DC isn’t the answer. DC is the problem.

What is – or should be, anyway – the most glaring lesson of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump era? What should be the most obvious truth revealed by the manner in which DC has operated over the past several decades (if not over the past century and a half or so)? One glaring, flaming, white hot revealed truth that should certainly […]
How To Drain The Swamp In Three Simple Steps

Wanna drain the swamp? I mean really drain the swamp. Starting right now. Contrary to popular opinion, it can be done. Yes, really. Here are three simple (not to be confused with “easy” or “small”) guaranteed-to-work steps: Take self government seriously. Strive to know and submit to the loving, life-giving and culture-defining Word of God in every beautiful […]
Looking For Frodo (To Run For Congress)

Back when the Trump Train was steaming through the Republican primaries last summer, we asked two questions: Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? The reason for asking had a whole lot to do with the fact that politically active professing Christians in America were yet again […]
The Dying Dinosaur Of Centralized Education

Dinosaur media empires are dying. Dinosaur business empires are dying. Dinosaur political empires are dying. But perhaps the most exciting (and important) news on the dino front is that dinosaur models of education are dying, too. By God’s grace and right in the nick o’ time, an age of radical decentralization is beginning to dawn all around us, and while […]
We won’t drain the swamp of thieves until we drain the swamp of power.

Many who passionately pulled the proverbial lever for The Donald to be come The President did so because they basically wanted to, figuratively if not literally, blow up the DC establishment. They wanted to drain the swamp. Or so the slogan went, anyway. But as with many things in general, and most things DC-specific, the […]
Let’s get the State out of our children’s heads, shall we?

Goliath towers. He thinks big, talks tough, and actually seems to believe in the inevitability of his victory. His gaggle of hangers-on and yes-men cheer him on and bask in the glow of his largeness, toughness, and perceived inevitability. Then he gets popped in just the right place at just the right time and goes down. […]
Our Satanic Approach To Education Reveals Our Satanic Approach To God

One of the basic lies that we believe – and love – is the notion that we can have Jesus’ stuff without having Jesus. Prosperity. Peace. Love. Beauty. Justice. Security. Law. We actually think we can pursue these things in a legit manner apart from explicit subjugation to Christ. In a very basic (and hopefully obvious) sense, this […]
If a system can’t define “boy” and “girl”, we shouldn’t send boys or girls to that system for an “education”.

What is a boy? What is a girl? These days, nobody seems to know, particularly the “professionals” running the State-managed children’s education system in America. After many generations of immersion in a State-run, Corporate-managed approach to education lifted from the serpent’s tongue in Genesis 3, we’re so far down the rat-hole of anti-Christian, State-centered discipleship that we can’t […]
The Neo-Con Goes On And On

Another week, another war. Welcome to 1984. Again. With the insanity of North Korea upon us, we are well served to at least pause long enough to notice that no matter the President, no matter the Congress, we are and have been for some time now an Orwellian Super State hell-bent on perpetual war…for the […]
Confronting (or at least noticing) America’s coordinated wars on privacy, liberty, freedom, gender, family, and Syria.

As we roll from last week’s story of the American Surveillance State spying on an American President-elect into this week’s story of the American Military Industrial Complex clawing its way to within talon’s grasp of securing yet another war on the other side of the planet, we are well served to note two primary attributes of the tyrannical nightmare state described in Orwell’s […]
Connecting Obvious Dots, Part 1: America’s Masonic Problem

For those of you looking for a deep dive into the dark, cobwebbed corners of conspiracy theory, this post is not for you. We’re not going to explore the potential secret codes hidden in the embroidery on George Washington’s Mason smock or the diabolical plans of the Illuminati to base their global HQ for world domination […]
What if the US military was used to end the mass murder of American children in America?

Today in America, hundreds of American baby boys and girls will be openly, systematically and “legally” murdered. They will then often be “legally” dismembered and “legally” sold piecemeal to “legally” protected (and often taxpayer funded) ghouls. Today in America, the once-private conversations of American citizens are slurped up and analyzed by an Orwellian surveillance system so thorough in […]
Republican leadership begs for Socialism. Literally.

