How can a “broke” country have the biggest military in the world?

I thought about starting things off here with some numbers, like maybe the cost of a new aircraft carrier (about 13 billion dollars) and the cost of running just one of the several major naval fleets currently operated by the United States. Or maybe the cost of constructing and maintaining the gajillions of U.S. military bases […]
The Fear-Fueled Politics of American Statism

Ever wonder what a culture dominated and defined by fear might look like? Fear of the world and what’s in it, I mean. Not a fear of the Lord. While the latter sustains and enables the increase of all true life, hope, joy, prosperity and security, the former erodes all of the same until they have completely vanished. […]
Has anyone checked for “Barack Hussein Obama” on the Terrorist Watch List? Just wondering…

Okay, before you go writing me off as crazy here, please just follow my line of logic for a sec… Back in June it was reported that 73 TSA workers were found to be on the U.S. “Terrorist Watch List”. Then this week we were informed that 72 DHS workers were found to be on […]
How the “born gay” lie led us to infinite “sexual fluidity”.

Nobody’s “born gay”. And most homosexual deathstyle advocates know it. How does that “make you feel”? Used? Spun? Disrespected? Deceived? In Born…or Soft-Wired to be Gay?, Eric Holmberg of The Apologetics Group follows up on an important article that he wrote back in October on the subject of pomosexuality (which we then covered in Is Pomosexuality a […]
God Is Fixing This (On *His* Terms)

As if we needed yet another sign that American culture is both presently under the wrath of God and begging for more, we got the following gem this week from The New York Daily News: To which a biblically literate person might well respond: God is fixing this, and perfectly so. An American culture that believes its […]
With “pro-life Christians” like these, who needs Planned Parenthood?

Before anyone flips out over the phrase “useful Christian idiot” in the above graphic, please consider the following bit of Wiki wisdom: “In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the […]
Turkey, NATO, and the US-backed Funding of ISIS

When even The Washington Post is forced to cover (and try to spin) the widespread suspicion of ISIS as a US supported tool, you know things are gettin’ really wacky. And that’s exactly what happened earlier today in a piece titled “Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting […]
Obey Your King

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to see comics like this continue, please click here to help. If you’d like to check out other Stick People for Jesus comics, click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook, “+” us on Google+, follow us on Twitter and feel free […]
Jesus isn’t anybody’s co-pilot.

Everything wrong with us springs from our personal refusal to submit to Christ as King in practice. Everything wrong with our culture flows from our corporate rejection of Christ as Lord in practice. One of the cutesy (and therefore most repulsive) ways we’re naturally wired to express contempt for Christ’s rule over all of creation is by paying lip service to Him as […]
American colleges go “safe zone” crazy.

Human history is loaded with examples of young men and women doing what would today be considered amazing things on a fairly routine basis. Oh sure, there were standouts who led soldiers or built businesses in their early teen years, but the norm – the standard expectation – not so long ago was for young men and […]
Focus on the Family Pimps for the Abortion Industry

What happens when a “Christian” organization that rejects the Nature of God as revealed in His Word as the binding basis for law, life, and everything else aims to “confront” a culture that also refuses to have Christ rule over it in practice and in detail? Well, you end up with “conservative Christian” organizations like Focus on the […]
Thank God for the Gospel-fueled Great Commission

Can you believe that God has each and every one of us here and now for perfect purpose to play specific roles in an unstoppable mission and adventure established before the very foundations of the world? (See: Ephesians 1:3-14 and Romans 8:28-31.) Can you believe that He has chosen to use such undeserving little wormy creatures as […]
Marco Rubio: “God’s rules always win.” Now ignore ’em all and vote for me!

“God’s rules always win.” File that sweet line atop the Marco Rubio section of the “it would be awesome if they really believed it” section 0f quotes from GOP candidates now predictably making the rounds pretending to love and revere the law of God in order to snag the votes and cash of politically active professing Christians in America. As […]
The American re-branding (and re-arming) of Al-Qaeda.

What a difference a few years make. Seems like just yesterday that al-Qaeda was the living embodiment of evil and the reason why we must surrender our freedom and liberty to the State for the sake of “security” while pursuing wars here, there, and everywhere across the globe in the name of “fighting terror”. Today […]
Begging For War (Again): Russian jet shot down by “accomplices of terrorists”.

