Do you have two hours a day to focus on your children?
Do you have two hours a day to focus on your children? If so, you can homeschool. That was the short and very sweet point made by a kind Christian woman who called into Stand Up for the Truth on Monday where I was the guest on that day’s show. The subject of the broadcast was children’s […]
How does the Gospel define children’s education? (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)
I’m quite happy and thankful to report that I had an awesome, cool, and productive time with the crew at Stand Up for the Truth on Monday’s show, where the topic of the day was…*drumroll*…children’s education from a Gospel-centered perspective. Woohoo! I was on for about the first 45 minutes or so and man, did we get […]
Disciples of the State: 10 ways that State-run “education” is (purposefully) killing us.
I love public school kids. Teachers, too. Some of my favorite memories and most cherished relationships were born in an American public school setting. Most reading this post can probably relate to that sentiment. While we can and should be thankful for the many good and beautiful things that God allows us to experience in any […]
Anti-Homeschool Inquisitors Seek Immunity from Law
Last week in America’s Fear and Loathing of Christian Homeschoolers, we highlighted an article by American Vision’s Dr. Joel McDurmon in which he methodically chronicled the lies driving a ridiculously contrived “case” against a homeschooling family in Texas. McDurmon has recently followed up with a very important article alerting homeschoolers as to some serious freedom-threatening maneuvers being […]
“…on earth as it is in heaven.”
Preemptive surrender has never really been what you’d call a winning strategy. [Insert French army joke here.] Yet that’s exactly what Christians in America have been conditioned to do for a very long time now. For many generations we’ve become increasingly sold on the notion that everything here on earth is destined for darkness. It’s all doomed. It’s all […]
America’s Fear and Loathing of Christian Homeschoolers
Just in case anyone out there had forgotten how much this culture and its most thoroughly programmed drones despise the concept and practice of Christian homeschooling, the Lord has graciously provided us with yet another reminder. This time it comes in the form of a Texas homeschooling family who is being savaged by everyone […]
US Debt Soars $339 Billion in a Single Day [Insert “U! S! A!” chant here]
Last month in Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money! we tried to encourage folks to keep their eyes fixed on reality as the freakishly fictional economic construct under which we presently live begins to unravel, crack up, and come tumbling down around us. We began by making plain that when a fiat […]
“On Education: Thoughts on Christ as the essential core of children’s education” book released.
The On Education: Thoughts on Christ as the essential core of children’s education book is now available in print and eBook/Kindle formats. This is a compilation book featuring articles from Fire Breathing Christian that center on the vital life- and culture-shaping subject of children’s education. One of the great benefits of this sort of book is that […]
Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money!
Debt ceiling? Who needs a debt ceiling? Sure, as a rhetorical device to keep the programmed, State-dependent masses thinking that this whole unbiblical economic Jenga Tower of Babel is somehow manageable and will work out just swell for us in the end, yeah, that sort of “debt ceiling” has all kinds of value to a political elite […]
Why do we prefer ignorance and bondage to truth and freedom?
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. . . ~ Acts 17:30 One awesome – and awesomely convicting – principle revealed in Scripture is that we are responsible for the light that has been given us. Not merely the light that we choose to soak in, choose to meditate […]
Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit: Why “conservative Christian” Americans sell their own children for just one more hit of Socialism.
How many “conservative Christian Americans” are willing to sell their own children, grandchildren, and untold future generations deeper into slavery to the American State in order to squeeze just one more hit of temporary “benefit” from the Statism-fueled insanity of Social Security, Medicare, public schools, and the perpetual All-American war machine? The vast majority, that’s how many. […]
Why stop spending when you can just print more “money”?
Can you feel the surge? Do you hear the hum? The surge of manufactured power and the hum of warming printing presses, I mean. (See also: Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.) As the “expert”-programmed fiction known as the global economy teeters (again) […]
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God (Thank you for the reminder, Kim Davis.)
Thank God for Kim Davis! Thank God for the example she has been at this critical moment. (See: Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”) Thank God for the thoughts and conversations that her biblical stand has ignited. (See: Do we actually believe that God’s Law is binding? Or do […]
There are no “Sword of Truth-free” zones anywhere in God’s creation. Just sayin’.