How funny/sad would it be for a Republican leader to literally get down on his knees and beg for massive, life- and culture-shaping Socialist systems and programs in America? No need to wonder. ‘Cause it has happened. In a lovely little ditty titled Paul Ryan “Begged On One Knee” For Obamacare Repeal Vote, we learn that – you […]
You have to vote for TrumpCare to find out what’s in TrumpCare.

Oh yeah, Republicans are different. Republicans are our only real hope here in ‘Merica. Trump will save us…from what, exactly? Socialism? Uh, no. Trump and the GOP are wholly committed to Socialism, just with a few sprinkles of crony capitalism (meaning: not free market based at all) thrown in to flavor things up a bit. […]
Turkey is our friend, Russia is our enemy, and we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

In Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the author presents us with a dystopic future in which a Western Super-state pursues perpetual war and public manipulation through, among other things, the use of omnipresent government surveillance. Sound familiar? Those living under the domination of this Western Super-state are encouraged to embrace more overt Socialism and more brutal Statism through, among other things, the […]
Jesus vs. the Founding Fathers: Which is essential to children’s education?

One recurring theme on the “conservative” side of the never-ending public school debates raging across America is the emphatic pleading for more accurate and detailed inclusion of the Founding Fathers in our State-run children’s education process. Literally millions of professing Christians all across the fruited plain have no trouble whatsoever loudly, proudly, and aggressively arguing for […]
How God Is Using “Gay Marriage” To Teach Us About Law

Ask any remotely coherent Christian if, just because a (local, state, or national level) government proclaims a homosexual couple to be “married”, that then makes said “marriage” legitimate and real, and the Christian in question would likely have little trouble rightly and rationally coming down on the side of: No, of course not. Just because a judge […]
So now we’re supposed to be upset about the CIA’s privacy being violated? Seriously?

Uh oh, we have another Edward Snowden (or two) on our hands. Or make that: Yay! We have another Edward Snowden (or two) on our hands! Apparently the Lord has chosen to bless with yet another wave of bright, revealing, undeserved and (often) unwanted light on the subject of just how evil and off the biblical […]
Repenting Of Our Satanic Approach To Children’s Education

How thoroughly deceived have we become on the subject of education? Do we even notice the satanic foundation of our approach to the pursuit of knowledge? Or has that foundation just become an assumed norm at this point? Maybe even a cherished norm? These are some of the questions we aim to answer in some detail […]
Why is “Tennessee Right To Life” propping up the child sacrifice industry in Tennessee?

“A group of Tennessee pro-life leaders said they will not stand behind a bill that would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.” So begins an NBC post chronicling the latest in a long line of bizarrely anti-life moves being made by professional “pro-life” organizations. The article continued: “A House subcommittee ultimately decided to delay […]
Why Our Constitution Cannot Endure In God’s Creation

Who rules over us? Who rules over America? Who creates true and immutable rights? Who creates true and unbreakable law the likes of which must be obeyed right here and now? The answers to these questions tell us much, and in this present chapter of God-ordained history the answers that most professing Christians in America […]
Soaring Above The “Need” For State Managed Roads

One of the biggest (supposed) hurdles routinely trotted out by those clinging to (or lazing in) a “we need the State to manage our lives” mentality is the subject of roads. As in, “if the State didn’t build and manage roads, what on earth would we do?!” Because obviously there wouldn’t even be roads if […]
Meet The Deep State – America’s Liberty Obliterating Machine

When even the sitting President of the United States becomes an open target of the American Deep State, you know the end is near. What is the Deep State? So glad you asked. The American Deep State is the true governing force of the United States. It transcends presidential administrations and party affiliations. It remains entrenched and […]
At what point do we break up the USA?

At what point do we break up the USA? If your answer is “NEVER!” accompanied by some version of “How could you even consider seriously considering such a thing?!”, then you are a cultist. An Americultist. For the non-Americultists out there, the question – and it is an important one – stands: At what point do we […]
American “Conservative” Milo Enablers Draw The Line At Pedophilia…For Now

As we’ve chronicled again and again and again, American “conservatism” has become quite smitten with the LGBTQRSTD movement. Pagan conservatism is getting more gay by the minute. So much so that a raging, raunch-peddling, cross-dressing senior editor at Breitbart (you know, that “conservative” website) by the name of Milo Yiannopoulos has become the darling of millions of […]
“The only reason government exists is to buy things for people that they can’t buy themselves.”