If there’s one thing ‘Merica will not tolerate, it’s Russians attacking our “moderate terrorist” allies…like al-Qaeda in Syria. (See: Russians Launch Plot to Kill Neo-Con GOP Senators…by way of Syrian Air Strikes.) This aggression will not stand! So when a Russian fighter was recently shot down by a Turkish F-16 and the subsequently parachuting Russian […]
Cruz Control: How Ted Cruz is positioned to win the GOP nomination…and why Christians shouldn’t pin their hopes on it.

Ted Cruz has an excellent chance of winning the Republican Party nomination. Over the past few months as I’ve been asked who I think will win the Pagan Political Right honor of facing the Pagan Political Left’s chosen representative in the contrived, controlled puppet show that is American presidential politics, I’ve picked Cruz. There are no […]
Oops, we “accidentally” armed al Qaeda with anti-tank missiles…again…

Over the past week – a week in which US President Barack Obama once again put a fine point on America’s long running desire to see Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad deposed – Russia has responded by pointing out an obvious and very inconvenient truth for proponents of US-as-Global-Good-Guy fiction. That inconvenient truth is that ISIS is, like al Qaeda before […]
When the Crybullies pout, that’s our cue to spank them.

Why oh why(!!!) is each generation of Americans more secular, statist, and openly anti-Christian than the last? Why is each successive wave of human product flowing from the American culture more open than the last when it comes to “gay marriage” and more State-supervision in practically every area of life? (See: Why is the beast of Socialism […]
Our Immigration/Socialism/Statism Problem (Part 1)

So here we are in the probably very early stages of a probably never ending “war on terror” through which the powers of the State will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) grow and the liberty of the masses will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) shrink. Paris has just been attacked by a handful of evil people, […]
Will we give up our Social Security checks to stand against “gay marriage”, abortion, and Islam?

Will we give up our Social Security checks to stand against “gay marriage” in America? Or child sacrifice in America? Or openly operating mosques in America? Will we give up our Disability and/or Unemployment and/or Public Schools and/or Food Stamps and/or Medicare and/or Medicaid? Are we ready to give those things up if that’s what’s required to take […]
ObamaNation: The Judgment of God on America

As recently as 2005 or so, it would have been hard to construct a credible work of fiction set in a 2015 America led by a President like Barack Obama. Just ten years ago – ten! – it was just short of unimaginable to most that we would have what we have now in America. By […]
Weaponized Victimhood in a Crybully Culture

If there’s one thing that oughta be painfully clear by now, it’s that there are some whose precious feelings, emotions and desires are to be diligently treasured and vigorously protected as delicate, fragile little shards of goodness essential to humanity’s progress. These carriers of the Progressive Spirit that is humanity’s one true hope must be shielded, coddled, […]
Talking Sheen, Hedonism, and American Culture on Generations Radio

It’s been a very Generations with Vision kind of week or two here at Fire Breathing Christian. First off, it’s the Generations crew who spearheaded the recent Freedom 2015 Conference on Religious Liberties in Des Moines, which I was blessed to attend. (See: Here’s what’s up this weekend…) The conference was both much needed and very […]
Anti-Homeschool Inquisitors Seek Immunity from Law

Last week in America’s Fear and Loathing of Christian Homeschoolers, we highlighted an article by American Vision’s Dr. Joel McDurmon in which he methodically chronicled the lies driving a ridiculously contrived “case” against a homeschooling family in Texas. McDurmon has recently followed up with a very important article alerting homeschoolers as to some serious freedom-threatening maneuvers being […]
Privacy? Who needs privacy?! (Or: What are you, some kind of terrorist or something?)

