Zero percent interest and how today’s young were sold into slavery.

Year after year (and especially in election years), we hear the same bold, clear warnings and moaning from a political class trying to keep us on board with their program for just one…more…election… We hear it from the Left. We hear it from the Right. Both mouths of the two-headed dragon speak in harmony. “Future generations […]

The 7 Most Important Differences Between Islam and Christianity

  With ISIS now regularly cutting a bloody swath through our consciousness by way of nightly news clips and high def online presentations, and with President Obama unable unwilling to honestly deal with the glaringly religious motivations behind these Muslims’ ongoing murderous rampage, secular conservatives, including a great many professing Christians, have taken to citing differences between Christianity and […]

Finger Puppet Soup and the War in Ukraine

  Rosie will be two in March, and some of her favorite things in the known universe are “hot soup” and “fingapuppets”. So it should come as no surprise that she found a way to combine the two. “Hot soup” has been a Rosie fave ’round here for a long time now. Watching mommy make things […]

Why treating God like Charlie Brown’s mom is a really bad idea.

For the vast majority of professing Christians in America, their claim to Christianity centers on little more than their claim to Christianity. Put another way, they are Christians because they say that they are Christians. Their emotions tell them so. Their pastors or priests tell them so. So it must be true. And if you even […]

Loving America by Killing the America Idol, Part II

If the conflation of Christianity with America has indeed been one of the most effective tools for the advance of Statism (as discussed in Part I), and if the “America Idol” has been enshrined and worshiped for generations now even by most professing “conservative Christians” in our land, then it stands to reason that there would be many clear, […]

Loving America by Killing the America Idol

The conflation of Christianity with America has become one of the most effective tools of Statists in corralling, co-opting, and controlling the “conservative” masses here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA. I was reminded of this when I recently bumped into a Tea Party advocate manning a small display at […]


Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you smell it? There is a dark terror stalking the land. [insert Darth Vader breathing here] A great evil has come. And it is hungry. [add Jaws theme music here to accompany Darth Vader’s breathing] It feeds on misery and pain. Few can imagine the horror […]

What’s the difference between a bankrupt Greece and a bankrupt America?

So Greece is bankrupt. Really bankrupt. Western Banksters are railing (and licking their chops). The Greek people are in despair. The Greek economy is in shambles. Most Greek young adults are unemployed and have such grim prospects that they are leaving the country when they can. And the Euro-zone is on the brink…of something…probably something […]

How “free public schools” make us all renters from the State.

Remember when you could actually own a home in America? The answer is: No, you do not. Even if you think that something like true home ownership was recently or is presently allowed here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA, you are simply wrong. As with most of the […]

Inflation Kills. Purposefully.

Inflation kills. It enslaves. And purposefully so. As Christians, we’ve been called and equipped with God’s essential, life-defining Word on all things, including economics. As such, and as a part of our Great Commission mandate to make disciples who do all that He has commanded (see: Matthew 28), we ought to take a look at the […]

What is the ruling law of our land?

What is the ultimate ruling law of the land? And I mean right here and now in 2015 America. The biblical answer is crystal clear…and dismissed out of hand by most American “Christians”: The ultimate ruling law of this land (and every other) is, has always been, and shall forever be the unbreakable Word of God. […]

Former PTA President Champions Playboy-style “Socialization”

I know that right now it can be hard to imagine winning. . It can be hard to imagine children and a culture freed from the State here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. . But we will win. . By the grace of God through the Gospel-fueled Great Commission, His people […]

Our Love of Money and Child Sacrifice

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:10 This passage, as many, tends to suffer from one (or some combination) of three treatments at the hands of people […]

€ndgame: The Death of Oil, Banks, Bailouts, and Bondage

There’s little doubt that sub-$2 gas at the pump is a beautiful thing to many, and for good reason. For those struggling to exist under the purposefully increasing weight of a system designed to drive the average person ever deeper into the arms (and control) of the emerging Orwellian American Corporate State, “cheap gas” is […]

