Why We Murder Our Children

This is a continuation, or Part 2, of yesterday’s post, “Our Murderous Narcissism”. (Click here to read Part 1.) “Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” ~ Adolf Hitler “If we accept that a […]
Our Murderous Narcissism

Five years ago I wrote the book Fire Breathing Christians and launched this blog. Feeling a little nostalgic the other day, I decided to thumb through the manuscript again. While I had a good time with that for a bit, I soon found myself stuck on a chapter about the murder of innocent children for convenience in America by […]
You might be a Socialist Republican if…

You might be a Socialist Republican if…you routinely vote for candidates who have no intention of actually dismantling Social Security, Medicaid, and the rest of the Welfare State. You might be a Socialist Republican if…you are a fan of programs like Social Security and Medicaid. You might be a Socialist Republican if…you believe that State-controlled “education” of […]
Singing Sweet, Sweet Lies in the “Land of the Free” and the Home of the NSA

A.W. Tozer once said that “Christians don’t tell lies, they just go to church and sing them”. Sad and true as that observation may be, lying to one’s self by song is hardly an affliction unique to believers. It’s human nature to imagine that uncomfortable truths aren’t really true at all or, if they are, that […]
So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State.

So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State. Nice. I mean, you’ve got to admit, that’s a pretty impressive thing we just did there. Way to go, ‘merica! [insert “U!-S!-A!” chant here] As The Washington Post reported today, Germany has formally requested that the US CIA station chief based in the country just go ahead […]
American Culture Speaks: Iconic celebrity addresses the relationship between women, work, and family.
With the hope of better understanding the culture by which we have been defined and for which America now evangelizes the world (including its own children), the following quote promoting a “news” piece published earlier today is presented without additional comment for your consideration: “My mom taught us we CAN have it all!” ~ Kim Kardashian […]
American “Freedom Fighting” Tool Sledgehammers Jonah’s Tomb
As reported by many sources today, including The Daily Mail, ISIS militants have taken a sledgehammer to Jonah’s tomb in Iraq’s Nineveh province. You can click here for the whole sad, but not very surprising story. This same ISIS was just months ago the object of support and encouragement from none other than the powers that control “the […]
American Pride and Romans 1 Cheeseburgers.
Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper. That’s the title of an article posted Tuesday at USA Today. Not. Even. Kidding. But should we really be surprised? I mean, hasn’t corporate America been pushing “the gay pride whopper” in various ways for a very looooooooong time now? So why not in burger form, then? Seems reasonable enough…in […]
Four Marks of Conservatism’s Counterfeit Gospel