Privacy. Who needs it? Well, terrorists, that’s who! Yeah, it’s those evil terrorists who make use of things like private communications in order to plot, plan, and promote their evil terroristic deeds! So obviously if we’re gonna deal with terrorists we need to get rid of the terrorist-enabling tool of privacy. That’s basically the line […]
Charlie Sheen, Hedonism, and How America Defines Winning

[Since publishing this article, I’ve had the honor to appear on the Generations Radio program, where guest host Adam McManus and I explored the subject for nearly a full hour. You can listen to the program by clicking here. – SAB] I can still remember “Charlie Sheen Meltdown Day” like it was yesterday. It was February of […]
Gaystapo Calls for Arrest of “Unenlightened” Pastor

We live in a Crybully dominated culture – a cowardly, weak, yet very proud Pansy Nation brought about by the progressive multigenerational surrender of God-given individual, family, and church responsibilities to the State. None of this is accidental. None of it is random. And it is all purposefully designed to lead us deeper and deeper into […]
ISIS: Priceless Tool of American Statism

It’s not hard to see what’s going on here. It’s more a matter of desire than ability for most; of not wanting to see that which is obvious but far too frightening and intimidating to acknowledge as truth. The US and its allies routinely find ways of “accidentally” funding and fueling ISIS, al Qaeda, and […]
“Religion of Peace” goes on murderous rampage in Paris…as Al Gore warns about Global Warming from the Eiffel Tower.

Terrible (and terribly revealing) things happened yesterday in Paris at the hands of a few dedicated, well armed advocates for what we are told again and again is “a religion of peace”. And practically all major media coverage of the nightmare that’s pierced the heart of France has dutifully avoided each and every one of the most important points to […]
Young Americans protest and pout to take parents’ Socialism to the next level.

So the “kids” are protesting again. They want free stuff. More and more free stuff. They want “their share” of the All-American Socialism pie. And who can blame ’em? After all, they’re just following their parents’ and grandparents’ lead. Apparently, as demonstrated by recent waves of college campus convulsions aimed at securing things like […]
American “Bible Belt” Goes Fifty Shades of Crazy

So God says certain things are lawful (or permitted) in His creation, and other things are unlawful (meaning inherently destructive and forbidden). Then “We the People” of America come along and decide that all manner of things God has plainly forbidden are, as far as we’re concerned, “legal” and legit. Like porn, theft (via the State […]
What Miley Cyrus’ all-nude concert tells us about us.

Is there any doubt that Miley Cyrus is a shimmering, shouting gift from God to America? Is there any doubt that Miley Cyrus is at this moment being used by Him to provide a level of clarity and warning well beyond anything we could possibly deserve at this point as a people? The latest evidence for Miley as […]
“…on earth as it is in heaven.”

Preemptive surrender has never really been what you’d call a winning strategy. [Insert French army joke here.] Yet that’s exactly what Christians in America have been conditioned to do for a very long time now. For many generations we’ve become increasingly sold on the notion that everything here on earth is destined for darkness. It’s all doomed. It’s all […]
“America’s Team”, domestic violence, dead babies, and how a picture trumps a thousand lies.

Sometimes pictures of a savagely brutalized human being are seized upon to move culture in a particular direction (ideally – though not always – away from the activity or behavior reflected in the picture in question). Sometimes they are not. Recently released pictures of the damage allegedly done by NFL defensive end Greg Hardy to his […]
America’s Fear and Loathing of Christian Homeschoolers

Just in case anyone out there had forgotten how much this culture and its most thoroughly programmed drones despise the concept and practice of Christian homeschooling, the Lord has graciously provided us with yet another reminder. This time it comes in the form of a Texas homeschooling family who is being savaged by everyone […]
US Debt Soars $339 Billion in a Single Day [Insert “U! S! A!” chant here]

Last month in Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money! we tried to encourage folks to keep their eyes fixed on reality as the freakishly fictional economic construct under which we presently live begins to unravel, crack up, and come tumbling down around us. We began by making plain that when a fiat […]
What is true freedom?

Ever wonder why a nation loaded with supposedly “freedom loving” people following so many supposedly “freedom loving” talk radio hosts, media personalities, and politicians only seems to find itself sinking deeper and deeper into bondage to the ever-growing power of the American State year after year, decade after decade, and generation after generation? For all the oodles of […]
How do we keep American Socialism going? Get ready for negative interest rates.