We’re “educated” from toddlerhood in America to keep The Sword of Truth “in its place” (if we must have one at all), which is, as we are reminded again and again and again: In its sheath and safely stored away at home. Or at church. Or in a prayer closet. Or in our precious, sweet little heart. Or whatever…you […]
But “Our Schools Are Different!”, Says The State-Discipled Mind
So what if our children are taught that all religions are to be respected equally? So what if our children are taught as much about Islam as they are about Christianity…and all from a supposedly “neutral perspective” (in stark contrast to a biblical perspective)? So what if our children are taught to presuppose no absolute […]
What would a Christian State Governor do about Planned Parenthood and Gay “Marriage”? (Hint: Kim Davis)
What if we had in just one or two of our United States of America and actual Christian State Governor, as in: Someone who demonstrates true love for the real Jesus by striving to actively obey Him in every area of life. You know, as if he actually lived out that whole “if we love […]
Ze Heil! (Or: American Education’s Orwellian War on God and Gender)
I remember sitting in my living room with a group of men about a year and a half ago. We are chilling out together, doing a Bible study, and having good conversation. As the conversation rolled on a bit, it got a bit more serious – serious in a good way for the most part, […]
What if Planned Parenthood butchered pensions and savings accounts instead of babies?
It’s funny how a major drop in the stock market helps to put things in perspective. There are obviously a lot of things you can mess with, trample, and destroy here in America without much fear of serious repercussions…like the lives and bodies of little baby boys and girls, for example. You can attack, mock, perpetually redefine, and strive […]
Why our economic Jenga Tower Of Babel must fall. (Hint: Proverbs 11:1)
So the stock market is careening (again), the talking heads are flipping out (again), and our dearly beloved pagan “leaders” and “experts” are being looked to for economic security and salvation (again). Welcome to the world of Fiat $lavery, an economic construct built upon the laughably insane and wildly unbiblical notion that some should have the […]
10 Reasons Christians Should Not Teach In Public Schools
Some of my favorite people have been public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are Christians who are teaching or have taught in American public schools. As a product/victim of American State-run worldview programming myself, I have much to be thankful for. High on the list is God’s perfect, purposeful use […]
What if Christians in public “schools” taught Christ instead of Paganism?
What are professing Christians who work for the State-run “education” system supposed to do? How are they supposed to teach? How are they to supposed to present truth? How are they supposed to define and share knowledge? What approach the pursuit of knowledge are they supposed to model for their students? How are they commanded […]
Why “conservatives” love funding liberalism. (And how they do it.)
When it comes to State dependency, professing Christian “conservatives” are just as keen on the concept as “those crazy/stupid liberals” that they love to whine about and blame for pretty much everything. They’re just too immersed in American State propaganda and “education” to notice. Pagan “Christian” conservatives are all about propping up and “fixing” explicitly Marxist concepts […]
We can’t “pray away” the clarity of Scripture…and we shouldn’t want to.
Prayer is awesome. It’s a matchlessly wondrous and supernaturally powerful means of growth and comfort to the Christian. Through prayer we are able to commune and communicate with the God of all creation in a personal, intimate manner. Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of […]
Politics, education, and the uncomfortable truth about sin. (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)
Yesterday I was once again honored to be on the Stand Up for the Truth show with Mike and Amy, and man, lemme tellya, it got really interesting. We started off kicking around the current season of The American Political Puppet Show and talked a bit about what Christians should expect from the current crop […]
Statism 101: State-run “education” makes a State-dependent population.
It’s August in America – that time of year when tens of millions of professing Christians in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA happily send their precious little children off to the State for State-run, pro-State, explicitly anti-Christian “education” in direct violation of the crystal clear Word of God. It […]
Our Big Fat Greek Economic Future
Last month in Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.) we reminded folks of the many lessons to be learned and warnings to be had by way of the unfolding fiat-currency-fueled economic crisis in Greece. Later in Fake it ’til ya break it: What the Greek implosion tells us about America’s future. we continued to […]
Our Inevitable Victory Over Satanic “Education”
These days in America, it’s often professing Christians who seem to least believe that Christ the King actually owns and defines all of reality (see: Colossians 1:16). After generations of immersion in a man-centered, emotion-driven, and culturally disengaged religious worldview masquerading as Christianity, we’ve largely come to expect the victory of Christ’s enemies all around us here on His […]
Bankers to Laughing Greek Public: You can trust us! Really!
