As if the Trump campaign wasn’t gay enough already. . .

“Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee.” That’s the tagline posted for a neat new “LGBTQ for TRUMP” shirt posted at the Trump campaign’s online shop (pictured below): I wonder how many Veep wannabe Mike Pence has ordered? Whatever the answer to that one, other answers are, by the grace of […]

The Death Of “Man” (You can’t even use the word anymore)

Right about a year ago in a post titled Murdered language, murdered babies, and how one leads to the other, we addressed the manner in which the purposeful perversion of language plays a vital role in both initiating and perpetuating the decline of a culture into ultimately terminal darkness. In chronicling more recent steps being taken in […]

Gay Old Party: How The GOP Is Trading Christians For Homosexuals

In case you haven’t noticed (and honestly, in order to miss it you have to be trying very hard to do so), the Republican Party is incredibly gay and getting more so by the minute. While we shouldn’t need much in the way of convincing on this, I thought it might be helpful to those of […]

Satanists leading invocations in American government? Sure. Why not?

Satanists leading invocations in American government? Sure. Why not? What could be more American than that? When “We the People” decided that we had the “right” to openly worship any god we like, then this what the real God was sure to give us in return. Put another way: He’s given us what we want. “We the […]

What Do Paganized Conservatives Mean By “Respect For The Law”?

“We must respect the law!” We hear this all the time, especially in election years, and most loudly from self-identified conservatives in America. But what does it mean? What do these “conservatives” mean when they say something like “we must respect the law”? Well, what they usually mean is this: The American State must be respected and obeyed as […]

The Simple Reason Christians Must Oppose Public Schools

Jesus Christ is the essential core of children’s education…or He is not. There is no “middle ground” or third option where essential cores are concerned. Either they are essential and core, or they are not. Either Christ is the essential core of the pursuit of knowledge (also known as “education”) where the formation of young, […]

A simple, foolproof solution to the 501(c)(3) church problem.

For American churches experiencing some angst over what to do about preserving their precious State-sanctioned 501(c)(3) status, I respectfully offer for your consideration this simple, foolproof, and utterly biblical solution to the 501(c)(3) problem: Stop licensing/regulating church speech in accordance with standards imposed by the American State. Stop encouraging the ludicrous and dangerous notion that the State […]

The one (and only) way to save marriage and family in America (or anywhere else).

God raised up Pharaoh purposefully, as He has raised every God-hating tyrant and wannabe persecutor of His people throughout His creation of history. Likewise, God raises up plagues, wolves, adversities and adversaries of all sorts so that His nature might be revealed, His name might be glorified, and His people might be purified and strengthened through […]

How Christians Help America Enslave People, Families And Churches

When God ordained and defined the realms of self government, family government, church government and civil government, He wasn’t playing around. He was serious. Lovingly serious, as always. God created and has sufficiently revealed the roles, responsibilities and limitations of each of these spheres of governmental influence so that we might know how things work in His […]

What if persecution is exactly what American Christianity needs?

As we draw closer to Election Day in America, we are predictably being encouraged to fear anything and everything but God so that we might then spin, rationalize, and fabricate all manner of imaginary cover to justify our supporting this year’s incarnation of “the lesser evil”, so that said evil might take us down the path to cultural implosion and […]

America Names New Warship After Gay Rapist Harvey Milk

How evil is America? How vulgar, vile, and openly at war with the God of creation have “We the People” become? While most Americans (especially most self-identified “conservative Christians”) are desperately anxious to avoid such questions, for those of us interested in dealing seriously with these important things, a great (and readily available) place to […]

What happens after Trump thumps Hillary in November?