One of the things frequently heard during the many commonplace critical rants of older generations against the young is that the younger crew “just doesn’t save money”. They “just don’t appreciate the power of saving” and they “just don’t have the self-control and discipline to apply the power of compounding interest over time.” We’ll come back […]
The Fear-Driven Voting of America’s “Conservative Christians”

Terrorism! Radical Muslims! The gay agenda! Barack Obama! Hillary Clinton! Justin Bieber! Fear! Fear! Fear! Panic! Panic! Panic! Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! If one thing is plain about the “conservative Christian” portion of America’s electorate, it is that fear is the primary motivator determining how its members spend their energy, resources, and votes. What Scripture refers […]
Here’s what’s up this weekend…

With work surrounding the current wave of new FBC-related books taking up a whole lotta time lately, other projects have had to wait in line on back burners. Happily, that should be changing now since On Education and There is no “God-given right” to worship false gods are already out and We Win Here is one […]
Guns don’t kill people. Sin kills people. (Like the sin of disarming good people).

What do condiments, control freaks, and “gun free zones” have in common? More than you may think. One of the most predictable political routs run routinely here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA comes like clockwork right on cue after there’s been a mass shooting in some sort of “gun free zone”. The […]
No Child Sacrifice Left Behind: New GOP Speaker of the House “doubtful about defunding Planned Parenthood”.

It looks like video documentation of Planned Parenthood ghouls doing everything from casually chit-chatting over drinks about profiting from the sale of baby body parts to plucking the brain from a living child for profitable harvest wont be enough to get us to even remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood …much less shut down Planned […]
How dare the Russians deny Global Warming! And defend the family! And attack ISIS! And oppose abortion! And oppose the “gay rights” movement!

As if the Russians openly opposing the America-adored, America-championed (globally) “gay rights” movment wasn’t bad enough… As if the Russian attempt to champion the God-ordained family model in resistance to the America-advanced perversion of the same wasn’t bad enough… (See: America Goes Gay While Russia Celebrates #RealFamily.) As if the Russians openly campaigning against abortion and moving towards […]
Jesus is conquering everything…right now.

At 4:41 PM CST today I had the pleasure of hitting “send” to submit the final interior (manuscript) file for use in printing We Win Here: The inevitable triumph of the Gospel in creation, which is based on the following: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . Genesis 1:1 In […]
Happy Reformation Day! (Now get to work!)

‘Round this time last year we posted On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers? There we asked a handful of questions, including: What is true biblical Reformation? What does the supernatural Gospel do to a person who, by the grace of God, repents and believes in response to the command to do so? […]
The Many “Conservative” Faces of American Statism

“Fixed” Social Security…”improved” State-run children’s education…”strengthened” Medicare…”necessary” State-run “safety nets”… Welcome to the New Conservatism – a “conservatism” that is flat out socialistic. State-run this, that, and the other thing aren’t just the cherished, protected tools of the Pagan Political Left. They are equally adored and useful to the Pagan Political Right. Just look at […]
“On Education: Thoughts on Christ as the essential core of children’s education” book released.

The On Education: Thoughts on Christ as the essential core of children’s education book is now available in print and eBook/Kindle formats. This is a compilation book featuring articles from Fire Breathing Christian that center on the vital life- and culture-shaping subject of children’s education. One of the great benefits of this sort of book is that […]
“There is no ‘God-given right’ to worship false gods” book released.

The There is no “God-given right” to worship false gods book is now available in print and eBook/Kindle formats. This is a compilation book featuring articles from Fire Breathing Christian that center on the very hot topic of religious liberty. With this issue taking center stage in our culture today, our hope is to provide an approachable collection […]
America’s open economic rape of the young via Social Security.

For as long as I’ve been alive and politically aware, Social Security has been known as “the third rail” of American politics, meaning that it is charged, untouchable, and sure to bring death to anyone who tries to grab hold and do something about it. That third rail is more dangerous and more entrenched […]
Buh-bye, Jeb: Bush gives himself the “warm kiss” of death.

Somewhere between his offer to give “a warm kiss” to a certain kind of Democrat and diving headlong into the Marco Rubio shaped woodchipper parked next to him at last night’s GOP debate in Colorado, Jeb Bush finally fully flamed out. Stick a fork in him; he’s done. Jeb’s most viable path to winning the Republican Party nomination now involves […]
Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money!