So where does the wildly unbiblical and culture-enslaving practice of black magic fiat currency economics ultimately and invariably lead? To State dependence for the masses and civilizational control for the elites who own and operate said State, that’s where. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, all […]
“Christian leaders” STILL encourage Christians to keep feeding their children to the beast of anti-Christian/State-run “education”.
There comes a point at which the warm handshakes, friendly smiles, and killer pot-lucks just can’t cover things up anymore. There comes a point at which even the most naïve and immature Christian begins to sense through the Spirit of God within them that something is way off. Something isn’t right. Something stinks. For year after year, […]
Corporate America’s Big Gay Push (Or: “Mark of the Beast” economics, here we come!)
How much harder is it for a Christian to get a job or keep a job with a major American corporation than it was, say, 15 years ago? What if that Christian has taken clear, public stands in obedience to Christ and out of loving concern for the lost in accordance with the Gospel and […]
Fake it ’til ya break it: What the Greek implosion tells us about America’s future.
What would you do if you found out that banks in America were not going to open today – or anytime at all this week – and that all bank-held accounts were effectively frozen, with a $60 daily limit on withdrawals? With the first of the month coming up, how would you pay your mortgage? Or, more […]
American Public Schools are Officially Gay
On Friday, millions upon millions of American “Christians” were outraged – outraged, I tell you! – at the “Supreme Court” vote in favor of “gay marriage” as the “law” of the land. Then on Monday many of these very same outraged Christian conservatives freely shipped the delicate, impressionable little boys and girls that God has […]
Southern Baptists flip out over “gay marriage”, but are okay with government-run children’s “education”.
There’s something bizarre about watching someone try to kill a hornet with a nuclear strike while simultaneously protecting the hornet’s nest from which it came, but that’s pretty much what we’re witnessing now from many “Christian leaders” who seem to take every opportunity to express outrage and even threaten civil disobedience over the looming Supreme Court pronouncement on […]
If American dollars express American values and we are about to change the $10 bill…
As Zero Hedge reminded us today, three things are true where the soon-to-be-announced new $10 American Federal Reserve Note is concerned: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has revealed that Alexander Hamilton will soon be removed from the $10 note in favor of an as-yet-unnamed woman (or possibly “woman”). . Secretary Lew has stated that “America’s currency is a way for […]
Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.)
There are two topics that we write on fairly regularly here that routinely cause site traffic and interest to dive. But we keep writing about ’em anyway because they’re important. One of those subjects is technology. The other is economics. For various reasons – many of which are rooted in lousy “end times” views that fuel […]
Franklin Graham’s Incoherent “Fight” Against the Homosexual Agenda
One of the least surprising things in all of God’s creation seems to be the thing that’s most surprising to the vast majority of “American conservative Christians” who simply cannot believe how fast the culture is melting down around them, particularly in the realm of sexuality. But really, what could be more predictable than the sexual, […]
Disney, the NSA, and Republicans’ relentless pimping of the America Idol.
Disney World is a magical place. But you knew that already. What you maybe didn’t know was just what kind of magic is really goin’ on ’round there. I’m talkin’ black magic. Some of the blackest – and bleakest – of magic, actually. Black economic magic, to be precise. I’m talkin’ ’bout the All-American Corporate […]
Republican enabled ObamaTrade: Now *that’s* Progressive!
What could be more pure, virtuous and all-’round awesome for us all than a proposed national trade bill that is so incredibly supercool and sweet that nobody who has actually read it is allowed to even talk about the details in public before it’s voted on by our beloved “leaders” in DC? What could be more pixie-dust […]
State-run schools teach sexual perversion (again). “Christians” pretend to be “shocked” and “horrified” (again)…and keep right on feeding their children to the beast.
