Disney’s Big Gay Push Continues: All-American Icons Deployed To Destroy Americans

One of the more painfully obvious yet persistently ignored realities of our culture is the manner in which American Corporate power is routinely used to steer us away from the religion of Christianity and into the religion of American Statism (which is, from the perspective of American Corporate elites, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Corporate elites). Disney, […]
What if Cruz supporters yanked their little children from State-run schools?

What if Ted Cruz’s most vocal, passionate, all-in supporters took any 4-, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, or 10-year old children that they currently ship off to Temples of the State for “education” and yanked ’em out of that thoroughly satanic system? What if just half of them did so? What if just half of the […]
Death Star Over Cleveland Ushers In The End Times.

Since yesterday’s post announcing the rollout of our news satire and parody site, The End Times, we’ve been getting a lot of very positive feedback, some supercool suggestions, and a few questions. First, I just wanted to answer one question as it relates to Fire Breathing Christian: The work done at The End Times will not slow things down […]
The End Times: Your Trusted Source for Apocalyptic News, Sports, Politics and Fashion

Howdy and Happy Monday, y’all. We’re pleased to share with you now the “beta version” of a new project we’ve been working on: The End Times, a news satire and parody site from a Christian worldview perspective. Here’s why we’re tackling this particular mission: For far too long, Christians have ceded the most culture-impacting realms of […]
How did America become the sad and pathetic land of perpetual adolescence? (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)

Through our embrace of a satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge (also known as “education”), we’ve become suckers fro pretty much every lame and destructive thing that could redefine and destroy a culture. From the fiction of adolescence to the idolatry of extra-biblical icons, we’ve fallen far and fast in the still-loud and still-proud “land […]
“What if we are living in early Church history?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Today marks the launch of The Hell Razer Report, a 15 minute-ish weekly podcast that I’m happy and thankful to be hosting on Reconstructionist Radio. The inaugural episode centers on the question “What if we are living in early Church history?” and encourages Christians to understand, embrace, and enjoy the beautiful, matchlessly inspiring and […]
The Theft-by-Inflation Shell Game (that none of the President wannabes will stop)

It’s flat out amazing (and incredibly embarrassing) to see how easily we’ve been spun, programmed and propagandized to the point that we don’t even notice that pretty much everything we’re most encouraged to pour our passion into is a distraction from the gigantic pulsing tap root that’s feeding and fueling all of the cultural rot and decline that […]
Ben Carson makes deal with The Donald: Endorses unrepentant biblically illiterate strip club promoter for President.

Here we go again. Another highly regarded “Christian leader” – this time one o’ the tip top faves of the super-duper-Christian-ish (and thoroughly paganized) Political Right – has “come out” as the latest in a long line of pragmatically pagan-minded politicos to endorse an unrepentant, biblically illiterate casino and strip club promoter for President. But how can […]
Why are “Pro-Life” leaders preserving abortion in Oklahoma?

Legislation has been introduced to abolish abortion in Oklahoma. So you might be surprised to hear that high profile “Pro-Life” leaders have come out against the bill…but you shouldn’t be. Why have they come out against it? Why would “Pro-Life” leaders oppose a bill that aims to really, truly, and actually abolish human baby murder? Because, so say the […]
The Gender Chaos Corporate Media Matrix: Second Wachowski Brother Comes Out As A Pretend Woman; Wins Instant Approval

Isn’t it weird how announcements of celebrity “transgender” conversions are instantly canonized, lionized and accommodated in any way possible by every American Corporate owned mass media tool covering ’em? Gender chaos is clearly a primary goal and focus of the Corporate/State System here in 2016 America. Few things are as pervasively and promiscuously pimped, pumped, and promoted […]
The Sensitivity Fascists and America’s Bondage to Perpetual Adolescence

Ever wonder why there’s such an incredible, almost(?) unbelievable difference in the character and maturity levels of a typical modern American teenager or twentysomething and those of the same age from 150, 200, or 300 years back? Ever wonder what it would be like to have young men and women (meaning: mid- to late-teens) who actually […]
Trump Owns Evangelicals Through Relentless Barrage of Jedi Mind Tricks

GOP front-runner (and likely sith lord) Donald Trump continued to maintain a magical, svengali-like grip on the simple, submissive minds of thousands of voting evangelicals as his dark march toward the Republican nomination rolled through Super Tuesday and on into March. “Man, I wish I could do anything close to that,” said a still-recovering, disheveled and […]
Why are we in this political nightmare? Ask your “evangelical Christian” pastor.