Debt ceiling? Who needs a debt ceiling? Sure, as a rhetorical device to keep the programmed, State-dependent masses thinking that this whole unbiblical economic Jenga Tower of Babel is somehow manageable and will work out just swell for us in the end, yeah, that sort of “debt ceiling” has all kinds of value to a political elite […]
Why do we prefer ignorance and bondage to truth and freedom?

The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. . . ~ Acts 17:30 One awesome – and awesomely convicting – principle revealed in Scripture is that we are responsible for the light that has been given us. Not merely the light that we choose to soak in, choose to meditate […]
What if 3% of Americans were Christian?

One way that America’s ongoing cultural disintegration is particularly striking is that most of those guiding and shaping our culture are professing Christians. Most of the people writing books, making movies, winning elections, and managing the pursuit of everything from art and law to education and civil government are, in fact, professing Christians. When something like Fifty Shades […]
The True Gospel Conquers Everything; The Modern American “Gospel”…Not So Much

Here’s some good news about the Good News of the Gospel: It’s about much more than your precious personal salvation. It’s about everything. The Gospel of King Jesus touches, purifies and conquers everything. It’s not about a Kingdom waiting out there in the future somewhere. It’s not about a Kingdom off in some far distant […]
America Goes Gay While Russia Celebrates #RealFamily

In what must surely be a devious, evil commie plot, the Russkies have shamelessly taken a flagrantly anti-American stand on the definition of family. More specifically, the malevolent forces of (temporarily undercover) commie-ness have taken a hard line stand both for a biblically coherent definition of family and, even worse, against the legitimacy of the […]
Drone Wars: Because only the American State should have the power to spy on and kill innocents.

According to the American State, American citizens should be forced to register their private drones with said American State. You know, ’cause citizens might hurt somebody with their drones…unlike the American State, which only regularly spies on and routinely kills innocent people because…well…that’s just what The State does, you know? But citizens just can’t handle the responsibilities that […]
Our “End Times” Madness: American Pessimillennialism vs. Biblical Optimillennialism

Back in May, we asked the question: What if we are living in early Church history? In today’s most popular versions of Christianity in America, that’s a really weird (and to some a borderline heretical) question to ask. We’ve wandered (or run) far away from our Pilgrim/Puritan founders, who undertook the greatest of adventures and placed their […]
Is Putin killing ISIS and Nicolae Carpathia at the same time?

Could Russia’s Vladimir Putin be killing – or at least seriously wounding – two forces of satanic thought and cultural decimation at once? Could “Mad Vlad” at this very moment be dealing death blows to not one but two manifestations of the true (meaning: biblical) spirit of antichrist? Could the Putin-directed Russian army and air force even now […]
Is America a zombie culture just “waiting to explode”?

Is America a Zombie Nation? Are we basically a hollowed-out husk of a culture, shambling around mindlessly feeding ourselves on what our base, selfish instincts tells us to grab onto without much, if anything, in the way of restraint? It would seem so. “We the people” actually believe – and will proudly tell you if […]
The Beginning of Knowledge – Christ as Truth in Apologetics

Here in the happy, wild and wacky world of trying-to-get-things done known as “Scott and Holly’s life”, we are pleased and thankful to report that we are by the grace of God actually getting a lot of things done lately, including some things that’d been waiting on back burners for quite a while now. Sometimes I […]
Is Pomosexuality a product of sexual abuse?

What is Pomosexuality? Just look around. It’s everywhere. The consequences of postmodernism’s collision with sexuality are smoldering all around us. All in the name of American pride, freedom, and liberty, of course. In Sex and the Singularly Abused Girl, Eric Holmberg of The Apologetics Group provides some excellent insight into the plague of pomosexuality and its religiously ignored […]
Kicking the Socialism Habit: Do we love the Lord (and one another) enough to confront and correct our dependence on the State?

You’ve probably seen the signs before. They tend to make an impact: Billboards featuring young men with elderly looking, dried out faces, blackened teeth and lost, hopeless eyes. . Stories of Miss Small Town USA pageant winners transformed in just a few months’ time into soulless zombies wandering alleyways in search of…they’re not sure what. . […]
Oops, we “accidentally” gave ISIS a boatload of Toyotas.