How to Kill the Two-Headed Dragon (Before it Finishes Killing Us)

  It’s “State of the Union” season in America, that special time when each head of the anti-Christian Progressive dragon that is enslaving and devouring us more with each passing day takes a moment to tell us what’s going on, why it’s happening, and how wonderful it’ll all be in the end. In tonight’s installment, […]

The America Idol: How Christians Worship and Enable the Anti-Christ State

  Okay, so we all know that Barack Obama is openly and quite religiously worshipped by many folks on the Left. Tales of the ridiculous and blasphemous extremes to which his followers often go to express their adoration have become tragically common. As such, they’ve provided fuel for countless jokes and condemnations aimed at Obama […]

Congress is Christian! Woohoo!

What if Americans overwhelmingly chose Christians to represent them in government? What if the United States federal government from the very tippy top on down was overwhelmingly comprised of Christians? Well guess what? It is! Yessiree, it’s true: According to a recent survey by Pew Research, nearly 92% of the incoming United States Congress is Christian. How […]

The Sony/America Puppet Show

So Sony supposedly got “hacked” by North Korea…or Russia…or China…or some combination of the three. That’s the story, anyway. Confidential emails were subsequently leaked, relationships were compromised, and, ultimately, the opportunity for an apparently horrifyingly unfunny “comedy” (The Interview) to flop in a conventional manner was scuttled when it was pulled from conventional release as […]

The Gospel, the Great Commission, and the accomplished victory of Christ the King.

Whatever one’s views on  seasonal celebrations in general or Christmas in particular, two general truths that we are well served to not only remember but cherish are: Everything in Christ’s creation was made by, through, and for Him. . While unbelievers are inherently inclined to corrupt the good things throughout Christ’s creation, their acts of corruption are fleeting and temporary. […]

How to truly love (and really save) America.

What does love mean? What does it mean to love someone or something? Most of us would describe love first as an intense emotion or feeling of endearment toward someone or something. Most of us would describe loving a person or thing then in very subjective, emotion-driven terms. And most of us would therefore be very, […]

Torture for Terrorists + Christians as Terrorists = Torture for Christians

[5/16/15: As open hostility toward biblical Christianity in America continues to ramp up, and with the enforced culture-wide embrace of sexual perversion building momentum, this seems like a useful post to revisit.] Okay, let’s see if we can connect the dots here: “Terror” is what the State and its tools tell us it is. It’s what ISIS, al-Qaeda, […]

How American “Christianity” leads to Statism.

It is so very cool to have true Christian Family preserved throughout God’s creation of time and through whom we might learn of His perfect plan and purpose for His creation. . It’s also so very cool to have a loving, God-fearing wife who is interested in chasing after the life-preserving truths shown by the grace of God to […]

“God-given rights” are only as legit as the god giving them.

  How many times have we heard (or even been) someone with little or no regard for God going on and on and on with a passionate description and defense of their “God-given rights”? We have the “right” to this, the “right” to that, and the “right” to the other thing over there. We can (and will) go […]

Dead Babies and Dying Dollars in Romans 1 America

  For many of us, this isn’t even real anymore. It just can’t be. The steep and increasingly speedy decline of the America Idol is something that most Americans understandably have a hard time fully acknowledging, much less addressing in any meaningful way. The fall that we are personally experiencing doesn’t seem real or even possible […]

Why is the beast of Socialism eating our children? Ask your pastor.

Ah, State-controlled children’s “education”. Is there anything more warmly regarded by the typical American? Right outta the Communist Manifesto, yet adored and defended by most professing conservatives in America. Built plainly upon the satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge, yet adored and defended by most professing Christians in America. Talk about a gigantic, disgusting, yet very much cherished […]

Remember: Jesus doesn’t need your vote. He owns it (and you) aready.