American evangelical leaders have worked very hard for a very long time to get us to where we are now. They’ve done more than anyone else to lead us into the socio-political hellhole in which we find ourselves sinking deeper with each passing Drudge Report refresh, and it’s very important that they get the credit they […]
The first thing The Devil wants us to do is the last thing The Devil needs us to do.

Let’s keep this simple, short, and sweet: Jesus Christ is the personal Source, Creator, Definer and Sustainer of everything in His creation. (See: Colossians 1:15-20.) And “everything” means everything, which certainly and obviously includes law, logic, art, economics, technology, civil government and everything else. So it is that the Person of Jesus Christ is the […]
How’s that GOP loyalty pledge looking now, Mr. Cruz/Bush/Rubio/Carson?

Deals with The Devil are a bad idea. As it turns out, deals with The Donald aren’t so bright either. Yet that’s exactly what Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and all the rest of the Republican President wannabes jumped into back in the fall of 2015 when they each personally, proudly, and quite publicly pledged […]
The Mitt and The Donald: A Love (of Power) Story Gone Wrong

Just when you thought this season’s run of The American Political Puppet Show couldn’t get more wild, wacky, and flat out goofy, along comes the news that The Mitt is taking a swing at The Donald. Word is that The Mitt, after accepting The Donald’s warm political affections and support back in 2012, isn’t exactly […]
Escapism vs. Exaltation: Two Opposing Motives for Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Why do we imagine? Why do we fantasize? What is healthy fantasy? What is unhealthy fantasy? How do we determine the difference between the two and live in light of that distinction? How do we understand and interact with things like Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, The Chronicles of Narnia or […]
Super-Satanic Tuesday: How’s that “lesser of two evils” deal looking now?

With the fear-driven American political puppet show drama about to hit its primary season peak (right on schedule), we’re well served to resist the relentless promotion of emotion-driven anxiety pitched by countless (and often “conservative Christian”) media mouthpieces and take a moment to calmly (you know, as if King Jesus is actually on His throne) assess just […]
J.J. Abrams Prepares to Sodomize Star Wars

“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.” ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi J.J. Abrams is paving the way for Star Wars to be sodomized. This is supposed to make us all happy, and if it doesn’t make […]
Education, worldview wars, and the lions who’ve come before us.

A true Christian education and worldview centers on the fact that good things are happening and ultimate victory is assured. It assumes and builds itself upon on the inevitable victory of the King of Creation over every realm of His creation in accordance with His unstoppable, unbreakable Word and Gospel-fueled Great Commission. It’s in this context that even […]
Every Game Captive: The Christian Call to Christ-Centered Gaming (Part 1)

[While this is a post on the subject of gaming from a Christian worldview perspective, it’s gonna take a bit longer than usual to get to where the rubber meets the road on this one. Before we get there, we need to kick around some relevant biblical concepts and dig into several key reference points […]
Would Ted Cruz endorse Donald Trump for President? We may soon find out.

If an unrepentantly promiscuous, proud, covetous and deceitful biblically illiterate strip club and casino promoter won the Republican Party nomination, would Ted “Champion of Christian Virtue in the American Political Realm” Cruz endorse their candidacy for President? Would Ted Cruz encourage other politically active Christians who “share his values” to support the candidacy of said strip […]
America’s Suicidal Self-Identity Problem

“We the People” in our “exceptional” pride and unrepentant arrogance have methodically and systematically produced a land and culture loaded with and defined by people who really and truly seem to believe that they are whatever they label themselves to be. We have men who think they’re women. We have women who think they’re men. We have homosexuals […]
Rubio and Cruz fight over who can ignore Scripture the most (in practice) while claiming to love it the loudest (in word).