No wonder the American State is all “outraged” and such over Russia’s deadly serious not-playin’-around-at-all strikes on ISIS in Syria. America has way too much invested in this ISIS outfit to just let it get all blowed up and stuff. As we reported in October in Oops! We “accidentally armed ISIS”…again…, we’ve “accidentally” airlifted weapons to ISIS in Syria before. […]
Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit: Why “conservative Christian” Americans sell their own children for just one more hit of Socialism.

How many “conservative Christian Americans” are willing to sell their own children, grandchildren, and untold future generations deeper into slavery to the American State in order to squeeze just one more hit of temporary “benefit” from the Statism-fueled insanity of Social Security, Medicare, public schools, and the perpetual All-American war machine? The vast majority, that’s how many. […]
The Crime of Pre-Crime: How Christians in America will be “preemptively” dealt with by the American State.

What does a culture at war with Christ look like? What does a culture at war with Christians look like? Even a casual glance around today’s American cultural landscape gives us more answers than we should ever want to find to these questions, yet there they are, staring unblinkingly right back at us. Our long slide from the deep, […]
Should “The Greater Church of Lucifer” be allowed to operate in America?

“The Greater Church of Lucifer is celebrating its grand opening this month on Main Street. . . ” So begins the clinical, ho-hum, matter-of-fact intro from KPRC Channel 2 News’ television segment this week on the new “church” opening in town. The News 2 article provides some of the very American-friendly spin offered up by advocates […]
This Year’s FBC Reformation Day Mission (and several ways that you can help)

As most if not all of those regularly reading the Fire Breathing Christian blog have probably figured out by now: We are winging it. All by God’s grace, and happily so, but make no mistake – we are very much learning as we go here. We’re trying to do as much as we’re able at […]
Senate candidate admits to sacrificing a goat and drinking its blood.

So what if somebody wants to drink a little goat blood as part of their pursuit of religious liberty in America? I mean, isn’t that what we’re all about? “Religious liberty”, I mean. As in, the “God-given right” to openly worship false gods, including the devil himself. (See how utterly insane that is when you […]
Preachers, Teachers, Bankers and Thugs: How “Experts” Make Us Slaves to the State

“Expert” political puppets from Pagan Political Left to Pagan Political Right relentlessly pitch and preach the religion of American Statism. (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) “Expert” media muppets faithfully parrot and promote the puppet production in question, doing everything they can to suck us in to the Pagan Left/Right paradigm to which […]
It’s time to wake up and smell the dead babies: The Republican Party is playing us.

After 40+ years of “legal” mass child sacrifice for convenience in America, it’s time for Christians to wake up and smell the foul truth that we’ve been played like cheap fiddles by the Republican Party and other Pagan Political Right tools when it comes to protecting – or not protecting – the most vulnerable among us […]
Pagan Goes Christian Hunting in Oregon “Gun Free” Zone

Unrepentant sinners hate God. We’re all born this way, and until the God we hate supernaturally intervenes in our lives by raising our dead, selfish, sin-loving, holiness-hating selves into living, sin-resisting, holiness-pursuing New Creatures in Christ, we quite naturally do all that we can to mock and overturn the sovereignty of God above us. We […]
Russians Launch Plot to Kill Neo-Con GOP Senators…by way of Syrian Air Strikes

Just when you think you have the Russians figured out, they go and do something…devious. But that’s what Russians do, isn’t it? Be devious, I mean. (See also: Need (another) war? No sweat! Just play The Hitler Card.) In this case, they’ve taken their native deviousness to daring extremes by launching surprise air strikes […]
Why stop spending when you can just print more “money”?

Can you feel the surge? Do you hear the hum? The surge of manufactured power and the hum of warming printing presses, I mean. (See also: Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.) As the “expert”-programmed fiction known as the global economy teeters (again) […]
The Blood Mooning of American “Christianity”

Well here we are at the end of September 2015 and doggone it if the world ain’t still standing (and spinning) in spite of the coming and going of the “Blood Moon” phenomena as massively promoted and then just as massively cashed in upon by one John Hagee. Oh sure, there have been others – […]
By What Standard?