With another election year November in the books, American Christians are well served to remind ourselves and the rest of the world (especially the proud American part) that Jesus Christ isn’t running for anything. Never has. Never will. He doesn’t need your vote (or anything else). Jesus is King. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is God. He […]

Well color me cool and call me villainous!

Darth Vader. Agent Smith. Dracula. Lex Luthor, Kahn, and The Joker. If there’s one unifying theme purposefully captured and propelled through the culture by these wildly popular mythological figures, what might it be? Is it darkness? Perhaps evil? Nope. Not that these fictional folks aren’t known for being openly and proudly dark and evil. They […]

The (unintended) truth of “No justice, no peace!”

“No justice, no peace!” In America, this means, “Do what we want or we will burn, pillage, and destroy.” It is the threat of lawlessness…offered under cover of justice. And it serves as a nice summary of just where American culture is when it comes to law, order, and peace. As we’ve touched on more than a […]

Give me liberty and/or give me death!

As reported in The Telegraph Friday, The Libertarians planning to take over New Hampshire. While that sort of news may initially sound quite good to most conservative, liberty loving ears (like mine) – especially in light of this week’s leftward lurch toward totalitarianism in America, we are well served not to swill too enthusiastically or deeply from […]

This gay pasta promotion has been brought to you by…American “Christianity”.

Talk about a bad macaroni art experience. Now we have “gay pasta” used to promote and proudly represent the decline of western civilization. I know, I know…this is getting old. Everything is gay this, LGBTQRSTUV that. And that’s part of their plan: The “Forces of Tolerance” and Orwellian liberty aim to wear us into submissive […]

Islamic worship in American government? Sure. Why not?

Is America all about the freedom to worship any god? Of course! Does America – including the vast majority of its self-identified “conservative Christians”  – hold up this “right” as a great and civilization-defining virtue worthy of emulation by all other people in all other lands? Of course! Then what’s the matter with an Islamic Imam formally […]

Would the Great Commission seem impossible if we believed in God?

Imagine, if you will, the following game-show scenario: The production features ten intelligent, honest, and sincere adults. These people, though they are very well educated in every other area of inquiry, have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible or Christianity whatsoever. One last bit of info on our ten hypothetical folks: They have a perfect […]

How did Christians destroy conservatism?

  How did we end up with “conservatives” defending everything from Social Security and Medicare to State-controlled children’s “education”, which is straight out of the Communist Manifesto? How did we get a supposedly “right wing” political movement in America that is effortlessly molded and mobilized in support of one explicitly Socialist/Marxist policy after another, all while most of its […]

Corporate America to Your Children: Hating God and Embracing Homosexuality is GRRREAT!

  In Tony the Tiger Gets His Gay Stripes, we are treated to the latest in a looooooong running trend of corporate sponsored anti-Christian propaganda, this time in the form of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes mascot “Tony the Tiger” doing his thing by smiling, posing, and telling us all in that warm, trusted and market-tested voice that hating […]

We can’t win this war if we won’t defend the home front.

When Dr. Laura Schlessinger described gay and lesbian parenting as “inferior” to heterosexual parenting in a newspaper column printed in May of 1997, the reaction of those kind, loving folks at Forces of Tolerance HQ was swift, brutal and merciless. For daring to take a stand that would elevate the God-ordained family model even slightly […]

Why should we stay biblically balanced through political tidal waves?

I must admit to having had a giddy good time of it last night, watching Democrat after Democrat fall. It was an absolute blast. Even better, as a Tennessee resident who had the opportunity to support the “Yes on 1” campaign, it was thrilling and gratifying to see that amendment pass, allowing for my Bible-belt […]

How do we stop America’s voter-assisted suicide?

  It’s Election Day in America, and all the familiar gears, wheels, and tools of propaganda are in full motion. The (mostly) controlled game is on and the (mostly) contrived drama is thick. “Will the Republicans be returned to power in the Senate?” “Will the Democrats be taught a painful lesson?” “Will the country be saved […]

How do we bring politics back from the dead?