“The only reason government exists at all is to buy things for the people that they can’t buy for themselves.” This is a direct quote from a prominent American politician, taken from a statement made just last week. The “leader” in question said this out loud and on the record while standing on a stage speaking to […]
Roach Motel “Freedom”: States Can Check In, But They Can’t Check Out

Back in the day, there were some nifty little commercials for something called a “roach motel”. The actual item being advertised was a small black bug-killing box that would attract unsuspecting victims in and then never allow them to leave. This clever product was smartly marketed using the tagline: “Roaches check in…but they don’t check out.” Much like states in […]
Theft In The Name Of The Law: Trump Enthusiastically Defends Police Theft Of Private Property

“The White House has riled the country’s civil libertarian wing after President Trump enthusiastically voiced support for a controversial law enforcement tool that allows an individual’s property or assets to be seized without a guilty verdict.” That’s the opening line from a Fox News report chronicling the latest hyper-Statist pronouncements to flow from the Trump […]
Preparing For Terminator, Part 1: Identifying Our God-Given Talents In An Age Of Radical Change

We live in an age of radical change, challenge, and opportunity. This hit again as I read through an interesting article, The End of Employees, posted yesterday at The Wall Street Journal. The piece chronicled yet another profoundly challenging economic reality facing those enmeshed in the Corporate/Statist approach to life. The challenge in question centers on the fact that […]
So the GOP wants to “repair” rather than “repeal” ObamaCare (and every other satanic Socialist program in America). How awesome is that?!

So the GOP is gonna “fix” Socialism for us! Again! Like they’ve “fixed” the satanic/Socialist public school system. And like they’re “fixed” the satanic/Socialist Social Security system. And like they’ve “fixed” the satanic, black magic fiat economic system that inherently makes masses dependent upon those who claim for themselves the power to magically create fake money out […]
Those Evil Russians Are Doing Military Things Near The Russian Border Again

Looks like those evil Russkies are daring to perform military exercises near the Russian border again. Sneaky Commies! Oh wait, you noticed that “near the Russian border” part? And then you thought that maybe there shouldn’t be anything particularly alarming about the Russian military performing exercises near the Russian border? Well good for you! Congrats! You noticed the […]
Crack & Socialism: The First Hit Is Always “Free”

Socialism, like other mind-altering drugs, is very marketable. It’s an easy sell. And the first hit is always “free”. Free public schools. Free health care. Free medicine. And like those pimping these programs’ crack, meth, and cocaine counterparts, the purveyors of American Socialism are all about doing whatever it takes to get us hooked to […]
Dow 20,000 + Debt $20,000,000,000,000 = Fiat Slavery In Action

In case you (somehow) haven’t heard, the Dow Jones Industrial Average recently hit 20,000. Woohoo! How awesome is that?! How much does that prove the strength and general awesomeness of the American economy?! Well, not a lot, actually. And by “not a lot” we mean not at all. Why is that? Because as the Dow was […]
The Incompetence Of Evil Empires (Like Ours)

Evil empires are stupid empires. And why is that? Because evil empires are built upon the rejection of God’s Nature as revealed in His Word on things like law, economics, war, peace, liberty, freedom, prosperity, and politics. And that’s stupid. Really stupid, once you understand and embrace that a foundational truth covering all that exists […]
How To Trade Freedom For Aircraft Carriers (And Make “Conservatives” Cheer At The Same Time)

Remember when self-identified American patriots actually wanted true liberty and freedom enough to wage war against State-empowering, slavery-promoting things like Social Security and public schools? Remember when self-identified fiscal conservatives at least pretended to be fiscally conservative to the point that they advocated for a small military that should never be used to wage unbiblical wars […]
Pulpits, Prisons, and Public Schools