So according to a report published late last week, some “shocked” American parents are “furious” about their government run school’s plan to teach kids about stuff like “gender fluidity” and “the gender spectrum”. To which one might be rightly compelled by concern and true love for these folks and their children to respond: What did you expect?! I […]
Putting Teeth into “Mark of the Beast” Economics
Ever wonder what a “Mark of the Beast” style economic system would look like in real world practice? Well, if the “leaders” we’ve allowed to design and direct the current global anti-Christian economic engine get their way, we’ll soon find out. As reported today in The Telegraph in How to end boom and bust: make […]
Why Statists despise Christian homeschooling (and why Christians shouldn’t feed their children to the State).
By now many of us have heard at least part of the unfolding tale of the Nauglers, a family of 12 in southwestern Kentucky who choose to live an “off the grid” lifestyle of simplicity that includes, among other things, a family Facebook page (kinda funny, right?). One of many articles chronicling the recent arrest of the […]
Government run “education”…and why we don’t know anything anymore.
If there’s one thing we know, it’s that America is awesome! If there’s another thing that we know, it’s that we must place the American State above and beyond any serious challenge. The American State is the hope of the world. The American State cannot be allowed to falter. The American State must prevail…and, by the […]
It’s funny how things like riots and looting make people less apathetic about law.
If law and lawlessness are up to man to define here on earth, then we can know a few things about what law and lawlessness will look like here on earth: The definitions of both will always be in flux. ‘ There is no objective standard by which to limit the range of said fluctuation. . […]
And now for “Transgender” Kindergarten, as brought to you by…American “Christianity”
Last week we covered the new move to support “Transgender” Girl(?) Scouts in, of all places, Utah, so this week it should come as little surprise to anyone with half a clue that we’re now able to confirm…Transgender-friendly Kindergarten! Woohoo! Isn’t tolerance awesome?! Isn’t Christ-dismissing “education” sweet?! And isn’t it great that professing Christians have […]
What exactly is a “Transgender Girl Scout”? (Or: How to destroy children and language at the same time.)
As Breitbart reports, a Utah Girl Scout troop is hoping to attract “transgender” recruits: “The idea is to attract “transgender” youth and children living with an LGBT parent.” So if there was to actually be such a thing as a transgender Girl Scout, one question that seems to leap to mind is: Would they still […]
The definition of success, the purpose of education, and how we’ve completely blown it on both counts.
A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to chat with a couple of very nice “education advocates”. Here in Tennessee, momentum has been building against Common Core’s use in State-controlled education systems. As part of a push from the pro-CC side, lobbyists and activists of all sorts and stripes have been dispatched to convince […]
Devil’s Ed. 101 (The Prequel)
This is an inverse of the last cartoon, Devil’s Ed. 101. After thinking about that one a bit more, it seemed like a good idea to go back to show the proper order in which the Satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge was first spoken and then emulated…by us…right up to today. For a […]
Devil’s Ed. 101
For a more comprehensive, detailed biblical presentation on this important subject, please read Redeeming Children’s Education: Confronting Our Satanic Approach to the Pursuit of Knowledge. If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on […]
American Culture as the American Church’s Report Card
In light of the Gospel-fueled Great Commission of Jesus Christ (see: Matthew 28), the present condition of the American culture can be rightly described as a “report card” for the professing Christian church in America. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore […]
The Serpent’s Ongoing Education (and Control) of the “Bible Belt”
So there I was, sitting through the second of two similar Tennessee State House hearings on the subject of education, in which Marc Tucker addressed two different Education Committees, when it hit me (again). The “it” in question was this: We apparently have no idea as to what education is, much less what a […]
Zero percent interest and how today’s young were sold into slavery.
Year after year (and especially in election years), we hear the same bold, clear warnings and moaning from a political class trying to keep us on board with their program for just one…more…election… We hear it from the Left. We hear it from the Right. Both mouths of the two-headed dragon speak in harmony. “Future generations […]
What’s the difference between a bankrupt Greece and a bankrupt America?