  So here we go again… Tomorrow is Election Day in America. Republicans are expected to do very well, almost assuredly re-taking the Senate and extending their majority lead in the US House of Representatives. But will this mean the end – or even the beginning of the end – of Socialism in America? Nope. […]

On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers?

So what is today to you? Is it Halloween, Reformation Day, or just another Friday? Most professing Christians would go with the first or the last. The middle option usually isn’t even on our radar. Most of us don’t even know that there is such a thing as Reformation Day…or that there is, in fact, right here […]

Ebola is an STD? So what? We have ObamaCare!

We Americans are indeed a very funky people. Unfortunately, almost all of our funkiness is of the bad sort these days. As we covered earlier this month, 110 million Americans have an STD at any given moment. That’s over one third of our population. Clearly, generations of State-controlled education and corporate-controlled pop-culture are paying off. […]

Can we please stop unnecessarily importing Ebola now? Pretty please?

Okay, is two enough? Are two unnecessarily imported seeds for possible (and I do mean possible, not inevitable) Ebola pandemic in America enough? Assuming that we manage, by the grace of God, to contain the New York City and Dallas events and hold them to a total of four infected people, can we please stop playing […]

Liars, Thieves, and the “Free Market” Fiction of “Too Big to Fail” America

Another week, another massive (and flagrantly anti-“free market capitalism”) bailout here in “the land of the free and the home of the NSA.” The Orwellian/Romans 1 insanity of our culture seems to become more plain and laughably tragic with each passing minute. We raise debt ceilings to not raise the debt, we bail out stock […]

Will we worship America and protect Islam or will we worship God and defeat it?

Everything in God’s creation is constantly about the business of validating His nature as revealed in His Word. Everything. “There is not one single, solitary maverick molecule in the universe”, as R.C. Sproul might say. All of creation belongs to God and it is all in the process – even at this very moment – […]

What do Barack Obama and Joel Osteen have in common…with George W. Bush?

Barack Obama. Joel Osteen. Barack Obama…Joel Osteen… Now what could these two possibly have in common? Hrmmmm… Maybe the better question to many of us would be to ask what they don’t have in common. After all, for those of us with a biblical worldview and the naturally following conservative political bent, we tend to view these men in […]

Of course Ebola is airborne. It flies in from Africa all the time.

  So the hits just keep a-comin’… Sure, ISIS, Ebola and the like are inherently horrifying and all, but it’s the way in which these threats are understood and handled by our “leaders” that just seems to amplify the tragedy and terror in…well…a sometimes comically awful sort of way. Has this year not been one incredible […]

Will we repent or will we be destroyed?

  “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous […]

Judgment begins with the Church…not the Democrats.

  Like most of you who are reading this, when it comes to politics, I consider myself to be very conservative. I consider myself to be so because, by the grace of God and to the best of my knowledge and ability, I seek to submit my political understanding to biblical standards and have, as a result, […]

The Obacalypse continues…but are we any closer to repentance?

Last month, in Obacalypse Now: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Wicked Leadership in Romans 1 America, we covered things like ISIS, Ebola, the emerging Orwellian NSA State, our teetering Monopoly Money economy, and the aggressive homosexualization of the culture. You know, the basics of our culture’s hopey-changey vibe of the moment. In just the few weeks that […]

110 million proud Americans have STDs. Now that’s Progressive!

  According to a CDC report cited earlier this week by CBS, 110 million Americans have an STD at any given moment. Since America is estimated to have a round 316-319 million people, that means that around 34% – or just over one third – of the entire population has a sexually transmitted disease. How awesome is […]

Why does God despise the US dollar? Here are seven reasons…

I recently received several emails including a pic of the above Allah stamped buck attached to a variety of protestations and howls of outrage that Allah would be placed on our beloved national currency. The general idea implied if not outright stated in these emails was that this was yet another example of Christianity being assaulted […]

What do the Gospel and Great Commission have to do with Ebola?