Let’s start with a very simple, basic fact: If the State is allowed to “educate” children, most of those children will – by design – become more inclined toward a State-centered worldview. While some children passing though this system may, by the grace of God, be preserved from such transformation through this process, most will not. And […]
Our Planned Feudal Future Under American Statism

Advocates of centralized power are on a path. They have a trajectory. They’ve got goals. They’ve got ideas – all kinds of ideas about how to make our lives better…as they define “better”, of course. Whether DC-based, London-based, or Brussels-based, they have clear-cut, long-term objectives in accordance with their worldview, which just happens to be a […]
Fake Money & The Collapse Of The American Empire

Lest we allow ourselves to be swept up (again) in the avalanche of distractions being hurled our way from every angle (again) where the economic health and vitality of America are concerned, it’s important to remember and constantly remind ourselves of a few key points: The US dollar, as fiat currency (money magically created out […]
Babel, Rogue One, and The Man in the High Castle

I finally got a chance to catch Rogue One this week. Normally I’m one of Those People who takes in Star Wars flicks at the earliest legally allowed viewing opportunity, but this time around there was just too much better-than-Star Wars stuff going on (like the arrival and settling in of Baby Buss #3, for […]
America’s Growing Appetite For Gay Conservatism

Back in August and September, we chronicled the rise of gay conservatism in America by having a painful, necessary and painfully necessary look at Milo Yiannopoulos, a stark raving pagan homosexual who has become something of a darling with what passes for conservatives these days in ‘Merica. Now comes news that Simon & Schuster has ponied up a […]
The Grinches Who Stole (And Continue To Steal) Their Children’s (And Grandchildren’s) Future

As I write this, financial markets are bouncing near all-time (artificial) highs, with the Dow hovering around 20,000 (a point that also played a central role in last week’s article, “Making America Great” Through Anti-Christian Economics.) This sky high (and then some) market exuberance is in no small part due to the next wave of anticipated bailouts of “too […]
Why do American “conservative Christians” fight so hard for anti-Christian children’s education?

With President-elect Trump opting to select yet another Secretary of Education rather than moving to dismantle the Department of Education, it seemed like a good time to note how it is that “conservative Christians” in America have become willing accomplices and tools of the American State in building, defending, and expanding the systematic anti-Christian approach to children’s […]
“Making America Great” Through Anti-Christian Economics

Need new roads in America? No sweat! Just print more fake money. Need more aircraft carriers, troop transports, and fighter jets for the American military machine? No problem! Just print more fake money. Need to prop up the satanic/Socialistic constructs of Social Security and Medicare just a little bit longer? No worries! Just print more fake money. […]
Secession: So obviously legit that even California and Oregon get it.

“Rational people, not the fringe, are now talking about whether states could be separated from the U.S.” That’s one noteworthy line from a recent article entitled Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union. Not that I’d necessarily count on “disgruntled Democrats” to identify, much less understand, what “rational people” are like, but you […]
10 Marks Of A True “Land Of The Free”

What will a true “land of the free” look like? Make no mistake, such a land is coming, and it’s coming right here to this temporarily beleaguered little planet, courtesy of God’s Kingdom as it inevitably and unstoppably advances over all of His creation in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission. But what will it […]
If you give the State ownership of your sons, it will eventually claim ownership of your daughters.

What is the price of Statism? What is the cost of worshiping the America Idol? What is the final result of allowing the American State to be treated as God in practice? With each passing day, we’re discovering the answer to these questions here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. Early […]
10 Things Americans Won’t Sacrifice To Save Their Children From Public Schools

“But I can’t do that!” This is the typical response of most American Christians to the simple, clear biblical command that God’s people educate their children in an explicitly Christ-centered manner throughout each and every day (see: Deuteronomy 6:5-7). This typical Americanized Christian response is enabled and promoted throughout our dying culture by way of our State-managed “education” systems, […]
America’s Open Marriage With Jesus

Who killed marriage in America? Who led it by the hand to its death bed? Who decided that true devotion and complete fidelity wasn’t really an essential, and inspired others to take the same approach? Tune in to “conservative” talk radio, sit in on a prayer group, or visit a “Bible-believing” church in America these […]
Breaking The Cycle Of State Worship And Dependence