So Greece is bankrupt. Really bankrupt. Western Banksters are railing (and licking their chops). The Greek people are in despair. The Greek economy is in shambles. Most Greek young adults are unemployed and have such grim prospects that they are leaving the country when they can. And the Euro-zone is on the brink…of something…probably something […]
How “free public schools” make us all renters from the State.
Remember when you could actually own a home in America? The answer is: No, you do not. Even if you think that something like true home ownership was recently or is presently allowed here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA, you are simply wrong. As with most of the […]
Inflation Kills. Purposefully.
Inflation kills. It enslaves. And purposefully so. As Christians, we’ve been called and equipped with God’s essential, life-defining Word on all things, including economics. As such, and as a part of our Great Commission mandate to make disciples who do all that He has commanded (see: Matthew 28), we ought to take a look at the […]
Our Love of Money and Child Sacrifice
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:10 This passage, as many, tends to suffer from one (or some combination) of three treatments at the hands of people […]
Rosie, Busgetti, and the Beauty of Catechism
In the wake of her successful campaign for Tennessee’s “Yes on 1” (see pic above) and with our beloved Rosebud about to turn two this coming spring, we knew that it was time. Bible memorization and catechism time. Rosie’s shown a lot of promise on the linguistic front as we’ve ramped up to this moment. She’s counting […]
Banksters, €uro-madness, and the price of your groceries.
Though far more Americans are aware of and talking about the under-inflation of Tom Brady’s footballs, an infinitely more important and impactful inflation-related issue has been building publicly for months (if not years) now, culminating in today’s announcement by the European Central Bank that they will begin a massive, multi-trillion Euro “quantitative easing” (aka “money printing”) […]
€ndgame: The Death of Oil, Banks, Bailouts, and Bondage
There’s little doubt that sub-$2 gas at the pump is a beautiful thing to many, and for good reason. For those struggling to exist under the purposefully increasing weight of a system designed to drive the average person ever deeper into the arms (and control) of the emerging Orwellian American Corporate State, “cheap gas” is […]
Redeeming Children’s Education: Confronting Our Satanic Approach to the Pursuit of Knowledge
Last year, in the first few months of (near) daily posting at the Fire Breathing Christian blog, I wrote several articles on the subject of children’s education. Three of those posts were constructed around notes I’d made for a sermon that I’ve since been blessed to share with many Brothers and Sisters who are struggling mightily by the […]
Ten problems with the “salt and light” excuse for feeding children to the State.
Here in 2015 America, there is little doubt that we are being blessed by God with a return by more and more of His people to the loving detail of His Word when it comes to the vital, culture-shaping subject of children’s education. Let’s not lose sight of this beautiful truth. Let’s celebrate it and thank God […]
Ten answers to those “What about socialization?” questions from public school advocates.
Evidence of the evils of State-controlled children’s education continues to multiply, amplify and explode all around us, but in a culture still loaded with minds molded on State-run assembly lines, those evils are typically dismissed, ignored, or even spun into virtues. This is the climate into which God has placed His people. Even now in America, […]
Decentralization and our Christian duty to confront the economic rape of civilization.
Decentralization. It’s a good thing. A great one, actually, especially from where we stand now. The increasing unbiblical centralization of power in the hands of an unbelieving (read: “anti-Christian”) elite is one of the defining trends of American history. All of it. While developments along these lines have picked up steam in recent generations, the seeds […]
The Rubber Sword of Toothless Truth
It looks awesome from a distance. Sounds great, too – whistling through the wind as its proud owner swings it here , there and everywhere, like a skilled and dangerous soldier or knight. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a toy. The wannabe soldier is merely pretending. His sword is a fake; an imitation without an edge. […]
How has “Christianity” paved the way for gender chaos insanity?