  One of the greatest tools of the enemy and the old, worldly nature against which Christians struggle is distraction. We are easily distracted. Everything in this world tells us that everything but the whole, undiluted Gospel should be our focal point in life. Oh sure, you can “believe the Gospel” and “love the Lord” […]

Ebola? Don’t worry. The “trained professionals” have it, like, totally under control, and stuff.

If Ebola didn’t scare you yesterday, Governor Perry’s response to Ebola should have. Only a neutered, thoroughly domesticated and intellectually hobbled American population could be expected to endure, much less embrace as positive, the tragic/comedic spectacle that was yesterday’s address by Governor Rick Perry on the emerging Ebola crisis in Texas. Before diving too deep into the […]

Faith, Courage, and Hope in the Face of Ebola

What a difference a day makes. Just 24 hours ago, we had not yet gotten the news that an Ebola-infected “patient zero” had been diagnosed in America. Up until that moment, many of us prayed and hoped that this devastating plague would not find its way to our land. Others artificially preserved their optimistic take through an ignorance-is-bliss […]

Too big to fail and too big to jail.

  Ever wonder why it is that folks who make the most mind-numbingly moronic economic decisions on the most grand, globally impactful scale, tend to barely suffer any sort of meaningful personal consequence for their world shaking acts of stupidity? Every wonder why certain people, businesses, corporations, and governments can again and again and again […]

Are people who cannot dissolve a political union really free?

In the wake of Scotland’s recent spirited attempt at leaving the “United Kingdom”, many folks have been inspired to ask and contemplate some important fundamentals regarding true freedom, liberty, and the decentralization of government. Separating from the binding controls of large and ever-growing socialistic states has great appeal to many, including most who hold to […]

Call me crazy, but I think this Islam thing just might be evil.

  I know, I know…it’s a “religion of peace”. So says Barack Obama. And George W. Bush. It’s also not biblical Christianity, which pretty much instantly qualifies it as some kind of a good thing these days. And yes, I know that Islam and its many defenders, both Muslim and non, frequently pitch Islam as a great force for peace, love, and […]

Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.

  You are owned. You are someone else’s unearned possession. You are the controlled commodity of sinful, self-serving men and women. And so am I. We are in the same camp together. We are slaves to the same masters. This is inescapably true for the most obvious of reasons; so obvious and so painful that we can […]

Enemy of the Statist: Christ-Centered Liberty vs. Man-Centered Tyranny

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole […]

Obacalypse Now: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Wicked Leadership in Romans 1 America.

  Okay, so you can probably tell by the title that this post isn’t exactly gonna be “the feel good hit of the summer”. In some ways, that’s a pretty solid assessment. But in one great big fundamental sense, addressing these “signs o’ the times” head on ought to inspire some of the greatest, most positive feelings imaginable […]

Openly Reject God’s First Commandment? YES! WE! CAN!

  Imagine, if you will, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton (though not necessarily together – we don’t wanna be too fantastic here), John Kerry, Stuart Smalley, Joe Biden and Bill Maher all gathered ‘round the base of ol’ Mount Sinai as Moses brings down the following decree to man directly from the mind and hand of […]

How American Conservatives happily forge the chains of American Socialism

Memes, themes, and the like have become all the rage in this little blip of time known as the social media era. Everything from kittens to politics is now often presented in short, high-octane bursts able to quickly inspire everything from hysterical laughter at what the cute, cuddly little kitties are doing, to burning outrage at what […]

Need (another) war? No sweat! Just play The Hitler Card.

As global economic foundations continue to crack and crumble, this sort of thing is just gonna happen…again and again. War, war, and more war. Enemies here, there, and everywhere. Of course, we fund, fuel, and train most of those enemies, but let’s not stop to notice that. Nope. Nothing to see here… Just prior to Mitt Romney’s glorious Washington Post […]

Politics, Religion, and the Threat of Spontaneous Combustion

Remember when all the really bad hypotheticals were still hypotheticals? Ah, those were the good ol’ days…days when America was merely on the verge of moral implosion, heading toward the brink of socio-economic collapse, and so on. Now we’re there. We have imploded morally and we are on the brink of total socio-economic darkness. The really bad hypotheticals of just a generation past – at least most of them – aren’t hypothetical anymore. (click on the above graphic or headline link to read the article)

So why did Christians support the American revolution, anyway?