In keeping with the now long-standing American tradition of professing Christian conservatives claiming the name of Christ and an affinity for the Bible in word while pretty much ignoring the Word of God on law and civil government in practice, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have locked horns in a political life-and-death battle over who will carry the […]
South Carolina Evangelicals Ditch Scripture and Vote Trump

Ever heard the “we’re electing a president, not a pastor” line? Ever heard that sort of thing passionately flung from the mouth of a politically active professing Christian? Perhaps even from a popular Christian “leader”? Ever wondered what that line is supposed to mean exactly, aside from serving as an escape hatch or quick dodge away from anything the Bible actually says on leadership, […]
Pope vs. Trump: Battle of the Anti-Christs!

On Thursday, The Pope called The Donald “not a Christian”. Later on Thursday, The Donald called The Pope’s claim “disgraceful”. And with that, it…was…ON! Pope vs. Trump. Godzilla vs. Kong. Dracula vs. Frankenstein’s Monster. The unstoppable farce of man-made, man-centered religion vs. the immovable, megalomaniacal ego of the ultimate “self-made” casino promoting billionaire. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that […]
Does God have a genetically identifiable chosen people? If so, who qualifies?

Wanna see the equivalent of a million megaton nuke go off in a crowd of professing Christians in 2016 America (especially those inclined to gather at Cruz rallies)? If so, simply dare to even ask a question like, “Does God really have a genetically identifiable chosen people on earth right now?” Then follow it up with something […]
The Long Buh Bye (Some guys named Jeb Bush just can’t take a hint)

Some people just can’t take a hint. Or two. Or 140,258, the number of ballots cast for the top three vote getters in the Iowa Republican Caucus (Cruz, Trump and Rubio). Or 178,504, the number of ballots cast for the top three vote getters in the New Hampshire Republican Primary (Trump, Kasich and Cruz). article continues […]
The Martian, the Gospel and the pouting unbeliever.

Holly and I took in The Martian last night and it was all that I’d expected it to be after hearing and reading many rave reviews. It was very well acted and very well directed (Ridley Scott is a genius). It had a solid enough plot and interesting enough twists. It was a well polished […]
Satanists + Bernie Sanders = American Religion On Display

When your culture cherishes the “right” to openly worship the devil as a virtue, the open pursuit of comparatively little things like Socialism and Marxism ought to be taken as a given. They’re inevitable. So being all “shocked” and “horrified” when they finally come into full cultural bloom, as they’ve been working at doing here in ‘Merica […]
Ted Cruz Brings the Gospel of American Statism to South Carolina Christians

Like inviting Dracula over for dinner, inviting a Statist over to preach has its consequences. One such consequence is the further promotion and cementing in place of the anti-Christ religion of American Statism as an ally or expression of biblical Christianity in the minds of American Christians who have for generations now been purposefully programmed to conflate secular conservatism […]
Obama to Select Scalia Replacement for US Supreme Court as Fear Grips (and Steers) the Hearts of American “Christians”

The US Supreme Court that imposed “gay marriage” and ObamaCare upon America is about to take a lunging lurch leftward. With today’s passing of Antonin Scalia, the laughably unfree “land of the free” is almost certain to see a significant slide even further down the rat-hole of DC-down tyranny and the perversion of law. A proud, unrepentant nation that exalts […]
Temples of the State: The VERY Religious Mission of American Public Schools

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in […]
Taking an honest, biblical sledgehammer to Ted Cruz mythology. (Part 1)

With millions of evangelicals once again offering up pretty much zero resistance as they’re herded on cue and right on schedule into a fear-fueled Pagan Left/Right paradigm box so that they might choose from the American Statists placed before them in this cycle’s installment of The American Political Puppet Show, it’s probably a good idea to take an honest, biblically […]
If the Devil won the GOP nomination…

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” ~ Matthew 4:8-9 While there’s much that we don’t yet know as to where […]
Why Theonomy scares the hell out of people…and cultures…and civilizations…

Ever wonder what the most feared, loathed, hated and despised message to ever hit the ears and self-serving little hearts of unrepentant men and women might be? No need to wonder. Here it is: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in […]
Why choosing the lesser of two excrement sandwiches is a bad idea.