One of the easiest cultural “red (or pink) flags” for evangelical Christians to spot and critique is the plague of gender chaos that is even now sweeping over and radically redefining America before our eyes. Those advocating an “open”, “loving”, and “tolerant” approach to sexual identity and practice have had staggering success in reshaping and […]
Banks Inch “Mark of the Beast” Economics Toward Reality
“If the Bank of Montreal gets its way, Christians will not be able to work with any major corporation in this country. ” So warns an article posted by Canadian Values. The piece goes on to describe the increasingly aggressive approach of the Bank of Montreal on behalf of various anti-Christian groups, all in the name “diversity” and […]
Culture-Killer Smackdown: Strip Clubs vs. Public Schools – Which is more destructive?
What would you think if someone at your church was to suggest that a group of Deacons or Elders take on a mission to go and observe normal business activities for a few hours each and every week at a local strip club as part of a mission to “be salt and light” to the strippers and strip club patrons? […]
The slow boil and economic rape of the biblically illiterate.
What if God was real? I mean really real…not just “real to you” or “real to me” or some other self-centered silliness. What if He was not only real, but had spoken…with clarity and in detail? What if this actual, real God had spoken with detailed clarity as to how certain areas of life and […]
Torture for Terrorists + Christians as Terrorists = Torture for Christians
[5/16/15: As open hostility toward biblical Christianity in America continues to ramp up, and with the enforced culture-wide embrace of sexual perversion building momentum, this seems like a useful post to revisit.] Okay, let’s see if we can connect the dots here: “Terror” is what the State and its tools tell us it is. It’s what ISIS, al-Qaeda, […]
The love of [fake] money is the root of all kinds of evil.
“Of all the problems with fiat currency, the most basic is that it empowers the dark side of human nature. We’re potentially good but infinitely corruptible, and giving an unlimited monetary printing press to a government or group of banks is guaranteed to produce a dystopia of ever-greater debt and more centralized control, until […]
Oops! Ukraine’s gold just “disappeared”.
Robbery. Theft. Piracy. Fraud. These are synonyms for the fiat currency system of mass enslavement and elite empowerment under which we now live as crafted and deployed by Central Banks the world over. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, for all of its flash, […]
Why is the beast of Socialism eating our children? Ask your pastor.
Ah, State-controlled children’s “education”. Is there anything more warmly regarded by the typical American? Right outta the Communist Manifesto, yet adored and defended by most professing conservatives in America. Built plainly upon the satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge, yet adored and defended by most professing Christians in America. Talk about a gigantic, disgusting, yet very much cherished […]
This gay pasta promotion has been brought to you by…American “Christianity”.
Talk about a bad macaroni art experience. Now we have “gay pasta” used to promote and proudly represent the decline of western civilization. I know, I know…this is getting old. Everything is gay this, LGBTQRSTUV that. And that’s part of their plan: The “Forces of Tolerance” and Orwellian liberty aim to wear us into submissive […]
Islamic worship in American government? Sure. Why not?
Is America all about the freedom to worship any god? Of course! Does America – including the vast majority of its self-identified “conservative Christians” – hold up this “right” as a great and civilization-defining virtue worthy of emulation by all other people in all other lands? Of course! Then what’s the matter with an Islamic Imam formally […]
Gender Chaos: The Insanity (and Impossibility) of “Sex Change”
One of the more, um, flamboyant manifestations of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant America, is our culture’s embrace of an “anything goes” approach to sexuality, which has metastasized into an anything goes attitude on the very concept of gender itself. We see it everywhere – in Starbucks commercials, Apple ads, […]
The Consequences of Feeding Our Children to the Beast
What if Scripture – what we call “the Bible” – was infinitely more than anything else ever written or read, because it was an actual and accurate revelation of God’s very nature? Of who He is? What if this literary revelation had been lovingly provided by God to His people for the sake of ensuring that they enjoy the […]
The Satanic approach to children’s education…as embraced by most professing Christians in America.
What if Satan was not only real, but had a particular perspective on the pursuit of knowledge (aka “education”)? What if his approach to education – particularly children’s education – after purposefully slithering its way into the Christian sub-culture, was able to grow and grow in influence to the point that, many generations after its initial infection, […]
Ebola is an STD? So what? We have ObamaCare!