For whatever my thoughts on such things are worth (which is probably somewhere between very little and absolutely nothing), I’ve been suspecting for a while now that Trump is probably gonna win this thing pretty big in November. If pressed for a guesstimate, I’d say The Donald will likely have the biggest blowout win since the […]

What The Republican Convention Taught Us About Christian Prostitution

For all of my adult life, and much of my pre-adult life, I’ve been very interested in politics. For most of my Christian adult life, I was a proud member of what I’d now describe as the Rush Limbaugh conservative camp and an ardent adherent of “lesser of two evils” political philosophy. Then, by the grace […]

Filling The Great Commission Vacuum, Republican (And Democrat) Style

What do you do with a Great Commission sized vacuum? How do you fill a Great Commission shaped void? In America, the answer seems to be easy: You replace the Gospel-fueled Great Commission with the America-centered religion of American Statism. This America-centered religion is indeed a “big tent” operation, with a wide variety of expressions and flavors. […]

Republicans, Washington DC, And One Ring To Rule Us All

Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? Can the intrusion of civil government into realms and areas of life beyond its very narrow, very small, God-ordained jurisdiction ever be expected to yield more help than damage or more good than evil in the culture upon which it […]

7 Things Christians Should Look For At The Republican Convention

Is more money what we need to save us? Maybe better corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs paying more Federal Reserve-printed Monopoly money? Or better State-run Temples of anti-Christian children’s education? Or maybe a bigger military and a more empowered police state to “keep us safe”? Are these the things that we need to “Make […]

Conservatives Champion Trump As “Most Pro-Gay Candidate In American Electoral History”

Well, it’s that time again…Republican Party National Convention time! Ah yes, you can just feel the excitement…and taste the desperation. Few things convey our culture’s proud, arrogant, defiant devotion to pride over repentance as loudly and as clearly as national level Republican Party politics, and as the great American slide into darkness picks up steam, the […]

Foundations are the beginning, not the end. (So can we please get on with building something already?)

Countless ministries, organizations, churches and Christian business are dedicated to laying (or restoring) a firm foundation in what Hebrews 5 describes as “the elementary doctrines of Christ”. The nature of God. The nature of man. The fact of sin and the necessity of repentance, submission, and salvation. The sovereignty of God. These “elementary doctrines” are obviously important. They’re […]

Milk, Meat, Maturity, and Grace (Hell Razer Report Podcast Episode 13)

In this installment of The Hell Razer Report, we consider the need to move beyond “the elementary things of Christ” (like TULIP) and on to maturity and depth so that we might actually build something of significance upon the perfect foundation laid for us. You can listen to the podcast by clicking here. Thank you […]

Some Thoughts On Satanic Conservatism

How long has paganized “conservatism”, often as wielded by the Republican Party in America, been actively escorting the culture to hell as the Left’s wingman? How long has secular “conservatism” been conceding point after point after point while marching its followers into the tyranny of American statism? At least for 150 years. Oh sure, the […]

The War For Independence…From Washington DC

It’s the fourth of July in America, and there’s something heavy in the air. Something both serious and surreal at the same time. It’s creepy and unnerving to some. Depressing and downright terrifying to others. And it’s getting a thicker with each passing year. Ideas, propaganda, hard realities, and desperate spin are ramping up all […]

America: Love Him or leave it!

‘Merica! Love it or leave it! How many times have you heard that one? More specifically, how many times have you heard some version of that line in response to any serious biblical testing of America in light of Scripture, however reasonable and respectful said testing may be? While there are definitely contexts in which a […]

10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For

What with all the political posturing and campaigning kicking into high gear heading into the 4th of July of a presidential election year, it seems like a good time to take an honest, sober look at what the US flag actually represents right here and now in reality on planet earth, as opposed to what we […]

5 Beautiful Things About Brexit

Well whaddaya know? Something very big and very awesome just happened. To the great shock and disappointment of millions and millions of globalists, elitists, and dispensationalists across the globe, and in spite of all the fear-mongering, political pessimism, late-breaking polling data, and a general expectation of failure by many Christians enmeshed in a Left Behind […]