~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this or other Stick People for Jesus comics, please share it. If you’d like to see comics like this continue, please click here to help. Please also “like” us on Facebook, “+” us on Google+, follow us on Twitter and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the […]
Yes, even our Muppets are depraved. (Nothing’s safe when nothing’s sacred.)

Kermit playing the field? Miss Piggy considering breast augmentation? Sure. And why not? Why wouldn’t even our Muppets become jaded and tainted by the rot we’ve tolerated and embraced as a people? One of the most ridiculous lies we’ve embraced is the notion that anything is safe from the corrupting power of unaddressed sin – the […]
Should Muslims and Satanists be allowed to seek public office in America?

Should an openly practicing Muslim be allowed to seek and hold office in America? What about a Satanist? Should an openly practicing Satanist be allowed to seek and hold office in America? If not, why not? If so, should “We the People” be open to voting for them? What about those of us who claim Christ […]
The queer shall inherit the earth? Actually, no. (Stonewall vs. Stonewall: A Collision of Kingdoms)

“The queer shall inherit the earth.” That’s what a gang of tolerance Nazis desperately trying to shout down, drown out, and generally intimidate dissent (all in the name of love, of course) had scrawled on a banner they carried along to protest a college campus appearance by Pastor Doug Wilson. That banner and those Nazis are featured subjects […]
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.

What a difference a summer makes, am I right? We now have “gay marriage” (pronounced “gay mirage“) in America, where we like to beg for the wrath of God upon us by pretending to make it “legal”. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America.) Then there’s “Transgenderism”. You can’t check out in an […]
Which “god” would grant the “right” to openly worship Satan? Hmmm…I wonder…

Even Saturday Night Live is ultimately God’s tool. Yes, really. Even something like a foolish, mocking swipe at Christ and His Bride, the Church, when taken by the likes of SNL, is always ultimately going to be used perfectly by God for His glory to accomplish His purposes for the benefit of His people (see: Romans 8:28). With […]
Beyond Debate: The never-ending “conservative” pitch for Statism (A biblical review of Round 1 of the GOP “debate” – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 6)

Ever notice how all the supposedly “conservative” leaders anointed and appointed by the national Republican Party seem to always end up leading us deeper and deeper into the Socialism and state-dependency that they claim to oppose? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Ever notice that no matter how many Republican Representatives, Senators, […]
Americans Embrace Trump’s Dismissal of Repentance

Who needs God? Especially when you have the world’s largest military and the world’s reserve (fictional) currency? (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) Who needs repentance? Especially when good ol’ America-centered American pride has gotten ya this far, right? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Who […]
US Army protects man-on-boy rape en route to first openly gay leader.

What does a culture – and its military – look like when it is severed from the lordship of Christ? What does a culture look like and what does its military become when both define and pursue “security”, “liberty”, and “freedom” apart from submission to the King of kings? What does a culture and its military devolve […]
Planned Parenthood’s “Fresh” Baby-fueled Lamborghini Quest (Or: America’s “Legal” Protection of Child Sacrifice and Satanism)

“Everything we provide is fresh.” That line from a Planned Parenthood ghoul is one of the satanic jems permeating the latest expose video released this week by the Center for Medical Progress. And lest there be any confusion here, we’re talking about “fresh” baby body parts taken from babies who’ve been freshly murdered so that these […]
Christians rally for the “rights” of Satanists to worship Satan in America.

Interesting and important conversations are taking place in America. Critical and challenging thoughts are being entertained in a serious way by many Americans for the first time in a good long while (if ever). We are now being forced, by the grace of God, to consider what it means exactly to worship and what it […]
We really need your help. Thank you for your prayerful consideration!

. Howdy All, First off, a big thank you(!) to those who support the Fire Breathing Christian mission with your prayers, by sharing the blog posts (and now podcast episodes), and by offering up kind and encouraging words by email and social media. That encouragement is like wind in our sails! God has been so very good to us […]
How to actually defeat Islam. Guaranteed.