We Americans are indeed a very funky people. Unfortunately, almost all of our funkiness is of the bad sort these days. As we covered earlier this month, 110 million Americans have an STD at any given moment. That’s over one third of our population. Clearly, generations of State-controlled education and corporate-controlled pop-culture are paying off. […]
New York City, Ebola, and the Insanity of Our Anti-Quarantine Policy
Lord willing, Dr. Craig Spencer does not have Ebola. Lord willing, this will turn out to be nothing more than the latest and loudest warning proclaiming the suicidal insanity of our refusal to prevent likely Ebola-exposed people from freely and easily entering our country in stark dismissal of the most basic protocols normally deployed by […]
Why do most professing Christians dismiss God’s Word on children’s education?
What if God was not only real, but had lovingly provided us with the information and understanding by which we might tackle every important subject and challenge that could come our way? What if He, in His infinite wisdom and matchless grace, had given us such detail as to the nature of every realm of human experience, culture, and […]
Incompetence goes viral in Romans 1 America…and yes, it’s okay to notice.
How can the CDC be so incompetent? How can Obama fail to stop Air Ebola from rolling in from Africa? How can State Governors just sort of wait and watch it all happen? The answer to all of this is: Romans 1. Or, put another way, it’s our fault. More specifically, it’s the professing […]
Ever wonder why Pharaoh’s charioteers went along with his plan? Ever wonder if we are like them?
I’m still a sucker for Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments. Sure, it has the truly special special effects that one would expect from a 1956 production and yeah, the dialogue is, at points, even more special than the effects. But man, Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner! Oh yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout! […]
110 million proud Americans have STDs. Now that’s Progressive!
According to a CDC report cited earlier this week by CBS, 110 million Americans have an STD at any given moment. Since America is estimated to have a round 316-319 million people, that means that around 34% – or just over one third – of the entire population has a sexually transmitted disease. How awesome is […]
Why does God despise the US dollar? Here are seven reasons…
I recently received several emails including a pic of the above Allah stamped buck attached to a variety of protestations and howls of outrage that Allah would be placed on our beloved national currency. The general idea implied if not outright stated in these emails was that this was yet another example of Christianity being assaulted […]
America’s lesson to creation: Pride, freedom and liberty are stupid, destructive, and gay…when centered on anything but God.
What does pride, freedom, and liberty look like when severed from the law and nature of God their basis? We are increasingly able to provide a one-word answer to that ugly question, and that answer is: America. As reported earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States has turned away appeals Monday from five […]
Remember when a bunch of naked guys on bikes riding past a crowd of little girls was a bad thing?
Remember the good ol’ days when something like a parade of naked men on bikes riding by a bunch of little girls downtown in broad daylight, waving and smiling as they went along, would have resulted in either an arrest, a lynching, or some similarly appropriate beatdown? Such approaches to things like naked men […]
The Alpha of Apologetics…and Everything Else
There’s a popular saying: ‘live and learn’. That is exactly the first lie that Satan told Adam and Eve. . . . what God was teaching was ‘learn and live’. ‘Do what I tell you. You don’t have to experience it, just do what I tell you. If I tell you it’s good, it’s […]
Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.
You are owned. You are someone else’s unearned possession. You are the controlled commodity of sinful, self-serving men and women. And so am I. We are in the same camp together. We are slaves to the same masters. This is inescapably true for the most obvious of reasons; so obvious and so painful that we can […]
The Beginning of Learning: Christ as the Essential Core of Children’s Education
Ever wonder why, no matter how many gajillions of dollars we spend, how many studies we undertake, or how many reforms we make to address the subject of children’s education in America, we only seem to be able to continue the steady decline in knowledge, understanding, and character from one generation to the next? If you have […]
Weaponized “Love”: The perversion of Christian love into a weapon of Christian persecution
Ever been called a big, bad meanie for sharing Truth publicly? Ever been called disruptive, divisive, unkind or unloving for taking a clear, public stand on a culturally controversial issue that’s addressed in detail within the pages of Scripture? Have you ever been pressured to be silent after speaking up in such a manner? Have you ever been […]
Happy Labor Day, Wage Slave. (Be sure to run faster and chase harder after the “money” that your masters make out of thin air.)