Let’s face it, America hasn’t been serious about leaving “a better life” for upcoming generations for a very, very long time now. To pretend otherwise is a bizarre, cruel, and destructive fiction. But pretending is what we’re into; it’s one of the few remaining things that we really work at here in a “land of the […]
State-Supervised Polytheism: The Official Religion Of America

Whoever said that America doesn’t have an official State-sponsored and State-enforced religion? Well, probably your State-programmed public school teachers and fellow State-programmed public school students, if you had the opportunity to bump into such State-trained boys and girls during any State-managed “education” process that you may have experienced. And probably your mom and dad if they were […]
If you voted for President-elect Trump while shipping your kids off to public school last week…

If you are one of the millions of Americans who thought that you were actually helping to save America in a meaningful way by voting for Donald Trump while shipping off your little ones for yet another installment in their regularly scheduled, all-day-long, five-days-a-week, nine-months-a-year, 13-year-long mind-sculpting session as managed by the American State in its public schools, you are much […]
Hope, Change, Lies and Greatness

One of the themes of this election cycle in America is clarity. God is showing us what we’ve become. Clearly. With each passing political curveball and October surprise, painful and embarrassing clarity abounds. We’ve learned and are continuing to learn a lot about our “Christian leaders”. Same goes for our concepts of freedom, liberty, justice, […]
Why most conservative Christian Americans love law…as long as it’s not God’s.

American conservatives, especially those who claim to be Christian, and even more especially those who are politically active, claim to love law. They’re all about “law and order”. They’re all for “law enforcement”. They passionately advocate for the United States being “a nation of laws”. They want “the law” enforced. They want “the law” respected. […]
The Ultimate (and completely safe) “Debate”-Watchers’ Drinking Game: Presidential Edition

As Debate Night approaches, America is as fearful and frazzled as ever. Many weak, rudderless Americans are terrified (and therefore easily manipulated by fear) and many questions are begging to be answered. Questions like: Which candidate will be more overtly satanic in tonight’s debate? Habitually twitching and passing out Hillary, or the personification of unrepentant […]
10 Things That Are Much More Important Than Voting For President

As we collectively lurch like a zombie toward the coronation of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as this cycle’s system-selected counterfeit savior, people are losing their minds. They’re just going nuts out there. Panic and hysteria abound. Fear is everywhere. Which is just the way they like it; with “they” being those who are […]
Just a quick reminder: The American State desperately wants war with Russia.

Ah, October…leaves change color, the air gets crisper, and, if you live in America (or the America-led West), the clarion call to war with Russia picks up pace and gets really loud. So here we are in early October of 2016 and, just as surely as Pumpkin-flavored everything makes its annual assault on menus across “the land of the […]
Imagine there’s no DC. It’s easy if you try.

Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama. Bill Clinton. George Bush. (Either one.) How cool would it be if none of these stark-raving anti-Christ big government Orwellian Statists had any real power over us? How cool would it be if the United States was more of a voluntary association of truly free states each filled with […]
Ted Cruz Endorses GOP Anti-Christ For President

#TrusTed? #NeverTrump? Not so much, it turns out. Back in February, we asked: Would Ted Cruz endorse Donald Trump for President? Responses were swift and plentiful from many Cruz-loving politically active American evangelicals. Their battlecry went pretty much like this: Never! Ted Cruz will never ever never ever NEVER endorse Donald Trump! How dare you even suggest such a thing! […]
Two Wings Of The Same Dragon: President Bush Plans To Vote For Hillary Clinton

So former President and Republican icon George H.W. Bush is gonna vote for Hillary, huh? What a stunner! Or not. If you were actually stunned by the recent “revelation” that Republican Anti-Christ Statist GHW Bush was going to cast his vote for President in favor of Democrat Anti-Christ Statist Hillary Clinton, you really do need […]
Hillary, “Pneumonia”, and the Inevitable Death of Centralized Power

Despite the oodles and oodles of fear and anxiety now routinely pitched at us from every direction as we head into the home stretch of The American Political Puppet Show (2016 Edition), there are increasingly bright signs of hope and great things to come rising all around us. Centralized government power – the likes of which both Clinton […]
The Economic Hell That’s Been Left For Millennials (And Everyone Else)

For all the reasonable criticisms and concerns that are often lobbed towards Millennials as a group, there are at least as many dishonest, self-serving, and often flat out wicked insults added to the mix. To hear older generations (meaning, anyone older than a Millennial, from “The Greatest Generation” on down to Gen Xers) talk about Millennials, […]
As if the Trump campaign wasn’t gay enough already. . .

“Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee.” That’s the tagline posted for a neat new “LGBTQ for TRUMP” shirt posted at the Trump campaign’s online shop (pictured below): I wonder how many Veep wannabe Mike Pence has ordered? Whatever the answer to that one, other answers are, by the grace of […]
What if Hitler and Stalin were in the Trump/Clinton slots on the ballot? Would we get a clue then?

What if Hitler and Stalin (literal clones, mere ideological replicas or whatever) were somehow in the Trump/Clinton slots on the ballot? (Some would argue that they are, but that’s not the point here.) What if Hitler had won the nomination of one of America’s two major political parties and Stalin had won the other? What would […]
Gay Old Party: How The GOP Is Trading Christians For Homosexuals

In case you haven’t noticed (and honestly, in order to miss it you have to be trying very hard to do so), the Republican Party is incredibly gay and getting more so by the minute. While we shouldn’t need much in the way of convincing on this, I thought it might be helpful to those of […]
Satanists leading invocations in American government? Sure. Why not?

Satanists leading invocations in American government? Sure. Why not? What could be more American than that? When “We the People” decided that we had the “right” to openly worship any god we like, then this what the real God was sure to give us in return. Put another way: He’s given us what we want. “We the […]
What Do Paganized Conservatives Mean By “Respect For The Law”?

“We must respect the law!” We hear this all the time, especially in election years, and most loudly from self-identified conservatives in America. But what does it mean? What do these “conservatives” mean when they say something like “we must respect the law”? Well, what they usually mean is this: The American State must be respected and obeyed as […]
Biblical Freedom vs. State Compulsion in Military Service (Or: Why the draft is evil.)

Who owns you? Does the American State own you or do you own you? According to most American Christians, particularly those of a self-identified conservative bent, if you are an able bodied male within a certain age range (which is always adjustable, of course), the American State owns you. If you are an able-bodied male […]
The Simple Reason Christians Must Oppose Public Schools

Jesus Christ is the essential core of children’s education…or He is not. There is no “middle ground” or third option where essential cores are concerned. Either they are essential and core, or they are not. Either Christ is the essential core of the pursuit of knowledge (also known as “education”) where the formation of young, […]
A simple, foolproof solution to the 501(c)(3) church problem.

For American churches experiencing some angst over what to do about preserving their precious State-sanctioned 501(c)(3) status, I respectfully offer for your consideration this simple, foolproof, and utterly biblical solution to the 501(c)(3) problem: Stop licensing/regulating church speech in accordance with standards imposed by the American State. Stop encouraging the ludicrous and dangerous notion that the State […]
How Christians Help America Enslave People, Families And Churches

When God ordained and defined the realms of self government, family government, church government and civil government, He wasn’t playing around. He was serious. Lovingly serious, as always. God created and has sufficiently revealed the roles, responsibilities and limitations of each of these spheres of governmental influence so that we might know how things work in His […]
What if persecution is exactly what American Christianity needs?

As we draw closer to Election Day in America, we are predictably being encouraged to fear anything and everything but God so that we might then spin, rationalize, and fabricate all manner of imaginary cover to justify our supporting this year’s incarnation of “the lesser evil”, so that said evil might take us down the path to cultural implosion and […]
America Names New Warship After Gay Rapist Harvey Milk

How evil is America? How vulgar, vile, and openly at war with the God of creation have “We the People” become? While most Americans (especially most self-identified “conservative Christians”) are desperately anxious to avoid such questions, for those of us interested in dealing seriously with these important things, a great (and readily available) place to […]
What happens after Trump thumps Hillary in November?