Profit And Profitability In The Kingdom Of God

One of the most debilitating fictions embraced by many professing Christians is the notion that wealth, profit, or the pursuit of wealth and profit are somehow inherently evil. This profoundly unbiblical notion has done much to clear the way for realms of business and economics to be overrun and dominated by anti-Christian worldviews, which then in turn employ the […]

Precious Snowflake Syndrome

Ours is a culture increasingly defined by flakes. Precious Snowflakes. These Precious Snowflakes are all around us. They dominate our public schools, our government institutions, our corporate owned media, our fiat currency fueled economy, and even most of our self-described “conservative, Bible-preaching” churches. And they’re killing us. Ever so softly and nicely, with warm smiles and hugs, they’re doing […]

No, Uncle Scam. You cannot have our daughters.

Who owns you? Do you own you? Or does the American State own you? Put another way: Are you free? Or are you the property  – the slave – of the State? From the American State’s perspective, there’s little doubt as to the answer: You no more own yourself than you can actually own a […]

Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And why that’s a beautiful thing)

Let’s start with some good news: It’s just a matter of time before Washington DC ceases to control the people living in what we now call America. One day soon there will be no more DC-centered power. One day soon there will be no pledges taken to the indivisible power of a DC-centered political beast. The time of […]

How One Inevitable (And Fast-Approaching) Tech Will Radically Change Our World

Believe it or not, things are getting better. Much better. All the time. Things are getting much better in many ways, yet we’re not inclined to notice ’em because of so many other things getting so much worse so quickly. And let’s face it: We’re much more inclined to dwell on the negative – the disaster […]

How God’s Gift Of Technology Is Forcing Us To Think And Grow Biblically

Another day, another news story reporting on how automation is about to replace large numbers of human workers. Along with this comes the predictable combo of unbiblical joy and unbiblical fear – unbiblical joy in that those ridiculous McWorkers campaigning for fifteen bucks an hour are about to be replaced by R2-D2, and unbiblical fear that […]

The End Times (Christian Satire) May Article List

Howdy and happy Memorial Day weekend! With May drawing to a close, it is time once again to share a list of articles from The End Times, our recently launched Christian satire site. So far, things are rolling along quite nicely. We’re very thankful for the mountain of encouraging feedback, prayers and support you’ve given us as […]

Our Gospel-Fueled Optimism

Howsabout this as cause for optimism: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . ~ Genesis 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not […]

Are we really free? Are we really brave? Do we even want to know?

Here we are in late May of 2016, and since asking the question “Are we really free?” in last year’s Memorial Weekend post, we’ve witnessed some truly amazing developments in a still very proud and still very much unrepentant America, including: ObamaCare has been validated by a Republican Supreme Court. The advance of even more Socialism […]

Clinton vs. Trump and American Christians vs. God

If Batman vs. Superman was bad (and it definitely was), then how should we categorize the ongoing barrage of teaser trailers for Clinton vs. Trump? How concerned should we be that fellow Christians seem to be once again falling right into the “Must Support The Lesser Evil” line? How alarmed should we be that American Christians seem to […]

America’s Increasingly Sensual Temples Of Statism (AKA “Public Schools”)

So what’s a typical American response to news that a high school girl was filmed having sex with 24-ish high school football players in a high school bathroom? “I trust [the school district] to take care of it.” and “I really do think that that is their job and they will take care of it.” It’s “their job”. It’s […]

How’s that “lesser of two evils” sewage tasting now?

While we may be tempted to feel all dirty, discouraged and downright icky at the prospect of America (led by American evangelicals) choosing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as this cycle’s left and right halves of the two-headed dragon that’s dragging what’s left of the culture to hell, it’s important to remember that there is much good that will – and […]

How fast can the U.S. fall? Consider the U.S.S.R.