How do you destroy the beauty of labor? How do you so radically corrupt every fundamental of economics that everything from investment and business practices to the work ethic itself is left in smoldering ruin? How do you take such wonderful concepts as hard work, wise investing, and the pursuit of material prosperity – each of which […]
Our Murderous Hypocrisy: How America is “outraged” by ISIS…while strangely comfortable with mass baby butchering at home.
Though we are rightly horrified and reasonable in our anguished howls of outrage at the great and graphic evil unfolding in Syria and Iraq, there’s something peculiar about our “outrage”. Something foul. Something hypocritical to the point of vulgarity. We understandably clamor for immediate and decisive military intervention to “save the children” and others […]
Retarded by Design: The Mind Blowing Success of State-Controlled “Education”
“Public schools are a failure!” is one of the most thoroughly idiotic lines that we can ever let slip through our mouths as Christians. “But my school is different,” is another. “It’s filled with wonderful Christian teachers who pray all the time and go to good churches. They even preach the gospel by hidden code embedded in […]
American Pride and Romans 1 Cheeseburgers.
Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper. That’s the title of an article posted Tuesday at USA Today. Not. Even. Kidding. But should we really be surprised? I mean, hasn’t corporate America been pushing “the gay pride whopper” in various ways for a very looooooooong time now? So why not in burger form, then? Seems reasonable enough…in […]
Intro to Fire – The Power and Purpose of a Common Believer (Excerpt from “Fire Breathing Christians”)
This has been a long time in the making, but the day has finally come…
Posted here is the introduction from Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution. The book will be released in late October. In the days leading up to launch, I will be posting excerpts from many of its 21 chapters so that you might get a feel for the material without having to go to the trouble or expense of purchasing a copy. Of course, if you like what you see, I fully expect you to buy at least three copies.
Gentle Reminder to Biblical Christians: This World Hates You, Your God, and Pretty Much Everything That You [Should] Stand For
Biblical truth cuts.
The whole, undiluted Gospel that we as Christians are charged to proclaim to a fallen, God-hating world will inspire discomfort, disdain and, more often than not, open repudiation and persecution from those who choose rebellion in response to God’s command to repent.
This is not merely a matter of high probability.
It’s not a maybe kind of thing.
It’s a certain kind.
As in 100%.
Magnificent Joel’s MMA Jesus
You’d think that any serious, thoughtful, biblically literate Christian with at least two God-given brain cells to rub together would be able to identify sound theology at least where the cornerstone basics are concerned. Sadly, I find that assumption challenged every time I hear the likes of Joel Osteen open his pie hole to the thunderous applause of enormo crowds of professing believers.
Maybe another false assumption would be that these “believers” actually believe in and on the one and only Jesus of the Bible and subscribe to what was once referred to reverently as “orthodox Christianity”.
Biblically Submissive Change: The Only Path to Hope
One concept that I’ve been thinking about a lot is that of change. What makes for good change and when should we pursue and encourage change not only in ourselves but in others? Moreover, how do we rightly go about such a touchy thing as encouraging said change in others?
These are some of the questions I’ve been trying to wrap my little mind around.
Dr. James White: Barack Obama’s Dream for a Secular, Non-Christian Nation
While basking in the nuke-like afterglow of The One’s recent speech to the “Human Rights Campaign”, a homosexuality/bisexuality/pick-your-sexuality/anything-goes advocacy group, I’ve been cobbling together information for a project on this subject and recently came across an outstanding video posted on YouTube by Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
I’ve placed this video at the Fire Breathing Christian home page as well as at the James White video page.
A Thought on Fire
I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
John the Baptist (Matthew 3:11 – ESV)
When I think about the “fire” terminology used in verses such as this, I am struck by the power given each and every Christian man, woman and child. For far too long, I simply skimmed past such sentiments, both as they were presented in Scripture and as they appeared in life. Now, wherever I look, I see the fire that God has given His people and I am in awe. While there are far too few who’ve embraced it, those who have bring such glory to God and peace to their lives that I want more than anything to just try to get there myself.