For those of you hoping to find validation for leftist progressive causes or worldviews here after reading (and perhaps smiling at) the title of this post, lemme save you some time and say plainly from the get go: Not. Gonna. Happen. Not at all. The manner in which leftist progressives passionately wage their futile, pouty […]
Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion
. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.
What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.
But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?
And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!
The Would Be God Who Would Be President (Sample Chapter from “Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity”)
“Of two evils, choose neither.”
~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Intro to Fire – The Power and Purpose of a Common Believer (Excerpt from “Fire Breathing Christians”)
This has been a long time in the making, but the day has finally come…
Posted here is the introduction from Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution. The book will be released in late October. In the days leading up to launch, I will be posting excerpts from many of its 21 chapters so that you might get a feel for the material without having to go to the trouble or expense of purchasing a copy. Of course, if you like what you see, I fully expect you to buy at least three copies.
The Smell of Progress
I can remember living in Seattle just over a decade ago, right before the world was scheduled to end by way of another colossal Microsoft screw-up. Maybe all the techno-apocalyptic hubbub was just another marketing ploy concocted for the likes of Hal Lindsey and Pat Robertson, or maybe it was all a part of prepping the world for Vista. We may never know, but, whatever the case on the Y2K front, Seattle in 1999 definitely was an interesting place to be.
The political sea was churning.
The world was watching.
Progress was in the air.
The Brilliance of Corpseman Obama
Corpseman Obama has a plan. And it’s working. (In the progressive sense of “working”.)
Sure, he may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but he’s still The One and can at least usually read accurately from a teleprompter. When he does, his message is clear:
He’s all about expanding the slave state in America.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – It’s Not Just for Homos Anymore
In the wake of last week’s horrifying act of anything-but-Islamic-terrorism perpetrated by the “Allahu Akbar!” shouting Nidal Malik Hasan and the subsequent State-controled media’s comically persistent attempts at promoting spin the likes of which would’ve made George Orwell’s imagination explode, we have learned something:
If you’re an Islamic fanatic currently embedded in the ranks of the U.S. military, we really don’t wanna know.
So do try to keep it to yourself, okay?
Dr. James White: Barack Obama’s Dream for a Secular, Non-Christian Nation
While basking in the nuke-like afterglow of The One’s recent speech to the “Human Rights Campaign”, a homosexuality/bisexuality/pick-your-sexuality/anything-goes advocacy group, I’ve been cobbling together information for a project on this subject and recently came across an outstanding video posted on YouTube by Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
I’ve placed this video at the Fire Breathing Christian home page as well as at the James White video page.
Put the Baby in the Beemer
Dr. Voddie Baucham has presented a nifty little poem that captures the sentiment of our age on this subject, entitled Put the Baby in the Beemer:
President Calls for All to Obey the Will of God
Just imagine if a prominent politician admonished Americans to “obey His will” again…what might that bring? What might it mean?
Glory to God and a fighting chance for America. That, and the unleashed fury of the “progressive” left.
But wait…aren’t we getting that last part anyway?
Doesn’t that pretty much remove any downside? (As if such a bonus should even be necessary…)
Holocaust x 7
Hitler’s Holocaust:
Roughly 6,000,000
America’s Holocaust:
Roughly 41,000,000
The sacred ‘right’ to murder innocent children at any time, in any place, for any reason (or no reason at all), all on the taxpayer’s dime:
Candy Christianity: The Counterfeit Gospel of the American Church (Part 1 of 4)
Our pews are full, but our heads are empty. Our spirits starve for truth.
Perhaps these pews are full because our heads are empty, having been spoon-fed a gospel of convenience, ease and worldly accommodation. The hollow theology pouring forth from American pulpits today may have attracted quite a crowd, but for the most part these are little more than gatherings of rebels come to loot the honor of God as they relentlessly seek to conform Him to their will.
Candy Christianity: A Kinder, Gentler God (Part 2 of 4)
As the origin and object of all that is good, He alone is worthy of glory. The harmony here is both apparent and essential to Christianity. If we believe that God is the author and objective of every good thing, then it is impossible to conceive of a valid justification for the assignment of glory – any glory – to anyone other than Him. He is the beginning and the end – the alpha and omega – of all that is good.
Enter: Pride. The hand that claims honor for any self outside of Him; the wide and welcoming gateway through which all other evil marches.
Candy Christianity: The Devil’s Favorite Flavor (Part 3 of 4)
The god of this permissive kingdom is not necessarily to be feared. He is neither holy nor sovereign. He is open to interpretation and just as open to your input. He changes and grows. He is the author of many truths. Many paths lead to him. He will be your savior if you feel the need for one, but he need never be your lord.
And he absolutely loves “Girls Gone Wild, Bible Style”.
God’s Call to War: Fire Breathing Christianity (Part 4 of 4)
“The Christian should reject decisively the thought that eternal life is to begin when this physical life is over. We read on a tombstone that a man “entered into eternal life” on the day of his death, but the Bible teaches that for a Christian eternal life begins, not on the day a man enters heaven, but on the day eternal life enters into the man through the new birth.”
Donald Grey Barnhouse
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition! (Part 2)
On April 29th, 2004, Canada’s governor general signed into law a measure that criminalized public expression in opposition to homosexual behavior, officially categorizing some orthodox Christian beliefs, when verbalized publically, as “hate speech”.
Welcome to the hopey, changey world of tolerance and inclusiveness, Perez Hilton style.
Washington: Can You Hear Us Now?
What a difference a day makes. A day when somewhere around two million strong decide to march on the nation’s capitol, that is.
As the masses mobilized, the Statist media went into a tizzy and liberal activist from coast to coast scurried about trying to tag the millions of liberty-loving American protesters as everything from unenlightened and reactionary to hateful and (of course) racist.
The Day the Left Stood Still
In the morning hours of September 11th, 2001, America changed.
For many of the nation’s people, the change was permanent. It was forever. For others, those of the perpetual “move on” mantra, the transformative events of that day were to be forgotten as quickly as possible.