Regularly choosing to eat the “lesser” of two excrement sandwiches is a really bad idea. Embracing a diet composed exclusively of “lesser” excrement sandwiches will, at best, produce a long, drawn out and dramatically stinky death. Which brings us to America. As this presidential cycle’s installment of The American Political Puppet Show kicks into high gear, […]
Want bigger government? Vote Republican.

When’s the last time you heard a Republican President or a Republican Party nominee for President actively campaign on the elimination of Social Security? Or on the elimination of Medicare? Or on the elimination of Medicaid? Or on a dramatic reduction of the military industrial complex? Or on the elimination of the property tax, through which actual home […]
“A nation that conscripts its daughters for its defense is a nation that no longer deserves a defense.”

One of the many things that wasn’t debated at Saturday night’s GOP “debate” was the presumption of American State ownership of the American people when it comes to the notion of a military draft. These days, it’s just a given that the State owns everything, including even your body, should it decide that there is […]
Want to see America in Scripture? Try Psalm 2.

Every now and again someone somewhere tries to “find America” in Scripture. It’s in this context that I offer for your consideration… Psalm 2 Verse 1: Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? Why do “We the People” rage against Christ as King? Why do we despise and reject even the […]
RoboRubio explodes on debate stage after getting stuck in its own feedback loop.

Who says the American Political Puppet Show isn’t entertaining? Oh sure, the whole thing’s a comically contrived, controlled game aimed at amusing and distracting Americans from noticing, much less dealing with, the real problems of ever-expanding Statism and the unfolding wrath of God upon a proud, unrepentant “We the People” (with the former being an example […]
Maybe if American “conservatives” weren’t so State-dependent, they’d be less ridiculous…and less helpless.

‘Tis the season for big talk – very big talk – from professing conservatives in America. They talk about how government is way too big and outta control. They talk about how we need to return to our founding and/or Christian principles and/or values…or something like that. They talk about how if some major changes don’t […]
Obama Celebrates American Religious Pluralism at Mosque in Baltimore

Every time Barack Obama (or Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio) advocates the satanic concept of religious pluralism, almost always while claiming to be a Christian, “We the People” are reaping what we’ve sown. For generation after generation, we’ve championed as a virtue that which God despises so much that He singles it out […]
Feel the Bern, “American conservatives”. Your Socialist chicks are coming home to roost.

There’s a lot about the Bernie Sanders campaign that falls into the category of tragedy. There’s a lot about it that falls into the category of comedy. And there’s a whole lot about it that falls neatly into both slots at the same time. Take, for example, Sanders’ willingness to openly campaign as a Socialist. […]
American State seeks to extend unbiblical draft registration to women.

You know all those wars we keep launching here, there, and everywhere, often times pitched as a part of our effort to stop things like the evils of ISIS, who has been known to butcher thousands in cold blood…while at the very same time we protect the open operation of mass baby butchering facilities “legally” allowed here […]
Dr. Everett Piper stands firm against waves of evangelical Trump whores.

While at times it may seem (or smell) as though the whole of American evangelicalism is being led by a gang of smarmy, worldly, empire-building, numbers-driven spiritual whores and prostitutes, nothing could be further from the truth. God always provides. God always preserves a remnant within what often seems to be a hopeless and unsalvageable situation. While ginormo-ministries […]
“What Happens In Vegas” is running for President.

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” If only. Now “what happens in Vegas” is running for President…and winning. Or at least leading in the polls so far, anyway. The Republican polls. With truckloads of support from “evangelical conservative Christians”, to boot. “Conservative Christian” leader Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University, made news recently […]
Which Republican Socialist will win the Iowa Caucus…and the hearts of “conservative Christians”?

Confronting a devotee of The American Political Puppet Show is a lot like confronting a fan of professional wrestling. While they’ll of necessity concede much of the laughably contrived and choreographed nature of their prized fiction (you can only pretend so much), they just can’t bring themselves to admit what each and every connected dot […]
The Practical Consequences of America’s Dead Religion

One of the more insane (and oft repeated) “arguments” as to why we cannot possibly stand firm upon the Word of God in detail and submit to the lordship of Christ in practice when it comes to the realms of law, education, economics, business, civil government, and pretty much everything else, is that […]
How the religion of American Statism will use the religion of Islam to attack Christian home education.