For whatever my thoughts on such things are worth (which is probably somewhere between very little and absolutely nothing), I’ve been suspecting for a while now that Trump is probably gonna win this thing pretty big in November. If pressed for a guesstimate, I’d say The Donald will likely have the biggest blowout win since the […]
What The Republican Convention Taught Us About Christian Prostitution

For all of my adult life, and much of my pre-adult life, I’ve been very interested in politics. For most of my Christian adult life, I was a proud member of what I’d now describe as the Rush Limbaugh conservative camp and an ardent adherent of “lesser of two evils” political philosophy. Then, by the grace […]
Filling The Great Commission Vacuum, Republican (And Democrat) Style

What do you do with a Great Commission sized vacuum? How do you fill a Great Commission shaped void? In America, the answer seems to be easy: You replace the Gospel-fueled Great Commission with the America-centered religion of American Statism. This America-centered religion is indeed a “big tent” operation, with a wide variety of expressions and flavors. […]
Republicans, Washington DC, And One Ring To Rule Us All

Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? Can the intrusion of civil government into realms and areas of life beyond its very narrow, very small, God-ordained jurisdiction ever be expected to yield more help than damage or more good than evil in the culture upon which it […]
7 Things Christians Should Look For At The Republican Convention

Is more money what we need to save us? Maybe better corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs paying more Federal Reserve-printed Monopoly money? Or better State-run Temples of anti-Christian children’s education? Or maybe a bigger military and a more empowered police state to “keep us safe”? Are these the things that we need to “Make […]
Hell Razer Report Podcast: 10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For (HRR Episode 12)

In this episode of The Hell Razer Report, we run through 10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For as originally posted in an article here last week, with some added observations and commentary. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Thank you as always for your prayers, encouragement, and support! If you know of […]
Some Thoughts On Satanic Conservatism

How long has paganized “conservatism”, often as wielded by the Republican Party in America, been actively escorting the culture to hell as the Left’s wingman? How long has secular “conservatism” been conceding point after point after point while marching its followers into the tyranny of American statism? At least for 150 years. Oh sure, the […]
The War For Independence…From Washington DC

It’s the fourth of July in America, and there’s something heavy in the air. Something both serious and surreal at the same time. It’s creepy and unnerving to some. Depressing and downright terrifying to others. And it’s getting a thicker with each passing year. Ideas, propaganda, hard realities, and desperate spin are ramping up all […]
America: Love Him or leave it!

‘Merica! Love it or leave it! How many times have you heard that one? More specifically, how many times have you heard some version of that line in response to any serious biblical testing of America in light of Scripture, however reasonable and respectful said testing may be? While there are definitely contexts in which a […]
10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For

What with all the political posturing and campaigning kicking into high gear heading into the 4th of July of a presidential election year, it seems like a good time to take an honest, sober look at what the US flag actually represents right here and now in reality on planet earth, as opposed to what we […]
5 Beautiful Things About Brexit

Well whaddaya know? Something very big and very awesome just happened. To the great shock and disappointment of millions and millions of globalists, elitists, and dispensationalists across the globe, and in spite of all the fear-mongering, political pessimism, late-breaking polling data, and a general expectation of failure by many Christians enmeshed in a Left Behind […]
No Uncle Scam, You Cannot Have Our Daughters – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 11)

Who owns you? Do you own you? Or does the American State own you? Put another way: Are you free? Or are you the property – the slave – of the State? In this episode of The Hell Razer Report, we consider recent legislation passed through the US Senate that would have women register for the draft, […]
Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And Why That’s A Beautiful Thing) – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 10)

In last week’s installment of The Hell Razer Report podcast (sorry for sharing it here a week late!), we explored the upcoming “Brexit” vote that could enable Britain to finally leave the European Union. We examine how the concept of decentralization highlighted by this historic vote is both beautiful and ultimately inevitable as the Kingdom of God […]
Building Lifeboats Of Christian Culture As The American Titanic Sinks Beneath Our Feet (Part 1)

So what do we do now? More specifically, what do we as Christians in America do right here and now in the time and place in which our King has perfectly and purposefully positioned us? Which is another way of asking what Christians living by God’s grace in 2016 and on board the terminally broken and […]
No, Uncle Scam. You cannot have our daughters.