Why are we so prone to make an idol out of the State? Why are we so inclined to embrace the State as our ultimate provider and sustainer here in “the real world”? Why are we so automatically and unconsciously disposed to make the State our God in practice? The religion and worldview of Statism has been […]

“How Prince practiced what Christians pretend to believe.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we consider the impact of the recently deceased pop culture icon Prince and how he embraced the application of his worldview in all that he did, including his art. We contrast Prince’s appreciation and application of a comprehensive (satanic) worldview with the lack of such comprehensive application by most professing […]

Trumpanomics 101: Just print more “money”!

So how does the increasingly Orwellian American Welfare/Warfare State seemingly manage to go on and on suspending the God-ordained laws of economics? How do we seem to hear more and more talk about how we’re “broke”, “out of money”, “deep in debt” and the like year after year while government power and programs only grow, grow, […]

7 Things God Is Using Trump To Teach America

  Thank God for Donald Trump! Yes, really. In The Donald’s ascendancy we are being graced with so much more clarity than we could ever have expected where our pride, unrepentance, and desperate condition as a people are concerned. God is indeed doing something “absolutely amazing” through Trump. So as we wade through the wails and […]

The End Times (Christian Satire) April Article List

Howdy All, The time has come for a monthly update on The End Times, our recently launched Christian satire site. Here’s a list of most of the articles that were run over at The End Times in April: Sauron To Seek GOP Nomination For Overlord Of Middle Earth Trump “Tells It Like It Is”, According To Millions Of […]

Prince was right about one big thing: Everything is spiritual.

Prince seemed to understand and appreciate one vital worldview forming fundamental in a way that is vigorously (and you might say religiously) avoided by most professing Christians permeating the culture that he reshaped and molded through his decidedly anti-Christ approach to music. Everything is theological. Everything is spiritual. Music is a vehicle for spirituality. It is a medium for the expression of […]

“Andrew Jackson, Harriet Tubman, and why arguing over Monopoly Money portraits is REALLY dumb.” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Hell Razer Report, we explore the nature of America’s fiat economic construct in light of Proverbs 11:1 while encouraging Christians not to buy into the comical distractions being offered up where Andrew Jackson and Harriet Tubman are concerned. You can access this episode of The Hellrazer Report podcast by clicking here. Thank […]

“Real Men Don’t Tweet…Or Do They?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this episode of The Hellrazer Report podcast, we tackle recent news regarding North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” and the backlash it inspired from companies like Apple and PayPal. In this context, we consider how Christians are to interact with the products and services of top tier technology companies, particularly when those companies are run by people at war with the Kingdom […]

America’s Ongoing Black Mass: Satanists To Openly Worship In The Heartland (Again)

So, according to numerous reports, Satanists are openly advertising and planning (yet another) Black Mass in America, this time in the heartland state of Oklahoma. Before we get into the particulars of this installment of Black Mass Over America, let’s take a step back and get some perspective… A long time ago, in a galaxy not […]

Utah, Porn, and America’s imagined “freedom” to do evil.

On the plus side: Utah has declared pornography to be “a public health crisis”. On the not-so-plus side: America (Utah included) has declared and continues to declare the production, sale and purchase of porn to be a “God-given right” and “freedom” which must be vigorously protected by the full force and power of the American […]

Captain Picard/Professor X Goes Drag Queen

Well, at least Patrick Stewart wasn’t seen in public holding a Bible and taking a stand for its detailed application in the arts…or business…or law, civil government or anything else. That would be unforgivable. That could not be tolerated. That would have to be punished. But dress in full drag to promote a TV show? Oh yeah, that’s […]

What does a satanic approach to religious liberty get you? (Hint: America)

Right now, before our unbelieving eyes, whether we want to see it or not or whether we understand what we’re seeing or not, the one true God is crushing the world’s greatest advocate for a satanic approach to liberty under His heel. God is grinding America into dust. Put another way: America is breaking itself to pieces […]