If there’s one thing a false god can’t stand, it’s competition. In this, false gods predictably aim to be something like one true God they strive to displace. The one true God despises these pretenders and would-be competitors, knowing that they can only lead those who follow them into darkness and death, which is why He has […]
“Evangelical Leaders” Bet On Strip Club Profiteer To “Make America Great Again”

Et tu, Robert Jeffress? As in, pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist (Mega-)”Church” in Dallas. As in, the same Robert Jeffress we covered back in July when we chronicled his ridiculously anti-Christian, pro-Statist approach to the biblically defined subject of children’s education. So it really shouldn’t come as much of a shock to learn […]
The Kingdom of God vs. The (Collapsing) Empire of America

As we watch a proud, unrepentant people cling to the idol of the American State and we see the judgment of the one true God come down upon that idol and its worshippers, we are well served to praise the King of kings for the peace, purpose, and mission that He has given His people right here and now […]
When Little gods Die

By now you’ve almost surely heard the news of David Bowie’s death and have likely been exposed to dozens if not hundreds if not thousands of homages, tributes, and retrospective adoration sessions. I’m not going to add to that list of Bowie-centric examinations here. I want to look less at the specifics of David Bowie and more at […]
We don’t need another Constitution. We need another Declaration.

So now we have “legalized” “gay marriage” to go along with our “legalized” child sacrifice to go along with our “legalized” porn to go along with our “legalized” adultery-based business models to go along with all the rest of our now flagrantly, obviously, and catastrophically anti-Christ approach to law and civil government. And in the […]
Well, at least SOMEONE got indicted over those Planned Parenthood/baby massacre videos…

Well, at least someone got indicted over those “shocking” and “horrifying” videos revealing the grotesquely satanic and literally child sacrificing policies and procedures of “legally” protected abortuary businesses operating openly all across “the land of the free” and the home of the self-described “brave”. But was it the child sacrificing, organ harvesting, Lamborghini-inspired profiteering of […]
Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Biblically Illiterate Strip Club Owner for President

So American evangelicals have found their strip club owner! They’ve found the one strip club owner capable of saving the culture. They’ve found the one strip club owner able to “Make America Great Again!” At least that’s the proclamation of one Jerry Falwell Jr., who, according to various reports published today, has decided that Donald […]
Two Corinthians and Donald Trump walk into a bar…

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17 Two Corinthians and Donald Trump walk into a bar…or make that a strip club. More specifically, the strip club in the Trump Taj Mahal casino, the first casino-housed strip club in America, opened by Trump in […]
The US Constitution is not the gold standard for law in America (or anywhere else).

Contrary to countless proclamations routinely rolling off the tongues of tens of millions of Americans, most of whom claim to be Christians, the US Constitution is not the gold standard for law in America (or anywhere else). It’s a very beautiful and impressive document in many unique and wondrous ways, but it is far from perfect. It has […]
Quick! The rigged markets are crashing (again)! Time to print more “money”!

Few things are as thoroughly fictional as professional wrestling, the presidential-level political system in America, and the satanic “money out of thin” air economic system that keeps ’em both afloat. Along those lines, if you’re honestly wondering what a sure sign of a real, serious, meaningfully and positively impactful (in a biblical way) presidential candidate would look […]
The Gaystapo goes for the kill in Tennessee…and what Christians are going to do about it.

Who defines family? Who defines marriage? Who defines law? Who rules the culture through control of these things? The fight for each of these vital concepts is raging on many fronts across the smoldering American cultural battlefield, and the contest for law, family, marriage and culture will be reaching a critical point this week in Tennessee. Last week in The opportunity to stand […]
NFL Playoffs, Presidential Politics, and Other [Purposeful] Distractions (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)

Pro football…good or evil? Or perhaps good and evil? What about American Politics and Socialism? How drenched in the latter has the former become? And how saturated in Socialism have the political views of most professing conservative Christians in America become? These and other questions served as springboards for what turned out to be a […]
Two things to pray about, please.