Who owns you? Do you own you? Or does the American State own you? Put another way: Are you free? Or are you the property – the slave – of the State? From the American State’s perspective, there’s little doubt as to the answer: You no more own yourself than you can actually own a […]
When God Shouts And Nobody Listens: 5 Glaring Truths Most Americans Will Ignore Even After Orlando

There’s much to mourn in Orlando’s aftermath. There’s also much to thank God for in Orlando’s aftermath…including the opportunity mourn and notice things worth mourning. As the machinery of mass media and its legion of “experts” from across the political spectrum shift into overdrive in a relentless effort to spin the situation and maintain a narrative that suits […]
Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And why that’s a beautiful thing)

Let’s start with some good news: It’s just a matter of time before Washington DC ceases to control the people living in what we now call America. One day soon there will be no more DC-centered power. One day soon there will be no pledges taken to the indivisible power of a DC-centered political beast. The time of […]
How fear-fueled politics compels cowardly American Christians to choose wicked leadership. – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 7

In this installment of The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast, we begin a week-long run of diving deep into subjects and issues shaping the culture around us, beginning with America’s fear-fueled approach to politics. We examine the useful myth of “the lesser evil” and take look at how we’ve allowed fear of everything and everyone but God to […]
“Should We Say The Pledge of Allegiance? (Hint: No.)” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Should we personally pledge our loyalty to the indivisible power of the State over us? Would the Founding Fathers have taken such a pledge during or after their very well documented rejection of such indivisible State power? Should we care that the American Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist in the late 1890s for […]
Clinton vs. Trump and American Christians vs. God

If Batman vs. Superman was bad (and it definitely was), then how should we categorize the ongoing barrage of teaser trailers for Clinton vs. Trump? How concerned should we be that fellow Christians seem to be once again falling right into the “Must Support The Lesser Evil” line? How alarmed should we be that American Christians seem to […]
America’s Increasingly Sensual Temples Of Statism (AKA “Public Schools”)

So what’s a typical American response to news that a high school girl was filmed having sex with 24-ish high school football players in a high school bathroom? “I trust [the school district] to take care of it.” and “I really do think that that is their job and they will take care of it.” It’s “their job”. It’s […]
How’s that “lesser of two evils” sewage tasting now?

While we may be tempted to feel all dirty, discouraged and downright icky at the prospect of America (led by American evangelicals) choosing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as this cycle’s left and right halves of the two-headed dragon that’s dragging what’s left of the culture to hell, it’s important to remember that there is much good that will – and […]
“Can We Please Stop Rearranging Deckchairs On the Public School Titanic?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Do we want disciples of the State or disciples of Christ? Pick one. Choose this day whom you will serve…and to whom you will give over your children for mind-sculpting and worldview training. In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report we take a look at a popular saying regularly used by lazy American professing […]
How fast can the U.S. fall? Consider the U.S.S.R.

Why are we so prone to make an idol out of the State? Why are we so inclined to embrace the State as our ultimate provider and sustainer here in “the real world”? Why are we so automatically and unconsciously disposed to make the State our God in practice? The religion and worldview of Statism has been […]
Will Obama’s decree of open toilet education finally wake up Christian parents and inspire an exodus from public schools?

Here we are again: President Obama, serving quite effectively in his role as one of the more glaring judgments of God upon America, has decreed from the lofty heights of Washington that all American public schools are to embrace and enforce “open toilet education”. For those of you who’ve not yet heard the glorious news from on high […]
Trumpanomics 101: Just print more “money”!

So how does the increasingly Orwellian American Welfare/Warfare State seemingly manage to go on and on suspending the God-ordained laws of economics? How do we seem to hear more and more talk about how we’re “broke”, “out of money”, “deep in debt” and the like year after year while government power and programs only grow, grow, […]
#NeverPublicSchools actually accomplishes what #BoycottTarget and #NeverTrump never will.

Things seem to be getting wackier by the minute ’round here these days in ‘Merica, and while that might sometimes seem scary, what we need to see and appreciate in this increasingly surreal time is the incredible clarity that we are being given as the bubble world fiction in which American Christians have lived for […]