How can we really and truly defeat Islam, ISIS, ISIL, and every other (genuine or contrived boogeyman) used by our Pagan Political Right and Pagan Political Left Statist “leaders” and “experts” to lead us by the nose to perpetual war abroad and deeper into the living hell of Orwellian Statism at home? (See: Problem>Reaction>Solution – […]
Dear America: Jesus isn’t running for King and His Law isn’t “up for a vote” either. Repent accordingly.

Jesus is King. King over America. Right now. Really. And not just King in some hyper-spiritual, intangible “out there” sense in some (safely) distant heaven or in some (safely) future kingdom. Not in some way that limits Him to church buildings or to choir lofts or to the precious little hearts of His sheep. Nope, He is Lord right […]
Christ really is conquering EVERYTHING. How cool is that?

Right here and right now in the little sliver of time on the little sliver of land on the little planet we call earth, Jesus Christ is working perfectly by His grace through His Spirit-filled people in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission so that all things might be restored by the power of His […]
5 things every Statist will agree on at tomorrow’s Republican “debate”.

Can you feel the magic? Black magic, I mean. Can you taste the thick artificial flavoring? Are you choking on the overly and overtly manufactured “excitement”? As in: The most legit items on the menu are Donald Trump’s mood and hair. Can you hear the controlled/contrived political puppet show predictably shifting into its standard seasonal gear en route to taking us to […]
How Islam and Satanism in America are fueled through satanic approaches to “religious liberty”. (Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 5)

The freedom to worship the one true God is a beautiful thing. The freedom to worship the one true God in ways that may well differ from the way in which another worships the one true God is also a very beautiful thing. This, of course, does not make the open worship of Satan a […]
Liars, Jokers, and Thieves: Do we really want Jesus or do we just want His stuff?

“In God We Trust!” “God bless America!” “Oh, how I love Jesus!” This lingo is all over the place in America. As the culture war rages, loud and proud appeals are constantly made by tens of millions of American professing Christians – especially “conservatives” – who claim to love, trust, and adore God. But what do […]
Never forget that apart from God’s grace you and I are complete morons.

Probably the easiest thing for us to forget is that each and every little bit of truth that we’ve learned or blessing that we’ve enjoyed has come completely by way of the grace of God. There is not one single solitary little thing that we’ve truly earned in and of ourselves, aside from hell […]
Why do we allow the open practice of Islam, witchcraft, and Satanism in America?

One of the weirdest and most telltale signs that we’ve become a people completely disconnected from reality is the way that here in America, even most “conservative” professing Christians have come to cherish and defend the concept of religious pluralism. The idea that we have the “God-given ‘right’” to worship any god or practice any religion […]
The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast is now on iTunes

Howdy All! The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast is now listed on iTunes. Woohoo! We’ve submitted it to a variety of other streaming services as well, but now that it’s iTunes ready I’ve put a Podcast tab at the top of the FBC site’s home page linking to the new Podcast Page (which you can access […]
How unrepentant and lost is Donald Trump? And what does that tell us about America?

The Donald is on fire. And so is American culture. Coincidence? Nope. In the past month, The Trumpinator has moved from a merely dominant top spot in the polls to an even more “absolutely amazing” position, leaving his fellow Republicans struggling to figure out just how to tackle the brash billionaire who promises to “make America great again” without […]
Little Gospel Syndrome and the Death of American Culture

Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously? Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously enough to take His Word seriously? In detail, I mean. As in, all of it. As in, out of a true love for Him (see: John 14:15). Wouldn’t it be great if the professing Christian church in America […]
Fox News Equates God’s Law With Islam. American “Conservative Christians” say, “Amen!”

If there’s one thing that absolutely terrifies the typical politically “conservative” churchgoing professing Christian in America, it is the Nature of God as revealed in His Word and Law. More specifically, they’re petrified at even the thought of that Law-Word being taken seriously. As in: applied. As in: for real. As in: Not just […]
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God (Thank you for the reminder, Kim Davis.)

Thank God for Kim Davis! Thank God for the example she has been at this critical moment. (See: Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”) Thank God for the thoughts and conversations that her biblical stand has ignited. (See: Do we actually believe that God’s Law is binding? Or do […]