Howdy All, I hope that all is well with you and yours and that your week is rolling along nicely. I have two prayer requests as we head into what is shaping up to be an important weekend of preparation. First, please pray that we will continue to grow in impact despite some significant changes made via […]
The fiction of U.S. “free markets” and why they can’t last in God’s creation.

Our completely contrived and purposefully rigged stock market is quaking. Again. Isn’t it great that we have the anti-Christian black magic of fiat economics and the Federal Reserve to “protect” us from anything resembling a truly free and real commercial marketplace? (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) Isn’t it awesome that […]
The more we are in the Word, the more dangerous to the world we become.

God is reconciling everything by the blood of the cross. He is doing this through His Spirit-filled people faithfully proclaiming and applying His Gospel-fueled Great Commission, all by His grace and all for His glory: . . . we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge […]
The Ten Commandments of American Statism

Of the many false religions and anti-Christ worldviews masquerading as Christian in 2016 America, few are as pervasive, impactful and adored as American Statism. While the name may suggest otherwise, the impact of American Statism is globe-spanning, extending well beyond the borders of the United States. This makes its counterfeit gospel (Statism) and messiah (the American State) all the […]
The opportunity to stand for law, marriage, and family RIGHT NOW in Tennessee.

Are you heartbroken by the disintegration of our culture? Is your head spinning at how quickly everything seems to be falling apart around us? Are you sickened by the way in which openly lawless anti-Christian leaders and cowardly professing Christian politicians have succeeded in dragging us down to depths of darkness unthinkable only a few years ago? Are you […]
What a missed Vikings field goal tells us about the death of America.

Who says American “Christians” can’t get all fired up and culturally engaged in dramatic fashion? Who says that tens of millions of professing Christian evangelicals in America can’t hoot, howl, and passionately engage anyone within shouting distance when the subject of consideration is something that really matters to them? Who says American “Christians” can’t be […]
Why a Constitutional Convention can’t save us…and why so many Americans can’t understand why.

Have you ever had a friendly (or at least friendly-ish) debate or discussion with someone who was kind, intelligent, and generally courteous, yet they just couldn’t conceive of, much less embrace the notion that after carefully listening to and considering their position, you both A) understood it accurately, and B) disagreed with it reasonably? No matter how many […]
Chinese Dragon Eats Economy: Stock Market off to Worst Start Ever

Not since Godzilla ate Tokyo and threatened to swim the Pacific for dessert in (or of) Seattle has an oriental threat to America’s stability made for such a compelling monster. As China’s centrally planned fiat economy begins to break apart in the opening week of 2016, the “experts” and “leaders” propping up the centrally planned fiat […]
Missouri bill makes a “gift” of sex between politicians and lobbyists.

How crackpot crazy has our approach to law and civil government become as “We the People” strive to have anything but the Word of God to rule over us? (See also: Porn, America, and what “rights” look like to people at war with God.) Just how nutty and desperate to “work around” the clear, detailed, […]
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Rolls Over In Bed…and what Christians oughta do about it.

Like it or not, love ’em or hate ’em, sci-fi and fantasy are important. They matter. They move minds, lives, and cultures. Thus, Christians oughta make ’em high priority targets to be “taken captive” a la 2 Corinthians 10:5, purging them of sin and purifying them in accordance with the life-giving, everything-reconciling Gospel-fueled Great Commission of King Jesus. […]
“Religion of Peace” rapes and pillages Europe…while America waits in line.

The enlightened, Progressive, and thoroughly paganized people of Europe are being forced to do a lot of things these days. For one, more and more of them are being forced to endure sexual assault at the hands of various representatives of the “Religion of Peace” (AKA Islam). For two, more and more of them – in response to […]
Porn, America, and what “rights” look like to people at war with God.

Welcome to America, where there is a “right” to porn. And of course a “right” to buy porn. And a “right” to sell porn. And a “right” to produce porn. And a “right” to divorce for any reason or no reason at all. And a “right” to “marry” anyone (and soon any number of anyones at once). And a “right” to […]
Cosby, Clinton, Trump and the Real War on Women

Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assault and abuse by scads of woman. At least some of the charges seem to be quite credible. Ditto for Bill Clinton. Yet while the former is being pummeled, pounded, defrocked and deconstructed for his hateful behavior, the latter is…well…being adored, championed, and showered with cash at every turn. This […]
What is “Mark of the Beast” economics?