(The following post is the second installment of a three part excerpt from Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity. You can read Part 1, Politics, Religion, and the Threat of Spontaneous Combustion, by clicking here, and Part 3, The Political Heresy of Christ’s Lordship, by clicking here. Since “context is everything”, it is suggested that anyone stumbling […]

The Political Heresy of Christ’s Lordship

(The following post is the final installment of a three part excerpt from Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity. You can read Part 1, Politics, Religion, and the Threat of Spontaneous Combustion, by clicking here, and Part 2, So why did Christians support the American revolution, anyway?, by clicking here. Since […]

Fiat Bread and Football Circuses in Romans 1 America

As the Monopoly Dollar-fueled global fiat economic system teeters on the brink, as the American military lurches from war to war abroad, and as the Orwellian American NSA Security State continues its rollout over the homeland, what is the one question we are all now programmed to purposefully ponder right on cue with all the passion we can […]

Imagine there’s no borders…it’s easy if you try…

  What if I told you that the southern U.S. border crisis, the pending U.S. invasion of Syria, the ongoing murderous rampage of ISIS/Islamic State in Iraq, and the pending eruption of similar acts right here in the U.S. were all clearly and purposefully connected? Well, if you’re like me, you might be depressed (or […]

Our Murderous Hypocrisy: How America is “outraged” by ISIS…while strangely comfortable with mass baby butchering at home.

  Though we are rightly horrified and reasonable in our anguished howls of outrage at the great and graphic evil unfolding in Syria and Iraq, there’s something peculiar about our “outrage”. Something foul. Something hypocritical to the point of vulgarity. We understandably clamor for immediate and decisive military intervention to “save the children” and others […]

Adolescence is a Big Fat Lie

Did you know that 18-year-olds are not children? They’re not kids. Well, they’re not supposed to be anyway…however much the typical American 20-something male might seem to be living evidence of the contrary. They may well be the children and kids of their parents, and those parents are always going to lovingly consider them in […]

7 Empowering Truths for Politically Active Christians

1. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus…right now. The living Lord of creation was not at all vague when He tasked His people with the Great Commission before flying into the clouds: “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go […]

Sin? We have a pill for that.

  In a week dominated by discussions of depression, darkness, and despair in the wake of Robin Williams’ suicide, there’s been surprisingly little talk about another related and seemingly relevant d-word item: Drugs. As in “legal prescription medications”. As in very widely used and incredibly lucrative legal prescription medications. In the aftermath of Mr. Williams’ death […]

As St. Louis simmers, is America begging to be crushed under the wrath of God? YES! WE! ARE!

As we watch a heartland suburb simmer, boil, and erupt into violence between angry mobs of largely State-subsidized dependents and heavily militarized, State-subsidized “police”, it becomes harder and harder to go on pretending…but that doesn’t stop us from trying. We want to imagine that we are a “basically good” people who have only been led astray by […]

Why Americans don’t do repentance.

  As we watch with awe, wonder, frustration and disgust while the world (both figuratively and literally) burns around us, we as Americans tend to repeat some version of the “why can’t the world be more like us” line. We don’t necessarily phrase it quite that way most of the time, but the idea that’s been rammed home […]

$ocialism, Bangerz, and the Wrath Of God in “The Great State of Tennessee”

You’d have to turn pretty hard and firmly away from the glaring clarity to miss the connection – the near-perfectly synchronized harmony – between Miley Cyrus’ Bangerz Tour stop in Nashville last night and the political scene unfolding on Primary Election Night across the “Great State of Tennessee”. All the dots are there, so close that they barely need to […]