Transgender Baptist Preachers: The Fruit of America’s Increasingly Gay Gospel

So now we have America’s first “transgender Baptist preacher”. Neato. Not surprising, of course, given that the typical Gospel presentation in the typical American Baptist church has been so gay and so small for so very long. Or that American “conservative Christians” have been freely feeding their children to the state for “education” in an explicitly satanic […]

How “Traditional Marriage” Helps Kill Biblical Marriage

As the culture war rages and severe (yet temporary) losses mount, the “good guys” are heard again and again to lament the bizarre, surreal, and unbelievable nature of it all. How can America be falling apart so quickly? How can the pillars of our culture and civilization be so successfully assaulted and brought to ruin in such […]

If you’re so upset that your child’s school promotes the LGBTQ ‘Day of Silence’ on Friday, why do you keep sending them there?

So here comes this year’s Day of Silence as sponsored by the anti-Christian sexual chaos crowd, which will be supported by scads (and eventually all) State-run Temples of satanic “education”, where millions and millions of little boys and girls are freely shipped by professing Christian parents each weekday for immersion in an approach to life and knowledge first pitched by the […]

Yes, everything is purposeful. And that shouldn’t necessarily make you comfortable.

Yes, everything is purposeful. And that shouldn’t necessarily make us all comfortable. It is certainly true that everything – every thought, act, consequence and benefit to ever occur anywhere at any time in God’s creation – is perfectly ordained by Him to accomplish His purposes. There is not, as RC Sproul is known for saying, […]

Clinton, Sanders, Trump, Cruz, and why “the numbers” will NEVER add up.

In America, the dollar literally trumps reality. At least for now, until it inevitably comes crashing down under the unbreakable laws of economics as authored, defined and sustained by God. In America, those atop the satanic fiat economic construct can literally create out of thin air however many dollars they need to do, fund, or bail […]

The End Times Recent Article List (Please Share)

For those of you who enjoy satire, here’s a list of recent articles posted at our new Christian satire site, The End Times: Cult Leader Hands Out Wrong Kool-Aid At Picnic, Has To Start Cult Over From Scratch In Desperate Last Ditch Effort To Destroy Ted Cruz Campaign, Jeb Bush Endorses Ted Cruz For President […]

Fire Breathing Christian, Mark II (Revised site is now up and running)

Hello again All, I want to touch base as promised to report that the revamped FBC site is now up and running, at least at a basic level. There’s still a whole lot of polishing and arranging to do, but the new site is up and should be running smoothly. I still have a lot to do […]

A Christian Response to Russell Moore’s “Pro-Life” Movement

  For those of us still blaming “The Democrats” or “The Liberals” or “The Gays” or “The Progressives” for the already advanced and rapidly accelerating state of darkness and decay in our culture, we need to understand one critical and increasingly obvious fact while there’s still time: It is “conservatives” who claim to be Christians yet reject the Word of […]

“Building Bridges and Razing Hell Through The End Times” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

In this week’s installment of The Hellrazer Report podcast, we encourage believers to seek and seize opportunities to advance the Kingdom of God wherever those opportunities may lie…even (and especially) when they’re not in our preferred areas (or comfort zones) and even when they don’t seem to “fit into our schedule”. In other words: Be careful what you […]

America Seeks To Reform Criminals By Giving Them Free Money

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether to run a story here at Fire Breathing Christian or over at our new satire site, The End Times, instead. This is one of those times. As the tragi-comedic nightmare of our fiat economic construct runs its course, we are going to see more and more inane and insane […]

Risen. Ruling. Right now.

Jesus is risen. Jesus is King. Right now. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him and even at this very moment He is in the process of resurrecting and reconciling all of His creation to Himself through the power of His Gospel. This reality defines all of life and creation. Back […]

Making All Things New vs. “Making America Great Again!”

As we wade through another season of Corporate/State-sponsored American Political Puppet Theater steeped in the predictable fear- and emotion-based unbiblical “solutions” offered up this time by the likes of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, it’s important that we keep our eyes on the prize, our hands on the wheel, and our minds focused […]