“How much harder is it for a Christian to get a job or keep a job with a major American corporation than it was, say, 15 years ago? What if that Christian has taken clear, public stands in obedience to Christ and out of loving concern for the lost in accordance with the Gospel and […]
Our Unraveling Economic Fiction

With the opening economic headlines of 2016 hawking stories of market selloffs, market instability, market panic, and a general sense of economic dread, we’re well served as Christians to calmly, coolly note that these things are to be expected – and even, in a sense, welcome – as the natural and inevitable consequences of an […]
How will the Kingdom of God advance in 2016? And what role will you play in it?

Welcome to the Year of Our Lord, 2016. Now what are we gonna do about it? More specifically, how is the Kingdom of God going to advance in 2016 and what role are we gonna play – all by His grace – in making that happen? Thinking this way about time, a new year, and the Kingdom of God is […]
What is the primary goal of business? (Hint: It’s NOT what Rush Limbaugh, CNBC, and Forbes are telling us.)

What is the primary purpose and goal of business? To glorify God. Really? Yeah, really. And this doesn’t just apply to “church businesses” or “Christian book store businesses” or “missionary support businesses” or even only to “online Christian blog businesses”, for that matter. It applies to all business. The primary purpose and goal of all legitimate business and […]
Answering a question about the Enterprise (or Galactica or Millennium Falcon) to come.

Yesterday’s post (Fear Not: The Future Is Christian) revisited a topic that we just love to touch on here from time to time, that being the awesome future prepared and secured by God in which His supernaturally saved and sanctified people will learn, grow, explore, cultivate, and adventure forever unencumbered by sin in a restored creation. Well over a year […]
Pulling Things Together vs. Tearing Things Apart

Christ revives. Christ restores. Christ reconciles. Christ resurrects dead things and gives them true life. As Christians living in the West at the tail end of 2015, we tend to have little trouble accepting this beautiful truth as it applies to men’s souls. And that’s about it. When it comes to art, law, economics, business, […]
Fear Not: The Future Is Christian

One of the great things about a new Star Wars flick blowing through the land is the incredible opportunity that it gives Christians to engage, process, and clarify to a watching culture what is truly beautiful, what is truly ugly, what is truly good, what is truly bad, why it all matters and where it’s all really going from […]
Signs of the times: How we’ve been “educated” to be our children’s worst enemy.

Last week in Yes Charlie Brown, there is a satanic worldview…and it’s the foundation of American public schools, we covered a Kentucky elementary school’s omission of a particularly Christian portion of its production of A Charlie Brown Christmas and how local parents responded with the typical “shock”, “horror”, and “outrage” that we’ve all come to expect for decades now from […]
Celebrating the Conquering King (Or: Why Christmas is Cool)

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of […]
With “conservative experts” like these, who needs Darth Vader?

If you thought the proliferation of Dumb and Dumber sequels was a really bad sign for America, you oughta check out Fox News‘ endless parade of “conservative” commentators (many of whom claim to be Christian, of course). These guys (and gals) effortlessly captivate the hearts, minds, and political passions of vast numbers of professing Christians in the land, leading […]
Trump on terrorists: Kill ’em all…and their families. [Insert American “Christian” applause here]

Kill ‘Em All! It’s not just a snappy Metallica album title anymore. Now it’s effectively become the slogan of many (if not most) politically active professing Christians in America as both evidenced and inspired by the latest America Idol worship leader to tickle their ears and capture their fancy, one Mr. Donald Trump. (See: When Conservatism Trumps Christianity.) […]
Yes Charlie Brown, there is a satanic worldview…and it’s the foundation of American public schools.

If there’s one thing most “American Christians” will not tolerate, it’s the removal of Christian sprinkles from their otherwise anti-Christian worldviews and practices. Among the most glaring and impactful of these thoroughly anti-Christian practices is the willingness (and often eagerness) of professing Christians to ship off their little five-, six-, and seven-year-olds to State-run “education” systems in which […]
Being supernaturally optimistic in a naturally pessimistic world.

