America clings to Monopoly Money economics.
Well, at least someone is actively pursuing a biblically sound approach to money, currency, and economics at some level. And who is this maverick rising up against the fiat-currency fueled fiat-slavery system of Monopoly Money that now, for a season, dominates the globe? Who is it that has risen to shake off the shackles of […]
As if Apple wasn’t gay enough already…
“ . . let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” So said Apple CEO Tim Cook in an article run by Bloomberg today titled Tim Cook Speaks Up. Before diving into this, let me be clear about something as well: Apple products tend to be […]
“All the Markets Need Is $200 Billion a Quarter From the Central Bankers”
So how much “help” do the “free markets” need from the all powerful money-printing class in order for things like stocks and homes to have their present valuations preserved or re-inflated? Only $200 billion. Per quarter. For now. Bloomberg’s Simon Kennedy posted All the Markets Need Is $200 Billion a Quarter From the Central Bankers earlier this […]
Liars, Thieves, and the “Free Market” Fiction of “Too Big to Fail” America
Another week, another massive (and flagrantly anti-“free market capitalism”) bailout here in “the land of the free and the home of the NSA.” The Orwellian/Romans 1 insanity of our culture seems to become more plain and laughably tragic with each passing minute. We raise debt ceilings to not raise the debt, we bail out stock […]
What does Jesus bring to politics, education, law, and economics?
The Bible is loaded with foundational statements that are bizarre, offensive and often quite disgusting to the unbelieving ear. We are commanded to “eat Christ’s flesh and drink His blood”. We are told that He is “the bread of life”, “the Word made flesh”, and that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” personified. […]
Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.
Amidst the raging seas of Ebola, ISIS, and perpetual war, there is one group of people who can still rest relatively easy, knowing that the systems in place will always and quickly strive to do everything within their power to “have their back”, saving them from even the consequences of their own recklessness, laziness and generally bad […]
Christianity in a Box: Containing the Contagion of Obedience to Christ
If there’s one thing that secular progressive liberals, the vast majority of professing American Christians, and Satan can agree on, it is this: The Word of God is not to be our source, standard, and blueprint for education, economics, business, law, government and politics right here and now on planet earth, in America or anywhere else. For […]
Want relief from the stress, fear, and anxiety of Ebola, ISIS, and Obama? Focus on Christ the King.
What has unfolded before our eyes, ears, and increasingly frazzled psyches over the past few months hasn’t exactly been a ready-made plot-line for next year’s first great “feel good hit of the summer”, has it? We’ve got Ebola killing thousands and transmitting at an alarming rate in Africa while making its first appearances off-continent in America […]
Judgment begins with the Church…not the Democrats.
Like most of you who are reading this, when it comes to politics, I consider myself to be very conservative. I consider myself to be so because, by the grace of God and to the best of my knowledge and ability, I seek to submit my political understanding to biblical standards and have, as a result, […]
The Obacalypse continues…but are we any closer to repentance?
Last month, in Obacalypse Now: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Wicked Leadership in Romans 1 America, we covered things like ISIS, Ebola, the emerging Orwellian NSA State, our teetering Monopoly Money economy, and the aggressive homosexualization of the culture. You know, the basics of our culture’s hopey-changey vibe of the moment. In just the few weeks that […]
Why does God despise the US dollar? Here are seven reasons…
I recently received several emails including a pic of the above Allah stamped buck attached to a variety of protestations and howls of outrage that Allah would be placed on our beloved national currency. The general idea implied if not outright stated in these emails was that this was yet another example of Christianity being assaulted […]
Too big to fail and too big to jail.
Ever wonder why it is that folks who make the most mind-numbingly moronic economic decisions on the most grand, globally impactful scale, tend to barely suffer any sort of meaningful personal consequence for their world shaking acts of stupidity? Every wonder why certain people, businesses, corporations, and governments can again and again and again […]
Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.
You are owned. You are someone else’s unearned possession. You are the controlled commodity of sinful, self-serving men and women. And so am I. We are in the same camp together. We are slaves to the same masters. This is inescapably true for the most obvious of reasons; so obvious and so painful that we can […]
Happy Labor Day, Wage Slave. (Be sure to run faster and chase harder after the “money” that your masters make out of thin air.)
How do you destroy the beauty of labor? How do you so radically corrupt every fundamental of economics that everything from investment and business practices to the work ethic itself is left in smoldering ruin? How do you take such wonderful concepts as hard work, wise investing, and the pursuit of material prosperity – each of which […]
Dear professing Christian investors: Please stop funding the war on actual, obedient Christians.
If you haven’t seen Honey Maid’s new commercial for graham crackers and Teddy Grahams, you might wanna check it out. It may be just the latest in a loooooooooooooong line of corporate America sponsored pro-sin/anti-Christ propaganda, but it really is a gem – the kind of gem we can look forward to more and more […]
Christ-less Economics: It’s Pretty Gay, too.
It’s not exactly news that Christians who dare operate their businesses in accordance with biblical principles are increasingly taking it on the chin as America’s Corpo-Fascist spin on “the mark of the beast” rolls out and over the culture. It’s also not exactly stunning anymore to hear that Christ-honoring folks are getting economically hammered for their lack […]
American “Freedom Fighting” Tool Sledgehammers Jonah’s Tomb
As reported by many sources today, including The Daily Mail, ISIS militants have taken a sledgehammer to Jonah’s tomb in Iraq’s Nineveh province. You can click here for the whole sad, but not very surprising story. This same ISIS was just months ago the object of support and encouragement from none other than the powers that control “the […]
American Pride and Romans 1 Cheeseburgers.
Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper. That’s the title of an article posted Tuesday at USA Today. Not. Even. Kidding. But should we really be surprised? I mean, hasn’t corporate America been pushing “the gay pride whopper” in various ways for a very looooooooong time now? So why not in burger form, then? Seems reasonable enough…in […]
Corporate “Mark of the Beast” Rollout Continues
Here we go again… Today the Drudge Report posted a headline that read, CHASE Bank asks employees if they are “allies of the LGBT community”, which connected to a Breitbart article posted yesterday, entitled Second Employee Alleges Chase Bank Surveyed Staff’s LGBT Loyalty. Chronicling the steady rollout of corporate America’s “mark of the beast” style economic […]
Marked by the beast: Where Christ-less economics has led us, and what we can do about it.
I had no idea that someone could be so excited about describing a phone charger, but there she was, just beaming as she went along. She glowed with pride and was as warm and friendly as can be while kindly and thoughtfully walking me through brief presentations on about a half dozen options in […]
A Mark of the Beast
Throughout church history there’s been intense curiosity and fascination with the “mark of the beast” described in the book of Revelation. While serious interest in the truth of God as revealed in His Word is a wonderful thing, in recent decades much of what is marketed as end times intrigue has been detached from its biblical foundation. Once that happened, it was bound to blossom into something quite ugly, and blossom it has.
Woohoo! It’s Almost Slave State Compulsory Funding Day!
I don’t know ’bout you, but I’m as happy as Navin Johnson on New Phone Book Day. Maybe even happier.
Of course, this can only mean one thing: Slave State Compulsory Funding Day is almost here!
Obama’s Communist Czar of [Expletive Deleted] Identification Hits Unemployment Line – Unemployment Hits 9.71%
According to a report by the Associated Press, Van Jones, President Barack Hussein Obama’s appointed Green Jobs Czar, one of a plethora of advisors selected by The One to hold positions of power largely immune to congressional oversight, formally resigned late last night.