The past six months or so have been fairly wild and wacky here in America. It’s been a surreal, bizarre time in a decidedly Twilight Zone kind of way. Without Christ as the Anchor in this storm, it’s easy to see how a typical “good conservative” (and perhaps even professing Christian) American might have gotten concerned, alarmed, or even […]
Muslim American Judge Swears on Quran; “Christian Americans” Flip Out

America’s religious pluralism chickens are coming home to roost in a manner not witnessed since the ’63 film adaptation of Hitchcock’s The Birds. We’ve got Satanists planting monuments to Lucifer here, there, and everywhere. (See: Detroit celebrates All-American “right” to worship Satan. [insert “U! S! A!” chant here] as but one of many examples.) We’ve got witches […]
A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away…

A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away (and in every galaxy in all of creation, come to think of it)… All evil empires will have been completely vanquished and long faded from the scene… The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, […]
Is privacy too much to expect in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA?

Is privacy just too much to expect these days in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA? Why yes, of course it is! (See: Privacy is for masters. Transparency is for slaves. Welcome to “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.) What a stupid – and increasingly […]
American “conservatives” fund Planned Parenthood (again) in new budget deal.

In case you haven’t heard, a new “budget deal” has apparently been struck between the Pagan Political Right and the Pagan Political Left in Washington DC. So did we defund Planned Parenthood? Nope. Did we even reduce the public funding of Planned Parenthood? Nuh-uh. Not even a little? Nah. Not even a teeny, tiny, eensy-weensy […]
Do you have two hours a day to focus on your children?

Do you have two hours a day to focus on your children? If so, you can homeschool. That was the short and very sweet point made by a kind Christian woman who called into Stand Up for the Truth on Monday where I was the guest on that day’s show. The subject of the broadcast was children’s […]
How does the Gospel define children’s education? (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)

I’m quite happy and thankful to report that I had an awesome, cool, and productive time with the crew at Stand Up for the Truth on Monday’s show, where the topic of the day was…*drumroll*…children’s education from a Gospel-centered perspective. Woohoo! I was on for about the first 45 minutes or so and man, did we get […]
What if American Christians were half as committed to obeying Christ as they are to following the Republican Party?

Before I get into this, lemme make something plain: I love politics. I’ve been interested in politics since I can remember being able to remember. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Despite the thorough manner in which we’ve seen Christ’s creation of politics corrupted, contorted, and perverted into the slimy, steaming pile of filth that […]
When Ted Cruz wins the Republican nomination…

When Ted Cruz wins the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, let’s remember that despite the fact that he may well be a super nice guy and that his father is an impressive man in many substantial ways, Mr. Cruz is, at the end of the day, a classic American Statist deeply […]
Rosie and Wolfgang’s Big Adventure

It’s been a very challenging and a very good couple o’ weeks for the Busses. And a lot of that has to do with you who read and support Fire Breathing Christian. Over the course of the past few weeks, we’ve packed, packed, packed some more, and then moved from one rental home to another […]
The State only “keeps us safe” by “protecting us” from freedom, liberty, and privacy.

Wanna make a professing Christian in America roll their eyes and laugh out loud? Maybe even make ’em point, smirk, dismiss you as utterly disconnected from reality and accuse you of not living in “the real world”? If so, just try this: Calmly and clearly state that we as people here in “the real world” (as in: […]
Disciples of the State: 10 ways that State-run “education” is (purposefully) killing us.

I love public school kids. Teachers, too. Some of my favorite memories and most cherished relationships were born in an American public school setting. Most reading this post can probably relate to that sentiment. While we can and should be thankful for the many good and beautiful things that God allows us to experience in any […]
Why are American “Christian conservatives” so ridiculously liberal?

So why do self-described conservatives in America tend to openly (and often quite proudly) favor rank Socialistic/Marxist programs like Social Security and Public Schools? Why do they tend to automatically favor building a larger military and engaging in even more wars when we are, in a word, broke? (See yesterday’s How can a “broke” country have the […]